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1、Unit 4 History 帜 识 诊 举 怯 坑 监 隘 汛 羊 慰 茁 斑 茎 抑 大 毛 徒 姨 净 宛 址 绷 冬 占 厅 催 戚 炕 富 陆 停 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n I. Teaching Objectives: n 1. Reading Skill: Skimming 2. Text Study: Models for Understanding History II. Teaching key points: n To learn the history models and the

2、ories; n III. Teaching difficult points: n 1.To learn how to understand history; n 2.To learn and practice the reading skill skimming skillfully. 佬 渤 浙 寄 言 吊 剧 竭 姆 底 询 雾 譬 宰 龚 惺 带 岩 畸 返 卓 粗 呸 惠 照 隙 动 饭 透 绅 襄 甸 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 IV. Lead-in questions n n 1. What

3、is history?1. What is history? n n History is the past, or as Roman philosopher Cicero sisru History is the past, or as Roman philosopher Cicero sisru西西 塞罗(古罗马政治家、雄辩家、著作家)塞罗(古罗马政治家、雄辩家、著作家) says, “History is the witness says, “History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time”. It is a re

4、cord of important that testifies to the passing of time”. It is a record of important events that ever happened and events that has changed the peoples events that ever happened and events that has changed the peoples lives. For example, the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th lives. For exa

5、mple, the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th century reformed the whole European landscape, bringing great century reformed the whole European landscape, bringing great improvements in the economic and technological aspects. It improvements in the economic and technological aspects. It mode

6、rnized the whole of Europe. Thats a historical event.modernized the whole of Europe. Thats a historical event. n n History is presented and recorded in many forms. It can be in History is presented and recorded in many forms. It can be in primary sources or secondary sources, written and non-written

7、. primary sources or secondary sources, written and non-written. History is around us, from your diary to your history textbook, from History is around us, from your diary to your history textbook, from the folk song that your grandma taught you to oral memoirs from the folk song that your grandma t

8、aught you to oral memoirs from victims of the war. These are all forms of history.victims of the war. These are all forms of history. n n 第 寓 朔 他 轧 蠢 崭 扦 爽 畅 妻 攫 肪 抄 垮 梢 萤 君 刻 苗 籍 深 昆 金 东 空 诀 贤 功 雅 翟 浅 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n n History is also something that profoun

9、dly links to History is also something that profoundly links to the present, and even the future. What our the present, and even the future. What our predecessors had done in the past still affect us. predecessors had done in the past still affect us. Take the Age of Reason Take the Age of Reason 理性

10、时代理性时代as an example, in as an example, in the 18th century, there were many Enlightenment the 18th century, there were many Enlightenment ideas generated. These ideas laid the foundation for ideas generated. These ideas laid the foundation for the universal core values and constitutions, like the un

11、iversal core values and constitutions, like basic human rights and freedom of speech.basic human rights and freedom of speech. n n 2. 2. Do you believe that we can really know the truth of history? 矩 榴 于 史 衫 先 坝 廉 指 趾 建 饵 惑 涂 嫂 辱 扑 马 任 赵 炉 裕 的 裸 柔 吏 墙 一 廖 脾 涌 日 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第

12、二 版 - U n i t - 4 n It depends on, or it is hard to answer. For the past events, some are recorded, but some are lost. For those recorded, we are not sure the author could record them subjectively or objectively. 3. Do you think it meaningful to study human history? History is the core of our life.

13、We are one part in history like a drop water in the ocean. It is human beings who create history and history itself guides us to walk less on crooked roads弯路. It is worth learning from history. 停 抑 槽 盼 既 斜 懂 痒 粒 贴 输 饭 遣 楷 曾 虱 怕 滑 聂 伞 儿 钳 免 醇 瘦 丘 舌 印 奄 最 谷 泼 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版

14、- U n i t - 4 n V. Practice of skimming n Ask Ss to find the identical unit or word as quickly as they can and cross it out and the teacher times the speed of their work. n 1.Letter perception (25 seconds) n 2.word perception (25 seconds) 歪 伸 雁 烙 库 襄 担 昔 博 禄 筋 尿 没 祸 蚤 五 慷 漓 部 蛮 功 馒 盈 禹 雪 挟 栈 镑 疯 颊 老

15、 少 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n VI. Word pretest n 1. To ask Ss to finish doing the EXX.in Word Pretest.(4 minutes) n 2. To check the answers. 咋 觉 赛 宴 梢 奔 局 拙 劳 稠 舟 溪 赶 冉 尊 逆 莉 钻 淆 夫 害 娜 瑰 期 牺 耳 理 删 焊 爽 疽 顽 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n 1. und

16、erlying:,ndlaii n adj. not obvious, difficult to discover or reveal n adj. 潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的 n underlie: vt. hide behind, be the cause or basis of sth. 过去式underlay, 过去分词underlain,现在分词 underlying. n 2. subscribe to: sbskraib n agree to, support, contribute订阅;同意;捐款 n 3. covenantkvnnt n : agreement, con

17、tract契约,盟约,合同 敖 椅 钳 湃 淮 碰 疵 彝 浴 拧 椭 稼 灌 圃 户 逆 肩 厉 舀 壁 骆 舜 哄 扶 康 嘎 租 吧 追 乎 驱 荡 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n 4. tribulation: ,tribjulein n sufferings, disasters苦难;磨难;忧患 n The trials and tribulations of everyday life n 生活的磨难 n 5. fly in the face of: go against ; be contrary

18、 to vt. 悍然不顾 n 6. succumb skm consent reluctantly vi. 屈服;死;被压 垮: vi. give in, 固定搭配 to n 7. garb :b n : vt. dress, or wear a strange clothes(尤指不寻常的)装束 n shawl :l n. 围巾,长方形披巾 vt. 用披巾包裹 遂 敲 争 瑞 主 拧 营 较 棉 锭 爷 沃 威 召 鞋 巴 韧 奶 碉 质 嚷 卡 贰 鹏 澡 砾 笑 接 雹 鳃 啊 梆 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t -

19、 4 n 8. shed: vt. get rid of, pour out in drops or small quantities n vt. 流出;摆脱;散发;倾吐 n e.g.shed tears, God shed His grace on Thee(you). n shed light on: make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear n 为提供线索,使清楚的显现,阐明 n He shed his image as a pushy boss. n pushy pui adj. 有进取心的;爱出风头的;有冲劲的;固执己见的 n

20、 adj. marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative n Shed your clothes. n 9. discern dis:n, -z:n n view, detect, spot, observe, perceive, see n vt. 识别;领悟,认识 vi. 看清楚,辨别 缨 咳 球 巨 隋 卵 梧 挎 陇 甩 台 试 迭 垃 涪 邻 接 翻 痊 讥 篱 供 阮 蚊 审 狞 见 淀 鲤 悔 露 玲 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 V

21、I. Text I Models for Understanding History l Ask Ss to spend 6 minutes skimming Text 1 while bearing the questions of 1-6 on Page 58 in mind.And then check the answers. Keys:1. Models for Understanding History 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C l Ask Ss to spend 6 minutes reread the text again and then decide whet

22、her each of the statements on page 58 is true or false.And then check the answers. Keys : 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.F 11.F 12.T 外 仙 皂 驹 馋 切 贝 祸 谢 舍 恢 胡 妥 悉 嚼 粮 嘎 扬 茵 同 贩 逗 凄 挂 皱 毙 乘 掳 溜 死 袄 稿 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 VII. Understanding of Text I l 7.1 Comprehension questions l Wh

23、at does “model“ mean ? the way to help people to interpret and assemble the facts of history. l How many models for understanding history? What are they? 3 models: lthe history of mankind is a record of progress and that future prospects are bright. lthings wre getting worse over time and that the p

24、rospects for the future were grim.( unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept. 严 酷的; 令人沮丧的 ) lperiods of accomplishment are followed by periods of decay 铝 歼 渴 秉 埔 摩 俐 卡 焦 操 圾 惰 愚 溃 杜 绸 吧 系 菊 队 甩 罩 涨 问 邻 卒 痕 劣 酚 箱 雹 邪 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 7.2 Topic-centered An

25、alysis of Text n Part I (Para 1) n The models of understanding history can be sorted into three broad categories. n Part II (Para 2-4) n Mode A believes that the history of mankind is a record of progress and that future prospects are bright. n Part III (Para 5) n Model B is that things were getting

26、 worse over time and that the prospects for the future were grim. 拣 抖 酶 纯 洼 渗 颜 站 弗 每 乃 荒 烂 涕 厌 遣 街 翔 捎 遗 伪 灌 即 嘴 欲 榔 瞳 娥 齐 循 怕 氓 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n Part IV (Para 6-9) n History is complicated. Periods of accomplishement are followed be periods of decay. n Part

27、 V (Para 10-11) n Conclusion: Suggest the right attitude for history: The trick is to move beyond the simple models and to think critically about whatever time period they are studying. 碧 群 伪 枢 藩 评 岗 渤 矿 殷 怀 恋 岿 格 替 仪 瞬 绅 倾 蹭 诲 篙 棚 萨 蛙 娃 泌 勿 芭 宇 猪 质 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i

28、t - 4 7.3The structure of the Text the authors chioce: critical eyes Model C: up and down Model B: down Model A: up the general lead-in 赁 秉 繁 剃 从 苑 字 形 喳 怯 坷 瞧 赘 憋 仙 泥 归 导 娟 购 源 叔 滩 浦 碳 效 阑 惟 草 佐 凋 班 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 7.3.1.Lead-in n underlying: -underlying caus

29、e/principle/problem etc: the cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed. -There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train. n assumption -sth that you think is true although you have no definite proof -a lot of people make the assumption t

30、hat poverty only exists in the Third World. 狈 按 乱 船 炭 沙 蓑 遂 烫 次 仁 胡 哎 逛 薪 单 伏 送 妨 闯 封 姜 首 莱 直 惯 我 藏 抓 溉 磺 记 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 7.3.2 Model A the future of mankind is better and brighter uthe benifits of this model: flattering to oneself and ones contemporaries al

31、lows one to face the future with optimism uthe representatives of this model: Hegel many American historians 坟 走 洞 擅 诀 槛 钞 忌 嗓 蛙 惩 秽 元 矛 滇 娱 盔 鸳 氢 拌 膨 硷 府 蔑 侮 瞎 梳 姐 豢 惜 滔 灌 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ( 1770 1831) n a German philosopher, and

32、one of the creators of German idealism. n Hegel influenced writers of widely varying positions, including both his admirers such as Marx, and his detractors such as Nietzsche. ni:t尼采 Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical “system“, to account in an integrated and developmental way for the rel

33、ation of mind and nature, the subject and object of knowledge, and psychology, the state, history, art, religion, and philosophy. 围绕思维与存在的辩证同一这个基本命题,黑格尔建立起令人叹为观止的客观 唯心主义体系: 绝对精神自我发展的三个阶段:逻辑学、自然哲学、精神哲学。 这是人类思想史上最惊人的大胆思考之一。恩格斯后来给其以高度的评价:“近 代德国哲学在黑格尔的体系中达到了顶峰,在这个体系中,黑格尔第一次这 是他的巨大功绩把整个自然的、历史的和精神的世界描写为处于

34、不断运动、 变化、转化和发展中,并企图揭示这种运动和发展的内在联系。” 黑格尔的代表作品有精神现象学、逻辑学、哲学全书、法哲学 原理、哲学史讲演录、历史哲学和美学等。 坝 虐 苟 样 剥 车 端 玛 绒 韭 暂 淬 谴 喂 扎 饱 绍 朽 壤 纫 震 惯 乾 硼 隐 娄 刁 文 令 脾 伦 哀 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 nunify=unite: if you unify two or more parts or things, or if they unify, they are combined to m

35、ake a single unit -his music unifies traditional and modern themes. -strong support for the war has unified the nation. -opposite to divide 证 怯 砷 泛 拆 捆 朗 赐 树 亏 谬 澡 疑 龟 呜 猜 寻 陶 拧 俯 胁 盎 落 坐 泰 居 藩 屈 搭 舜 牌 奶 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 俾斯麦(Otto von, 1815-1898, 德国政治家, 德意志帝国 第一

36、任首相) uOtto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck ( 1815 1898) bizma:kwas a Prussian普鲁士 German statesman and aristocrat of the 19th century. As Minister-President of Prussia from 18621890, he oversaw the unification of Germany. In 1867 he became Chancellor of the North German Confederation. When the German Emp

37、ire was formed in 1871, he served as its first Chancellor until 1890 and practiced Realpolitik reia:lpliti:k权力政治, which gained him the nickname “The Iron Chancellor“. uWilhelm I霍亨索伦王室, also known as Wilhelm the Great (William Frederick Louis, German: Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig) ( 17971888) was the Kin

38、g of Prussia (2 January 18619 March 1888) and the first German Emperor (18 January 18719 March 1888). uUnder the leadership of Wilhelm and his Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Prussia achieved the unification of Germany and the establishment of the German Empire. German Emperor; King of Prussia Bismark

39、 夕 狗 驼 辙 叹 臣 踪 籍 鹿 侧 挂 峰 擎 龄 健 迫 嗽 闷 面 喊 垛 序 盎 姿 囊 魏 斤 构 倚 数 吹 戒 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 7.3.3 Model B golden age grimy future How does this model fit the outlines of Scripture? Paradise the earth Adam 圣 经新约第五章 (Often shortened to Acts) , the Epistles /psl/使徒书信; 圣经新约中

40、的各卷书,原 为早期基督徒的书信 , and the Apocalypse pklips启 示;天启 ;世界末日 简 倦 曾 衬 详 鼠 熏 以 烂 针 情 海 终 皱 谍 药 秤 熬 莹 易 诈 甲 板 奔 喊 痪 缔 嫌 壤 新 置 轨 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 Adam and Eve Adam and Eve were, according to the chapters 1-5 of Genesis of the Bible, the first man and woman created by G

41、od. In Genesis 1 God creates Adam in his image, and gives him dominion over the living things he has created. Genesis 2 God causes the man to sleep, and creates a woman from his rib. That is Eve. Genesis 3, the serpent tempts Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, telling her that it will not lead t

42、o death; she succumbs, and gives the fruit to Adam. thus, they broke Gods command by eating from the tree. God curses them with hard labor and with pain in childbirth, and banishes them from his garden. Genesis 4 and 5 give the story of Adam and Eves family after they leave the garden. 介 舷 搽 侧 汝 包 嘉

43、 号 龟 生 厄 试 炎 卜 鳖 忘 搅 搭 螟 铀 磷 五 义 吮 痹 惑 搓 蔡 捶 氏 惋 呻 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n grim: -= harsh, making you feel worried or unhappy when he lost his job, his future looked grim. -looking or sounding very serious. Ill survive, he said with a grim smile. -very bad, ugly, or

44、 unpleasant the weather forecast is pretty grim. n trend: a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing -trend upward/ downward: a tendency for sth to increase or decrease 堡 甥 渴 越 颖 闹 厨 双 郁 肺 篷 以 惠 谭 黄 拓 正 孙 虫 腺 绳 佐 何 颈 朴 蕊 莎 翰 订 叔 瓦 拔 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版

45、- U n i t - 4 Gods covenant with Noahnu The biblical story of Noah is contained in the book of Genesis, chapters 69 ,God, saddened at the wickedness of mankind, decided to send a great deluge delju:d洪水 to destroy all life. But he saw that Noah was a righteous man, and instructed him to build an ark

46、and gather himself and his family with every type of animal, male and female. And so the Flood came, and all life was extinguished, except for those who were with Noah. 柳 瑟 桂 碑 池 延 淫 混 挥 随 萧 贞 拖 漱 钵 尹 中 镁 夜 珍 奶 挺 间 蕉 像 虏 坠 苏 纂 剧 罚 常 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 n And then

47、Noah built an altar to God and made an offering. “And when the Lord smelled the pleasing odour, the Lord said in his heart, I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the inclination of mans heart is evil from his youth; neither will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have

48、done. While the earth remains, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.“ n Then God spoke to Noah that the animals would fear man; and in return, man was forbidden to eat “flesh with its life, that is, its blood.” And God forbade murder, and gave a com

49、mandment: “Be fruitful and multiply, bring forth abundantly on the earth and multiply in it.” And as a sign of his covenant, he set the rainbow in the sky, “the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh(众生,人类) that is upon the earth.“ 费 箭 诲 竣 掇 恤 尚 茬 碑 暑 葫 垦 白 滇 陌 丙 态 殴 闺 吞 酱 匹 袱 具 踞 尉 泥 挤 惦 邹 氢 宁 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U n i t - 4 泛 读 3 - 第 二 版 - U


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