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1、Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Language goal 语言目标: I think teenagers should be allowed to do homework with friends . 我认为应该允许青少年和朋友一起作作业. High school students should not be allowed to work after school. 不准中学生课余(在外)工作。 Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed t

2、o drive ? each other 彼此/互相 pierce 刺穿/破 silly 愚蠢/傻的 drivers license 驾驶证 earring 耳环 spend time 花/度过时间,get her ears pierced 穿耳 wear earring戴耳环,drive 驾驶 driver 驾驶员,司机 drivers license 驾驶证,buy/choose your own clothes 买选自己的衣服,volunteer 志愿者,old peoples home 养老院,mess 混/杂乱,肮脏,newsletter 时事通信,sleepy 困倦的,不活跃的,F

3、inish the sentences,Now we have four teams, each team choose a slip from my bag. write as many sentences and reasons as you can in 3 minutes .,Difficult sentences : 1,allow “允许/准许”,常用短语, allow sb. to do allow doing . Parents allow teenagers to study in groups. 父母允许青少年成组一起学习。 Our teacher allows us to

4、 go out for a walk . 我们的老师准许我们到外面散散步。 The headmaster doesnt allow making noises outside class. 校长不允许在教室 外面吵闹。,He allows smoking here. 他允许在这儿吸烟。 被动句中为: sb. be allowed to do 某人被允许做 如: The students should be allowed to design their own uniforms. 应该允许学生们设计他们自己统一的制服。,2. sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-o

5、ld children 十六岁(的人)(名词) sixteen-year-old十六岁的 (形容词) sixteen years old 十六岁 The boy is five years old . = He is a five-year-old boy.,(足)够 enough +名词 enough people/water/time/money 形容词+enough big/tall/serious enough stop to do 停下来去干 stop doing 停止(不准)干 5. He doesnt seem to have many friends.他看起来没有很多朋友. =

6、 It seems that he doesnt have many friends. 6. He needs time to do homework. 他需要时间做作业.(不定式做定语),Game: School Rules,Which group was able to remember the most rules?,1.Now please work in groups to make up list of school rules in ten minutes.,2. Now discuss your list with your partner. Using “I agree.”

7、or “I disagree.”,8. 谈论允许和不允许: should be allowed to+动词原形 9. 表同意与不同意: I agree. 我同意/赞成. I disagree.= I dont agree. 我不赞成/同意你.,7. They talk instead of doing homework.他们谈话,没有做作业. = They dont do homework. They talk. instead of +名词/代词 +动名词(doing),Page 20. 1.a lot of =lots of 许(很)多/大量的(可/不可数名词) many (可数名词) m

8、uch (不可数名词),2.So do we. 我们家也是(有). 1)用副词 too 多用于口语,句末, 肯定句/问句. either多用于口语,句末, 否定句表 “也一样”, also 多用正式文体,句中近动词,各句型. 2)用倒装 陈述部分肯定用 “so+谓动+ 主语” 陈述部分否定用 “nor/neither+谓动+ 主语”,练习: 1)Li Ming had a good holiday, _I. 2)He can swim, _I. 3)He cant lift the box, _I. 4)I have never been to England, _my friend .,5)

9、 My friend will go abroad, _he. 6) I didnt go to school. _ he. 7) Im a teacher, _ he .,3. on school nights 在上学日的晚上 4. go to the movies 去看电影 5. but I have to be home by 10:00 pm. 但我必须(不得不)十点前回到家. by “到为止/之前” 6. go shopping 去购物,_ I am allowed to choose my own clothes, but Im not allowed to get my ears

10、 pierced yet. = Though I am allowed to choose my own clothes, _ Im not allowed to get my ears pierced . 8. stay up 不去睡, 熬夜,7. though( 虽然)与 but(但是); because(因为)与so( 所以)不能同时用在同一个句子.,Phrases on Page 21 1. get to class late 上课迟到 2. study with friends 和朋友学习 3. finish a test early 早考完试 4. fail a test =don

11、t pass a test 考试不及格 5. take a test later 过后补测 6. strict rules 严格的规矩 be strict with sb.对某人严格要求 in sth.对某事严格要求 8. miss the bus 错过班车,Phrases Page 22 1. the other day 几天前,前几天 2. talk about sth. 谈论谋事 3. have to 不得不/必须 4. look smart/clean 看起来活泼(聪明)/干净 5. would like to do 想干 sth. 想要 = want ( to do) sth. 6.

12、 concentrate on 专注于,全神贯注于 这家公司把重点放在中国北方. The company _. 7. get to doing 着手做某事 他吃完晚饭后就着手作作业.,7.be good to sb. 对某人有好处/利/益 for sth.对某事有好处/利/益 at sth. 擅长于. 8. be a good way to do 是做的好办法 9. a good idea 好主意 10. learn from each other 互相学习 at present 目前,现在 have an opportunity to do 有机会做,Answers They think t

13、he uniforms are ugly. They would like to wear their own clothes. They would like to study in groups. They think vacations should be longer. Volunteering is good experience for future job.,Self check Answers to Part 1 1.allowed finish clean up 4. choose 5. needs (at least 最/至少),Difficulties on Page 2

14、3 (Part 2): have a special day to help others. 有一个帮助别人的特别日子. take time to do sth. 花时间做某事 once a week 一周一次 twice a week /a month 一周/月两次 on Friday afternoon 在星期五下午,5. have (time) off = be on holiday 放()假 6. reply to =answer 回答 例如:They answer me .= They reply to me. 7. agree with 同意/赞成 disagree with 不同

15、意,不赞成 8. I would like to reply to the article “Helping and learning” in your last newsletter. 我愿意答复你上次时事通讯里的那篇文章 “帮助和学习”. 9.I agree with some ideas and disagree with others. 有些想法我同意,有些想法我不同意.,.The article said that students should be allowed to take time to help others. spend time helping others. I agree. Because volunteering is good experience for future jobs. It also said students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others. I disagree. The students work is mainly study. They must study hard on weekdays and volunteer on weekends. Yours, xxx,


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