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1、Unit3 My birthday 教学设计The second periodGradeTitleGrade 5Unit 3 My birthdayTeaching contentspep Book 6 Unit 3 My birthday Part A Lets try, Lets talk and Lets find out,Part C Lets singTeaching aims:(1)知识目标:Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk about birthdays: When is your

2、 birthday? My birthday is in. Is your birthday in ,too?(2)能力目标:Be able to change the words of the song “When Is Your Birthday?” in fact.(3)情感目标:To learn the courage from the stars. Let the students learn to respect their parents.Teaching key pointsBe able to master the sentence patterns with great s

3、kill by drilling them in different ways. Teaching difficult pointsBe able to finish the exercises in the right order.Teaching aidsCAI,some pictures of birthday cakeTeaching ProceduresTimeTeachers activityStudents activity设计理念8minutes1.let the students guess and answer:Which month is it? Its .2.Ask t

4、hem to write down the months on the exercises book.1.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.2.Write the months.这样不仅能复习了单词的读法和写法,更为后面的Lets find out的节日教学作准备。而且浓浓的节日气氛,在视觉效果上能激发学生的学习兴趣。3minutes1. Ask the students to finish Lets try.2.Ask the students to answer:When is your birthday?2.Gives a pic

5、ture of birthday cake to who has a birthday in this month,and asks the whole class to sing the birthday song to him/her.1.Answer the questions.2.Sing the birthday song.营造生日派对的氛围,活跃课堂气氛,为学习Lets talk的对话作铺垫。5minutes1.Ask the students to sing “When Is Your Birthday?” together.2.Ask the students whose bi

6、rthdays are in this month sing the song with their birthdays together. 3.Ask the other students to change the months of the song in fact. 1. Sing “When Is Your Birthday?” together.2.Some students sing first.3.Sing together with different months.用刚才大家知道的月份作示范,引领其他学生更踊跃去参与。5minutes1.Let the students t

7、o guess the teachers birthday,then ask the students:Is your birthday in,too?2.Write down the sentence pattern and teach them.3.Ask some students to answer:What about you?1. Ask and answer questions with the teacher.2. Learn the new sentence pattern.3. Answer the question.语言的功能是要在实际中运用,教学时,我们要让学生明白为什

8、么要学这些句型,学了有什么用。而英语不同于我们的母语,母语随时都有一个语言环境让学生得到锻炼,因此我们在课堂上要尽量营造环境,让语言与生活紧密联系在一起。3minutes1.Ask two students to make a dialogue with the teacher. 2.Ask the students to practise the dialogue in groups of three.Students imitate the teachers dialogue to make dialogues.学过的知识不属于自己,用过的知识才属于自己,通过让学生操练对话,让学生学会说。

9、2minutesAsk the students to listen and fill in the blanks(CAI). Mike: ?Amy: Its in February. ,too?Mike: No, my birthday is in .What about you, Zhang Peng?Zhang:My birthday is in . Do the exercises on the exercise book.通过让学生填写关键句子,既检查了学生的听,也检查了学生的写,这样能及时把学生的掌握情况反馈给老师。2minutesAsk the students to read

10、the dialogue after the teacher.Read after the teacher.通过带读,纠正学生的发音。3minutes1.Game:Guess the birthdays of the stars(CAI).2.Say something about these stars, ask the students to learn the courage from the them.1.Ask the teacher:When is xxxs birthday?Is xxxs birthday in? 2. learn the courage from the th

11、em.教师的任务不仅是教学,更重要的是育人,在课堂上,我们要适当把思想教育渗透到教学内容中。这个环节既让学生提前感受名词所有格的用法,为下一课时做准备,也乘机对学生进行思想教育。2minutes1.Show a picture of the teachers father/mother(CAI),tell the students his/her birthday. 2.Ask the students : when is your fathers/mothers birthday?1.Ask the teacher: Who is he/she? Is his/her birthday in

12、?2.Answer the question.连线中出现的父母生日,估计能记得的学生不多,渗透思想教育,让他们从记住父母的生日,给父母送生日礼物开始,懂得孝敬父母。2minutesAsk the students to ask and answer questions about “Lets find out”, then match.Ask and answer questions with their partners, then match.通过练习,进一步巩固学生说的能力,让他们把所学的知识运用到实际中。5minutesExercises:一、补充句子。1. A: ? B: My bi

13、rthday is in May.2. A: When is your dads birthday? B: .3. A: When is New Years Day ? B. .4. A: Is your birthday in May? B: Yes, .5. A: Is your birthday in April? B:No, .二、连线。Childrens Day August ArmyDay September Womens Day January National Day MarchNew Years Day OctoberTeachers Day JuneDo the exerc

14、ises on the exercises book.好记性比不上烂笔头。学生动手写的过程,在调动身体各部门注意力的同时,能帮助其加深记忆,巩固所学知识。Home-work1.Do a survey: try to know your familys birthdays.2.Copy the dialogue and read it.学习语言的目的是为了运用,作业让学生做调查,就是要用新学的句型进行社会实践。Handwriting on the blackboardUnit three My birthdayWhen is your birthday?Its in . Is your birthday in ,too?Yes, it is./No, my birthday is in.What about you?4


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