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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料及译文姓 名 : 准考证号 : 专 业 : 项目管理 助学单位 : Risk management in the project management statusRisk management plays an important role in the project management system. The developed countries take risk management and object control as two basic project management. After our country joins WTO, fully

2、in line with the international rules of all walks of life, the increasingly fierce competition, competitors change from a purely domestic enterprises to have advanced technology, standardized management and abundant capital international enterprises. At the same time, the development of science and

3、technology and the changes of internal and external environment of the project, the project involves the uncertainty is increasing, the risk is also growing, the resulting risk loss is also more and more heavy. Therefore, risk management and control of project has become an important topic. In recen

4、t years, the research on the risk of developing, people found that the project management as a system, and its internal and external environment factors related to the influence of joint (including the cost of input resources, the quantity, the macroeconomic environment) is changing with time and th

5、e influence factors, and not all can be completely identification of early in the project life cycle. This perplexing situation makes the simple local risk management has been unable to adapt to the requirements of modern project management, this leads to the idea of a comprehensive risk management.

6、 Different from the traditional risk management, comprehensive risk management that is risk control system, dynamic, in order to reduce the uncertainty in the process of project implementation. It not only makes the managers at all levels to establish risk awareness, pay attention to the risk of pro

7、blems, take preventive measures, and the implementation of effective risk control in each stage, the project dynamic management process, forming a coherent. At present, the comprehensive risk management has become a new trend in the development of project management.目前,我国企业管理人员的风险管理意识薄弱,缺乏风险管理的人才和经验

8、,风险管理组织和制度尚不够健全。在对此进行反思的基础上应该加快全面风险管理发展的步伐。 At present, the enterprise management personnel in our country risk management awareness is weak, the lack of risk management talent and experience, risk management organization and system is not perfect. Based on this reflection should accelerate the deve

9、lopment of a comprehensive risk management steps.二、明确项目风险的来源是全面风险管理的基础 Two, clear the source of project risk is the basis for comprehensive risk management项目风险是指可能导致项目损失的不确定性。不同类型的项目有不同的风险,相同类型的项目根据其所处的环境、采用的技术等不同,其风险也是各不相同的。一般来说,项目风险分为以下四类。 Project risk is the risk that may lead to project uncertai

10、nty of loss. Different types of projects have different risk, the same types of projects according to their environment, the technology and so on, the risk is not the same. Generally speaking, the project risk is divided into the following four categories.1、技术、性能、质量方面的风险。项目采用的技术与工具是项目风险的重要来源之一。一般说来,

11、项目中采用新技术或技术创新无疑是提高项目绩效的重要手段,但这样也会带来一些问题,许多新的技术未经证实或并未被充分掌握,则会影响项目的成功。另外出于竞争的需要,往往会有提高项目产品性能、质量方面的要求,而不切实际的要求也是项目风险的来源。 Risk 1, technology, performance, quality aspects. Project technology and tools used is an important source of project risk. Generally speaking, the project adopts new technology or

12、technology innovation is an important means to improve project performance, but it also brings some problems, many new technology is unproven or has not been fully grasp, it will affect the success of the project. In addition to the competition, often there will be projects to improve product perfor

13、mance, quality requirements, and unrealistic demands is also the source of project risk.2、项目管理方面的风险。项目管理风险包括项目过程管理的方方面面,如项目计划的时间、资源分配(包括人员、设备材料)、项目质量管理、项目管理技术(流程、规范、工具等)的采用以及外包商的管理等。 2, the risk of project management. The risk of project management including project process management aspects, such

14、as the time of the project plan, the allocation of resources (including personnel, equipment and materials), project quality management, project management (process, specification, tools etc.) and the use of outsourcing management etc.3、组织方面的风险。组织风险中的一个重要的风险就是项目决策时所确定的项目范围、时间与费用之间的矛盾。项目范围、时间与费用是项目的三

15、个要素,它们之间相互制约。不合理的匹配必然导致项目执行的困难,从而产生风险。项目资源不足或资源冲突方面的风险同样不容忽视。组织中的文化氛围同样会导致一些风险的产生,如团队合作和人员激励不当导致人员离职等。 3, the organizations risk. The contradiction between the time and the cost of project scope, the decision an important risk is the risk of the project organization. The project scope, time and cost

16、 are the three elements of the project, mutual restriction between them. Unreasonable matching will inevitably lead to the project implementation difficulties, resulting in the risk. The risk in project resources or resource conflict should not be ignored. Tissue culture can also lead to some risks,

17、 such as teamwork and motivation of staff due to improper personnel turnover etc.4、项目外部的风险。项目外部风险主要是指项目的政治、经济环境的变化,包括与项目相关的政策、规章或标准的变化,组织中雇佣关系的变化,如公司并购、自然灾害等。这类风险对项目的影响和项目性质的关系较大。4, outside the project risk. External to the project risk mainly refers to change the political and economic environment,

18、 including changes in policies, regulations and standards related to the project, changes in employment relations organizations, such as mergers and acquisitions, natural disasters. The nature of this kind of project risk and projects relationship to the larger.The implementation of a comprehensive

19、risk management, to ensure that the correct and scientific project investment decision, investment decision to realize global optimization and the overall design and overall management thought, to make rational use of limited human, financial and material resources, to ensure the national economy lo

20、ng-term, sustained, stable and coordinated development, has the extremely important theory significance and practical to reduce the cost of the project, improve the project benefit.1、建立高素质项目风险管理班子,强化全员风险管理意识。项目全面风险管理的顺利实现,首要的问题就是建立高素质的项目管理班子,项目经理是项目管理班子的灵魂,其素质高低决定着工程项目的成败。因此,项目经理一定要头脑清晰、思维敏捷、能审时度势地做

21、出决策,并且具有较高的风险管理水平,保证项目的顺利实现。为了充分有效地利用风险管理,还必须将风险管理的精神深植于企业的组织文化和员工的心中,并透过一个强有力的风险管理框架,将风险管理融入企业日常的工作程序中。 1, establish team of high-quality project risk management, strengthening the consciousness of risk management. The smooth realization of a comprehensive risk management of the project, the first

22、problem is to establish the high quality project management team, the project manager is the soul of the project management team, its quality decides the success of the project. Therefore, the project manager must be a clear mind, quick thinking, can also make a decision, risk management level and h

23、igher, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. In order to make effective use of risk management, risk management must also be spirit rooted in the corporate culture of the organization and the employees mind, and through a strong risk management framework, risk management into enterpris

24、e daily work program.2、熟悉国际规则,按照国际规则办事。全球经济的一体化,中国入世的顺利实现,使得国内企业只有遵守国际规则,按国际规则办事,才能够参与到国际竞争之中。特别是在海外项目中,按照国际规则运营,可以大大降低项目中的风险。 2, familiar with international rules, act in accordance with international rules. The integration of the global economy, the smooth realization of China accession to the WTO

25、, the domestic enterprises have to comply with the international rules, according to the international rules, to participate in the international competition. Especially in the overseas projects, in accordance with the international rules of operation, can greatly reduce the risks in the project.3、掌

26、握先进项目管理软件的应用,实现工程项目风险的信息化管理。先进项目管理软件的应用,对于项目的信息沟通和协调特别重要。决策者需要提供及时、有效的项目信息,而各参与方也需要迅速地了解各自的进度,同时管理信息系统还可以减少项目信息沟通和传递的费用。 3, grasp the application of advanced project management software, realize information management of engineering project risk. The application of advanced project management softwa

27、re, for information communication and coordinate the project is particularly important. Decision makers need to provide timely, effective project information, and the participants needed to quickly understand their progress, at the same time management information system can also reduce the cost of

28、project information communication and transmission.4、合理利用金融工具分散风险。由于项目风险中不仅包含可控风险,而且存在着大量的不可控风险,所以通过合理利用金融工具(如保险等)分散风险将是趋势所在。也就是通过增加承担项目风险的相关利益人,实现降低工程项目中单位个体风险的目的。 4, the rational use of financial risk diversification tool. Because not only contains the controllable risk, project risk, and there ar

29、e many not controllable risk, so the rational use of financial instruments (such as insurance) dispersed risk will be a trend. It is by increasing the risk of undertaking the project stakeholders, in order to reduce the unit project to individual risk.5、健全风险管理的组织和制度。实施全面风险管理,需要有专门的部门,统筹安排各项相关工作,负责组织

30、、控制和实施,协调各部门之间关系。同时也要有固化为规章制度的约束,使得工作有“法”可依,有“法”必依。5, perfect the risk management organization and system. The implementation of a comprehensive risk management, need to have specialized departments, make overall arrangements for the relevant work, organize, control and implementation, coordination

31、between various departments. At the same time, also must have the cure for the regulations, making a law, law will be in.Project risk is inevitable, there is additional spending budget of construction enterprise. Therefore, the author believes that, in the budget, risk management of construction of

32、large-scale construction project, the risk reserve fund into the emergency funds. In this process, please personnel on the construction risk and uncertainty risk analysis, and sums up the existing budget, and points out several influential, high probability of occurrence, the consequences are seriou

33、s construction project risk, in cooperation with other staff to develop prevention or corresponding solutions, and then on the program evaluation, calculation the need to set aside money, into the emergency funds, to prepare for possible period of want or need, thereby reducing the risk of adverse e

34、ffects arising from.风险管理在项目管理中的地位风险管理在项目管理体系中占有重要的地位。发达国家把风险管理和目标控制看成是项目管理的两大基础。我国加入WTO后,各行各业与国际规则全面接轨,竞争日益激烈,竞争对手也由单纯的国内企业向拥有先进技术、规范管理和丰富资本的国际企业转变。同时,科技的发展和项目内外部环境的变化,使得各类项目所涉及的不确定因素日益增多,面临的风险也越来越大,由此产生的风险损失也越来越重。因此,项目的风险管理与控制成为重要的课题。 近年来,由于对风险规律研究的日益深入,人们发现项目管理作为系统而言,与其内外部环境相关联的各影响因素(包括投入资源的成本、数量,

35、宏观经济环境等)是随时间的变化而变化的,而且并非所有的影响因素都是可以在项目生命周期初期被完全识别的。这种错综复杂的局面使得简单的局部风险管理已经无法适应现代项目管理的要求,就此引出全面风险管理的思想。与传统风险管理不同,全面风险管理强调是用系统的、动态的方法进行风险控制,以减少项目实施过程中的不确定性。它不仅使各层次的管理者建立风险意识,重视风险问题,防范于未然,而且在项目的各个阶段、各个方面实施有效的风险控制,形成一个前后连贯的动态管理过程。目前,全面风险管理已成为项目管理发展的新趋势。 目前,我国企业管理人员的风险管理意识薄弱,缺乏风险管理的人才和经验,风险管理组织和制度尚不够健全。在对

36、此进行反思的基础上应该加快全面风险管理发展的步伐。 二、明确项目风险的来源是全面风险管理的基础 项目风险是指可能导致项目损失的不确定性。不同类型的项目有不同的风险,相同类型的项目根据其所处的环境、采用的技术等不同,其风险也是各不相同的。一般来说,项目风险分为以下四类。 1、技术、性能、质量方面的风险。项目采用的技术与工具是项目风险的重要来源之一。一般说来,项目中采用新技术或技术创新无疑是提高项目绩效的重要手段,但这样也会带来一些问题,许多新的技术未经证实或并未被充分掌握,则会影响项目的成功。另外出于竞争的需要,往往会有提高项目产品性能、质量方面的要求,而不切实际的要求也是项目风险的来源。 2、

37、项目管理方面的风险。项目管理风险包括项目过程管理的方方面面,如项目计划的时间、资源分配(包括人员、设备材料)、项目质量管理、项目管理技术(流程、规范、工具等)的采用以及外包商的管理等。 3、组织方面的风险。组织风险中的一个重要的风险就是项目决策时所确定的项目范围、时间与费用之间的矛盾。项目范围、时间与费用是项目的三个要素,它们之间相互制约。不合理的匹配必然导致项目执行的困难,从而产生风险。项目资源不足或资源冲突方面的风险同样不容忽视。组织中的文化氛围同样会导致一些风险的产生,如团队合作和人员激励不当导致人员离职等。 4、项目外部的风险。项目外部风险主要是指项目的政治、经济环境的变化,包括与项目

38、相关的政策、规章或标准的变化,组织中雇佣关系的变化,如公司并购、自然灾害等。这类风险对项目的影响和项目性质的关系较大。实施全面风险管理,确保项目投资决策的正确性与科学性,对实现投资决策的全局优化与总体设计和总体经营思想,对合理利用有限的人力、财力和物力,对保证国民经济长期、持续、稳定协调地发展,对降低工程成本、提高工程效益具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。 1、建立高素质项目风险管理班子,强化全员风险管理意识。项目全面风险管理的顺利实现,首要的问题就是建立高素质的项目管理班子,项目经理是项目管理班子的灵魂,其素质高低决定着工程项目的成败。因此,项目经理一定要头脑清晰、思维敏捷、能审时度势地做出

39、决策,并且具有较高的风险管理水平,保证项目的顺利实现。为了充分有效地利用风险管理,还必须将风险管理的精神深植于企业的组织文化和员工的心中,并透过一个强有力的风险管理框架,将风险管理融入企业日常的工作程序中。 2、熟悉国际规则,按照国际规则办事。全球经济的一体化,中国入世的顺利实现,使得国内企业只有遵守国际规则,按国际规则办事,才能够参与到国际竞争之中。特别是在海外项目中,按照国际规则运营,可以大大降低项目中的风险。 3、掌握先进项目管理软件的应用,实现工程项目风险的信息化管理。先进项目管理软件的应用,对于项目的信息沟通和协调特别重要。决策者需要提供及时、有效的项目信息,而各参与方也需要迅速地了

40、解各自的进度,同时管理信息系统还可以减少项目信息沟通和传递的费用。 4、合理利用金融工具分散风险。由于项目风险中不仅包含可控风险,而且存在着大量的不可控风险,所以通过合理利用金融工具(如保险等)分散风险将是趋势所在。也就是通过增加承担项目风险的相关利益人,实现降低工程项目中单位个体风险的目的。 5、健全风险管理的组织和制度。实施全面风险管理,需要有专门的部门,统筹安排各项相关工作,负责组织、控制和实施,协调各部门之间关系。同时也要有固化为规章制度的约束,使得工作有“法”可依,有“法”必依。项目风险的存在是必然的,随之而来的是建筑企业相关预算的额外支出。因此,笔者认为,在大型建设项目的施工预算风险管理中,应将风险预备金纳入到应急资金当中。在此过程中,请相关人员就施工预算中存在的确定型风险和不确定型风险进行分析、总结,并指出几项影响力大、发生概率高、造成后果较为严重的建设项目风险,协同其他人员制定相应的预防或治理方案,继而就该方案进行评估,计算出其需要的预留资金,纳入到应急资金当中,以备不时之需,从而消减风险所带来的不利影响。 优秀 良好 中等 及格 不及格指导教师签字: 年 月 日


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