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1、高考状语从句考点一.知识讲解考点1: 引导时间状语从句的从属连词wen,as, whi,afe, before, sine, once, ntil, til,as ona, very tim/ each im, th oment, the minute,immediatel, irel,nstanly等。.温馨提示:1be doingwhen,be abut o owhen常表示“正在突然或“正要这时”,如:I sabot to fa slephenmyister am in.I was walkng alon thtreet , whenI met。2。 wle引导的从句的谓语动词必须是延续

2、性的,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相呼应),此外,while有时还可以表示对比。如:.e rclening telasroohile heyr laying e ootbal.3Th mmen 一就 =as son s,mmediaely, 如:.-Didyu membeto gv Mr the mony you owdher?.-e, ave her the momnt Isa er.No soonr than - 一就=hardly whn如:o soonr had e arrvethan e went awyagan.考点2:引导地点状语从句的从属连词where, whereve

3、r,等.Whee 在地方 如: Puth michere ou a aly ei。.here herei will, her is a wa.hrer - 无论哪里 如: e followsher whrver he goes。.考点3: 引导原因状语从句的从属连词because,ice, s, no tht,inat, for等.1.ecase 因为, 如:Mr Smithas ery pse bcuse heculdt find his lugae.2As 因为, 通常放在句首,如:s he is onestand modest, llhifriend likeim.3Since -语气较

4、弱, 常译为既然, 如:Snce theursr idnt tel us whato do, we cn relax。.4.Now tha - 既然, 如:Now tt yarehere,yu cnonus。.or -语气最弱,不放句首,表补充说明,如:eground was et, o i raie yester。.考点4:引导让步状语从句的从属连词altuh, though, even if, ven thoh, a, hetheor, n mtter wat/ho/ow/when, watever, whov, oever, whenever等。.1.Althouh, hoh -虽然;a

5、thugh 常放在句首。thugh可以用于倒装。如:.Altougt was rinig, the lan maagedtoake off。 .Cild thogh he as, he d uite ll。As尽管; as 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装.可与hoh 互换。如:Busys he i, hnevr ise a foobal mat3。Even if /vn thg 即使 如:Een if you ont lik your bss, ou shold d our ork.4。Howev - 不论, eer 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装。如:He clt gethere o t

6、im oweer ast he do。.No e (wat, when, where,how) -无论(什么,何时,何地,怎样)如:.Theld an wouldntblieve aything no atter wht yo said.6.While -尽管如: Wilehav ympahy fr you, I cant hlp u.7.Whther-不管,常与or not 连用;如Wheher his idea irctca rnot, we pans to adop it。.考点5: 引导条件状语从句的从属连词if, uness,as ng a, long a, on condion t

7、ha, spose, supposin等。.If - 如果; 如: If y dot hury up, u will mis the plae.2.Uness-除非=if not;如:We cat ttheren tim unessw ook the arlet lgh .3。s longas-只要; 如: Wewlsucceed long as e ep on tryng.4Incas- 假使, 如果; 如: T pane cnnot a off incase it ais。.5.rovide tat如果,有时省略 tat 如:Thelanwil be n good cnition rovi

8、ded that itis takencre of ceflly.。On condition hat - 条件是 如:H sai hat he wouldcme tothe meting oncnditio tatno o sked ioseak.考点6: 引导结果状语从句的从属连词o that , o that, schta等。1S that 太以至于, so后面应用形容词或副词;如:The fiht scheduledsearly tanbodwatedtolookont。. Sc that太以至于, 用法与sha相同,但such 后面应用名词。如:.e foreignvisitrwas

9、suchfaspeaer tat od could dersan hi.考点: 引导目的状语从句的从属连词s that,in rdertht,for a th,incae等。1。(o) tht 以便, 从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:c, culd, may, ight, hold等 .Lestake the ront eat(so) hawemayeemocearly。.inoe tt - 为了, 与otat相同,从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:can, could, ma, might, shou等 。如:.Scol was closed rly n order that the chil

10、ren gtohom headof te om。 .3.forfeahat-生怕; 为了防止; 如:Hok e name dwn or ear thaheshldforgett. .4。se -万一 如: ttertakeore clothes in case he weaher i cold. .考点: 引导比较状语从句的从属连词as, not aas,not so, thn等。1.Asas -像一样如:If you o ntto msthfigt, you need o be at theairport s earlyas pse。.2。Not o(as)s - 不像 如:The jobi

11、not odificuls thuht i would b。.考点9: 引导方式状语从句的从属连词 (jt ), asi , as though等。1.as -与一样, 如: D in Rom asthe Roans 。.as if,as though - 仿佛, 由 if或sthog引导的从句中可用虚拟语气 如:.She sood t hedor asif (s thoug) she wr waiingfor someone。 . 二、例题精析【例题1】Beaus of theeay trafic, it was lady time for lnch rek_ e got tohr offc

12、。.sin B。 that C. h D。 uil .【例题】 hee osays an porant pt noffernghp_thee ae humn sferigs。.whover Bhoeer . whtever D。 erever.【例题】M prs dot inat ob Id_Iamppy.eve though B. sonas C.aslongas a thoh.【例题】-Some hinese udn fid fficultto understd natve speaers when in Lono.Exactly,_ teye eared a lt ot grammara

13、nd nown ay wods。.A if only B.ntat C。 as i D.even if.【例题】The weah was_ld tatI dint eto leve my room。.really uch C. too D。 s.【例题6】I is niht nw,_the birds are sngn.bcaus B. sinc s .f三、课堂练习_Joh wa wathing TV, hiweas ooking.A. A B. As sona 。 While 。 Tll.2. eer wassoexitd_hereeie initationfom is frien to

14、visi hongi.A。wer B ta . h Dh.。Ddyou retur s ?I didn eed to_ Ileehi torow.A。though B。 nless C. wh D。beause. 4。_you ha come, you must no go away sosoon.A B. ow tht C。 Beause S ta.5.h showed s the ole daneirs, ten brke it down_e couldern it mre esi。.unes B s tha C evn touh D. uni.e ws butogo bed_h hear

15、 strng nose。.A.hie B. as C befe D。 whn.7.No soner d Iarrived om_itbegan to rin.A.when wile 。 as 。han.8P usi i such an import ar o ocity_itasevnfluence ur lnguage.。as . tht .which D。where.9。ont kow the shool will prvide s ih evryhing, r bedshees inkingcup?.-Yes。 I brin ts asn _Ined tA. fo feaof B. in

16、cas a lon as 。 so that.0。 Unsatisfed_withhepyment, he tok h jo just to et some wor xerene。. . houg he B。 ughh as C he was though D。 s thugh.1。 ed is caa rad_he sasomeh tat would mak a god piture. 。 een if . fonly C inase D. sothat.2._al o temare tongcandidates, onlyone wll chosenfr he ot. ASine B。 l

17、e CIf D.As.13.John hinstwont be lo_ he isead fo i nw job. A when B. ater 。 beore D。 sine.1 Didy reurn Frds call ? didnt nee t_ se hi mrro A. tough B。 uless C。 whe D。 becaus.答案及解析:CDBB DDBB CBC四。课后作业1.It ws nice meal,_atl expenv。Atugh B. whehr C。as D。 since.2It seemd only seconds_ th boy fshed ashing

18、 his fce.。e before C. ater D. evei.。_e got of te bus did he find his allet .Nt until ;stln . Unless; gon C. ot ntil; picked Uess; los.4.I haltaeyou tFanc_yre we enough t travl 。.A。quikly B. decty C. finaly D. hapiy.5。Iecoged you_ I sawou at te airprt。.A。th mome whi fer D. once.6.LiYng, thfounde of C

19、r Enlih, say tha he ops i dw_he comes oabeauul sntence。 Aunls hie C beca D every time.7.We know its had o make such adecision_he has jsbilt up the tea for a yrad the project is going hughth iportantstage nw.A。at B.a Ch . befe.u aecertin to live yur dream_ ou make ret efots an la mpasis on iovemetsi ffiincy.。o cnditi tht B. as fr a C。 eventhuh case.9。fyou happen o ot in te wid,youdettersy_yu aand wai o help。.A。why B。re C。 who D h.答案:15:ABABA 69:DBB五。关键:记清引导词的含义,理清主从句的逻辑关系谢阅。感谢您的阅览以及下载,关注我,每天更新19 / 19


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