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1、2021届江苏高邮中专英语(Book5苏教版)教案:Unit2Ijustcouldnotgetthroughtoyou03课题:Unit 2 I Just Couldnt Get Through To You!GrammarReal Life Skills【教习宗旨】1.了解以及把握反意疑难句2.实现语法实习3.了解没有同的交换圆式,会利用交换战略【重面易面】Grammar exercises【倡议教时】2课时【课前预习】举例道明反意疑难句的句型以及特征【教室探求】【反意疑难句】(The Disjunctive Question)又喊附减疑难句。它暗示发问人的瞧法,出有掌控,必要对于圆证明。反

2、意疑难句由两全体构成:前一全体是一个报告句,后一全体是一个冗长的疑难句,两全体的人称时态应坚持分歧。1报告全体一定式,疑难全体可定式?如:She w as ill yesterday, wasnt she?2报告全体可定式(或者有never,seldom, hardly,few,little,barely, scarcely, nothing 等可定词时),疑难全体一定式?如:You didnt go, did you?He can hardly swim, can he?They seldom come late, do they?但:think, believe, suppose, ima

3、gine, expect等动词后接宾语从句,假如露有not的可定句,那末应将可定移到主句。比方:I dont think the party is very good, is it?【反意疑难句的回覆】用yes,no,可是,当报告全体是不是定情势时,回覆要按现实。如:T hey dont work hard, do they? 他们没有太勉力事情,是吗?Yes, they do. 没有,他们事情勉力。No, they dont. 对于,他们事情没有勉力。注重:对于于那些代词去道,也便是4个oneeveryone, anyone, someone, none4个bodyeverybody, an

4、ybody, somebody, nobody4个thingeverything, anything, something, nothing那些词,您能够记住上面的话:4个one,4个body,反意疑难句用they4个thing,反意疑难句用it而反意疑难句的一定以及可定的取舍,您能够记着,后面的词是不是定词的话,前面用一定,好比none, nothing, nobody引诱的“一定句”,也便是句子里除了了那多少个代词中,出有其余可定成份,那末前面的反义疑难句用一定。而后面的句子是一定的,而那多少个词也是用的除了了none,nothing,nobody以外的那9个词,那末前面的反义疑难句用可定

5、。举两个例子:1. Nobody likes him, do they?2. Everything goes smoothly, doesnt it?【课后拓展】1.Dont close the window,_ you?A. didB. willC. wasD. wont2. Lets go to the island, _ ?A. wont youB. will youC. shall weD. will we3. Dont make any noise, _ ?A. wont youB. will youC. arent you4. Come here, _?A. wont youB.

6、will youC. arent you5. Let me help you, _?A. wont youB. will youC. dont you6.Let him come in, _?A. will youB. wont youC. dont you7.He never comes to school late, _?A. doesnt heB. does heC. will he8. Everyone knows this, _?A. doesnt it B isnt it C. arent they D. dont they9. Swimming is great fun, _?A

7、. isnt itB. doesnt it C arent it10. You were late yesterday, _?A. werent youB. werent IC. wasnt you11.Those are books, _?A. arent theyB. isnt he C isnt those12. This is your brother, _?A. isnt itB. arent itC. isnt this13. You need to clean the room now, _ ?A. need youB. neednt youC. do youD. dont yo

8、u14. I dont think Richard did such a stupid thing last night, _ ?A. do IB. could heC. did heD. has he15. - He seldom goes abroad, does he?- _ . Only once when he was young.A. Yes, he doesnt.B. Yes, he does.C. No, he doesnt.D. No, he does.16. He was head _ three songs in the next room.A. singB. to si

9、ngC. singingD. sung17. I dont think Mary and Sue _ before, _ ?A. have met; havent theyB. have seen; have IC. have met; have theyD. have seen; dont they18. They must have stayed at the hotel last night, _ ?A. mustnt theyB. didnt theyC. havent theyD. hadnt they19. There used to be a big pine tree on the top of the mountain,_ ?A. didnt itB. wasnt thereC. wasnt itD. didnt there20. Its the first time that he has been to Shanghai, _ ?A. isnt heB. hasnt heC. isnt itD. hasnt it21. Mary hardly ever goes to the cinema, _ ?A. doesnt sheB. do sheC. does sheD. is she


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