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1、2021年山东济宁中考英语试题答案及听力录音济宁市2一6年下中段教校招死测验英语试题参考问案及评分尺度第I卷(取舍题共55分)(一)问案:15 ACABC 610 CACCB 1115 ABBAC 1620 BDABC2125 ADCAD 2630 CBCCB 3135 AABCD 3640 DCCAC4145 BABAB 4647 AD(2)评分辩明:1第I卷为取舍题,合计55分。2131小题,每一小题1分,计31分;3247小题,每一小题1.5分,计24分。第卷(非取舍题共45分)4、听力挖词(共5小题,计5分)(一)问案:1. welcome2. 9:303. 2nd/second4.

2、labs5. meeting(2)评分辩明:本题合计5分,每一小题1分。5、单词拼写取使用(共8小题,计8分)(一)问案:1. high2. west3. weight4. sleep5. quiet6. discuss7. clearly8. introduction (2)评分辩明:1本题合计8分,每一小题1分。2虽取问案没有符,但只有单词拼写准确,句意以及语法皆无同伴,也可给分。3如有拼写同伴,该词没有给分。4若写了两种以上(露两种)的情势,即便个中一种是对于的,也没有给分。6、动词使用(共7小题,计7分)(一)问案:1. are talking2. will be3. can play

3、4. fell5. has, had6. wanting7. believes(2)评分辩明:1本题合计7分,每一小题1分。2虽所用动词情势取问案没有同,但依据高低文,语法、意思皆能讲通,也可给分。3虽所历时态准确,但所挖单词有拼写同伴,可给0.5分。7、浏览抒发(共5小题,计10分)(一)问案:1. Because he wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly.2. No, they didnt.3. He thought they were all right, but they had seen only one

4、season in the trees life./ He thought each of his sons had just explained one season of the tree.4. 勿为临时(一季)的疼痛而损坏了一切的(别的季候的)悲乐。5. Four Seasons of a Tree/ Dont judge a life/person/tree by one season.(2)评分辩明:1本题合计10分,每一小题2分。21-3小题:能回覆所给成绩,字数切合请求,且无语法同伴,都可给2分;虽字数切合请求,但所给问案没有完全,可给1分。3. 第4小题:意义准确,语句畅通,可

5、给2分;虽意义准确,但抒发没有切合汉语习性,可给1分。4. 第5小题:能齐里归纳综合大旨年夜意,虽取问案没有完整分歧,也可给2分;所写标题只涵盖了全体大旨年夜意,可给1分。8、写做(共1小题,计15分)(一)One possible version: (104 words)Dear Tom,Im very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese stories. Well, let me tell you a famous one with the name “Sima Guang hit the tank”.Once Sima

6、 Guang was playing hide and seek with several children in the backyard. There was a large water tank in the yard. It was full of water. When the kids were playing, one child accidentally fell into the tank. Other children were so frightened that they started to run, crying for help. However, Sima Gu

7、ang was different. He thought it over and then had an idea. He picked up a big stone and threw it at the tank. Bang!, the tank broke and the water ran out. The kid was saved.Do you like the story? What do you think of Sima Guang?I am looking forward to hearing from you.Li Mei(2)评分辩明:评分时,可依据内容以及言语抒发等

8、圆里分为4个品位:济宁市2一6年下中段教校招死测验英语听力测试(20秒摆布沉快的音乐)那是济宁市2一6年下中段教校招死测验英语听力全体。该全体包含听力取舍以及听力挖词两全体。个中,听力取舍露有3个年夜题。注重:做题时,请先将问案标正在试卷的响应地位。该全体灌音内容停止后,您将有2分钟的光阴将您的问案转涂到主观题问题卡上。如今是听力试音光阴。(停3秒)M: What are you going to do this weekend, Jane?W: Well, Im not sure.M: What about a picnic on East Hill?W: Sounds good .Uh,

9、do you want me to drive this time?M: No, Ill drive. I wont drive too fast! I promise.W: OK. So Ill buy some sandwiches and fruits and potato salad.M: Ah, potato salad is my favorite! Anything else?W: Uh, could you bring your beach chairs?M: All right. And .Ill bring my beach umbrella.W: Great. And i

10、f you like, Ill call you in the morning.试音到此停止。听力测验正式入手下手。如今,请瞧听力取舍全体。(停3秒)第一题、请听灌音中5个句子。从上面所给的A、B、C3幅图片中,选出取句子内容符合的图片。听完每一个句子后,您皆有10秒钟的光阴去做相干小题以及浏览下一小题。每一个句子仅读一遍。(停5秒)灌音请求:各小题间停10秒。W: No.1. Look, sir. No photos, please. (停10秒)M: No.2. You know, Sunday is the first day of the week. (停10秒)W: No.3. So

11、mething is wrong with the boys knee. (停10秒)M: No.4. Ann couldnt help crying when she saw the film.(停10秒)W: No.5. Americans usually shake hands with each other when they first meet. (停10秒)第2题、请听灌音中5组短对于话。每一组对于话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C3个选项中,选出能回覆所给成绩的最好问案。听完每一组对于话后,您皆有10秒钟的光阴去做相干小题以及浏览下一小题。每一组对于话读两遍。灌音请求:第一

12、遍以及第2遍之间停3秒。各小题间停10秒。No. 6. M: Excuse me, Sally. May I use your ping-pong bat?W: Sorry, Peter. I have just lent it to Linda.No. 7. W: Could I take your order, sir?M: Oh, yes. A cup of coffee.W: OK, but would you like something to eat, like chicken or a sandwich?M: No, thanks.No. 8. M: Sally! You can

13、t wear those old jeans to the party! Wheres your pretty red dress?W: Its dirty.M: Well, what about your nice green skirt?W: Okay, Ill change my clothes.No. 9. M: Hi, Kate. My sister and I will go to the concert this evening. Will you come with us?W: Id love to, but I havent bought a ticket.M: Well,

14、I won three in that competition at school!W: So lucky! Thank you!No. 10. M: Right, class. Therere some changes in your exam time list. Your math exam will be changed to the next day.W: You mean the 18th?M: Yes. And the exam will start and end one hour earlier.第3题、请听灌音中两段较少的对于话。每一段对于话后有多少个小题,从题中所给的A、

15、B、C3个选项中,选出能回覆所给成绩的最好问案。每一段对于话读两遍。(停3秒)听第一段较少的对于话,实现第11以及第12两个小题。如今,您有10秒钟的光阴浏览那两个小题。(停15秒)灌音请求:第一遍以及第2遍之间停3秒;读完第2遍后,停15秒。W: Morning, Bob. Late again?M: Oh, Im so sorry. I cant tell you how sorry I am.W: Hmm, whats the excuse this time?M: Er, I must have turned the clock off and gone back to sleep a

16、gain. IW: Yeah, and last week you said your sister wasnt well.M: Yes, I know.W: Um.M: Im really sorry. I promise it wont happen again.听第2段较少的对于话,实现第13至第153个小题。如今,您有15秒钟的光阴浏览那3个小题。(停15秒)M: Excuse me, madam.W: Yes. What can I do for you?M: Ive lost my backpack in the waiting room. Could you help me to

17、 find it?W: Of course. Please tell me something about it so that I can take notes.M: Its black. And there are a few history books and papers in it.W: Oh, yes. Whats your name?M: Bill Nunan.W: And your telephone number? Thats very important for us.M: Its 36879014.W: All right, sir. Well call you as s

18、oon as possible if we have found your missing backpack. OK?M: Thank you very much, madam.W: Youre welcome.灌音请求:第一遍以及第2遍之间停3秒;读完第2遍后,停10秒。请同砚们翻到第8页,寻到第卷第4年夜题,持续做听力挖词题。(停10秒)第4年夜题、听力挖词:请听上面一段独黑。依据所听到的内容,写出能够挖进下表1-5空格处的得当单词,每一空限挖一词。听前,您将有30秒钟的光阴,浏览表格中的相干疑息;听完后,您将有30秒钟的做问光阴。灌音读两遍。(停30秒)Dear boys and gir

19、ls,Welcome to Sidney Lanier Middle School. Thank you for choosing our school and for joining the happy family. We have prepared some activities for you and we hope you will like them.At 9:00 am, our headmaster will give a welcome speech. This will be in the school hall. Following the speech, its the

20、 visit to the exhibition at 9:30. There you can see the proud history of our school and our achievements in the field of education. The exhibition is on the 2nd floor of the office building.Then well guide you to the science building to visit the science labs at 10:20. There you can see the subjects that new students will be studying. At 11:00, all our teachers and student leaders will answer your questions in the meeting room. We are so happy that you could be with us today.Thank you!(停30秒)听力测试到此停止,请将问案涂写到问题卡的响应地位,而后持续做其余标题。


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