四年级(上)《 Unit 3 Are you happy》教学设计表.doc

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1、四年级(上) Unit 3 Are you happy?教学设计表学科(版本)小学英语(上海牛津)课程名称Unit 3 Are you happy?学时第一课时年级 四年级教材分析本课内容选自上海教育出版社英语四年级上册,是一节对话课。主要围绕表示感受、情绪的形容词happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, tired, full 开展教学活动。要求学生会使用主要句型进行自由交际。学习者分析四年级学生处于中年级阶段,教学内容的设计以生动活泼,以学生易于接受和运用为主导思想。同时四年级学生对表达自己的感受方面的知识已有一定的基础,学习积极性很浓,具有探索新知的欲望。同时他们可以根据

2、自己的需要提出问题和要求。教学目标语言知识目标:能听、说、读、写本课单词:happy hungry thirsty tired full sad能够运用句型Im . Are you? 进行自由交际。语言能力目标:能够运用句型 Im . Are you? 进行自由表达。并能拓展对话的语言环境。情感、策略和文化目标:培养学生学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极合作.教学重点难点以及措施教学重点:本课中目标句型的运用和单词教学难点:代词one和ones在句中的正确应用措施: 通过对话操练解决教学重难点教学环境教学环节教学内容活动设计活动目标媒体使用及分析Warming up1. GreetingT: Hello,

3、 boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher. 2. IntroductionT: Lets enjoy an English song.Free talkSing an English song师生共同演唱歌曲,使学生尽快进入到英语学习的状态中。可以呈现生动形象的图片和视频等,为顺利开展教学提供帮助。PresentationTeach new text Role playNew words teaching1. T: I am happy. Are you happy?S1: Yes, I am happy.T: I know Kitty is happy. But

4、Ben is not happy. He is sad. Sad means not happy. 2. T: Do you know why Ben is sad? Please open your books. Can you find out the answer? Please look at Picture 1. S1: Because his bike is broken. T: Lets listen to the story.播放课文光盘Ss follow the CD.T: I have some questions . Please answer. A Why is Kit

5、ty happy? B In Picture 2, are they happy? How do they feel? C In Picture 3 are they happy? D In Picture 4 is Ben hungry? Choose some able Ss to answer the questions. And teach the new words at the same time. Give Ss some time to repare for role-playChoose some able Ss to act the dialogue in the fron

6、t跟读课文,体会英文地道的语音语调小组表演,给予学生口语表达的机会的同时培养学生的合作意识PracticeDo some practice1. Match Show some words and pictures Ss match them in the front2. Find out the wormsShow some pictures of apples , there are worms on them .Ss look for the worms names.3. Count the words. Show many words together . Ss find out how

7、 many happy, full and thirsty one by one.4. Words. Put the letters in the right order.5. Play a game in the Page 11.6. Do some exercises巩固练习运用白板的自由拖拽功能让学生词图配对,可以帮助学生复习新授单词。运用放大镜功能帮助学生复习新授单词的同时增加娱乐性,使单词学习不枯燥,环节学习紧张感。运用幕布功能巩固新单词的练习。用刮奖刷功能省去了提前准备教具的时间。用刮奖刷功能同样可以达到练习的效果。运用书写功能让学生在白板上自由书写,方便了老师讲解练习题,省去了反复擦黑板的步骤。Summary SummaryAsk Ss to summarise the main sentences in the lesson.Sing the song If you are happy与学生一起归纳总结本科主要内容,培养学生归纳能力


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