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1、湛江市坡头镇中心小学林华清 身份证:440804197704030527 教育证号:4408004894 Are they fruits? Yes, they are. Are they fruits? No, they arent. They are vegetables. Today, Mike, John and Zhang Peng are at a farm(在农场). Lets go and have a look,OK? Wow! Look! Its a farm. 农场 Look, whats this? Its a carrot. carrot /: carrot cat b

2、ag hat / -What are they? 它们 -What colour are they? -_ _ orange. /ts/: carrots shorts pants skirts They are -They are carrots. So many vegetables! What are they? They are cucumbers. 黄瓜 cucumber cute number /z/: cucumbers sisters brothers teachers -What are they? -They are cucumbers. /z/ /ju:/ / -How

3、many cucumbers can you see? -I can see eight cucumbers. /: onion monkey mother some an onion / / two onions /z/: onions cucumbers potatoes tomatoes Hi ,Im Onion. 洋葱 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. -What are they? -They are onions. -What colour are they? -They are white and purple. . What ar

4、e they ? They are potatoes. Look, are they oranges? No, they arent. They are tamatoes. -Whats this? -Its a potato. -Whats this? -Its a tomato. /e/: make cake table tomato potato / /e/ / / /e/ / -What are they? -They are potatoes. -What are they? -They are tomatoes. /z/: potatoes tomatoes cucumbers onions . Dear children. Are you happy today? Yes. We are very happy. Lets read ,OK? Good idea!


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