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1、课题 Module2 Zoo Unit 1计划课时 1课时教学内容分析本单元的主要学习任务是识别动物,初步感知简单的形容词的用法和描述其特征。即学习运用What are they?Theyre monkeys. 识别动物、询问和回答多个动物(一个以上动物)并描述其特征, 教学重点放在识别动物上,使学生进一步理解名词单复数的变化及is、 are的用法。教学的关键是学生能熟练运用Whats this? Its a cat.进行单个物品的询问和回答。教学目标1、使学生能在图片的帮助下,识别有关动物的单词tiger 、lionpanda elephant monkey等,能熟练运用Whats this

2、? Its a dog. What are they?Theyre monkeys. 识别物品、询问和回答单个或多个物品。2、培养学生口头表达能力,看图描述能力,归纳总结能力。3、培养学生谈论动物话题的兴趣和合作学习意识。教学重难点教学重点:使学生能识别物品、询问和回答单个或多个物品,并描述物品的特征。教学难点:理解名词单复数的变化及is、 are的用法,能区分Whats this? What are they? Its big. Theyre big.能将所学知识进行拓展、运用。教具学具准备Tape-recorder Word-cards Pictures教学设计思路(含教法设计和学法指导)

3、本单元主要采用任务型教学模式,主要运用直接法、听说法、TPR教学法,交际法进行教学。通过直观的图片引导学生观察比较、描述、交流,培养学生口头表达能力和看图描述能力;将TPR活动与单词、句子的听说读写相结合,将抽象的语法形象化,帮助学生理解单词句子和课文,加强学生识记单词的能力;将易混淆的知识进行对比和变式练习,加深印象,帮助学生正确区分、运用所学语言;让学生拓展运用所学知识,并引导学生归纳总结,将知识纳入体系,培养归纳总结能力;将新旧知识进行对比,培养学生迁移学习能力;通过chant、儿歌等激发学生的学习兴趣。教学环节 教学内容与教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1WarmerT:Have t

4、he Ss say the chant.T:Get the Ss to look at the pictures and let them to answer the questions. e.g Whats this? Its a cat./Its an apple .Ss:Chant and do(cat bird dog panda rabbit)Ss:Look,ask and anwer. 通过复习,使学生熟练运用Whats this? Its a cat.进行单个物品的询问和回答,为下面引出新单词做准备。Step 2Look , askand answerT:Have the Ss

5、look at the pictures and get them to answer the questions. e.g Whats this?/Whats that?Its a tiger./an elephant.T:Teaches the new words . (tiger lion elephant monkey they )T:Let the Ss ask the questions and tell them to answer the questions .e.g What are they? Theyre tigers.Ss:Answer the questions.Ss

6、:Repeat the word.Ss:Look, ask and answer questions.先通过旧问题,引出新单词,在学生熟悉新单词后,再引出新问题,易于学生学习和理解、运用新知识,顺利完成迁移教学,教给学生迁移学习的方法。Step 3Listen , point andsay.T:Have the Ss Look at thebook and get them to listento the tape .T: Let the Ss circle the relevent words.T:Tell the Ss to read the text.Ss:Look and say.Ss

7、:Listen and pointSs:Point and saySs:Read the dialogue通过听指圈画认读,培养学生的听力。Step 4Look and say. T: Let the Ss look at the pictures . T:Get the Ss to describe each picture.e.g Its a tiger.Its big .Theyre monkeys . Theyre small .T:Ask the Ss to repeat the word . (tiger-tigers lion-lions elephant-elephants c

8、at-cats monkey-monkeys bird-birds) Ss:Look and say.Ss:Repeat the wordsSs:Say and do.(big small fat)通过看图描述让学生观察对比Whats this? Its a dog. What are they?Theyre monkeys. 询问和回答单个、多个物品的异同,并初步感知如何描述物品的特征;同时,在本环节中将动物动物单词进行拓展。Step 5Summary本节课我们学习了运用 Whats this? Its a dog. What are they?Theyre monkeys. 询问和回答单个

9、和多个物品. 学会识别动物和有关动物的单词。如:tiger lion elephant monkey 等。Step 6Homework1、在英语家庭作业本练习书写有动物的单词。2、背诵第模块的单词和课文。3、上网查询更多有关的单词。4、制作单词卡片。 (tiger monkey lion elephant panda )Step 7BlackboardDesign Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 Theyre monkeys.A:Whats this ? Whats that ? B:Its a tiger./an elephant. A:What are they? B:Theyre monkeys .教学反思5


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