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1、Unit 3 单元测试卷班级 _姓名 _得分 _九大关卡已备好,就等你来闯!没错,就是你。Come on!一、单词组装。(写出正确的单词及其汉语意思) 。(10 分)1. h o p i s a t l,2. s o p h o o k b,3. f m i l4. s o t p5. w l k a二、中英互译,小菜一碟。 ( 10 分 )1. 沿着这条街走 _2. ask the way _3. 在你的左侧 _4. get on the bus_5.向右转 _6. next to the hospital_7.到达动物园 _8. ask a policeman for help_9. 劳驾

2、;对不起 _10. take the metro三、“弱水三千,只取一瓢饮” 。(10 分)()1. How can we_ the zoo?_ foot.A. get; OnB. to get; ByC. get to ; On()2. The sports shop is _ your left.A. inB. onC. at()3. My home isthe bookshopA. nextB. next toC. far()4.- Where s Miss Si ? -She sFuXing StreetA. inB. onC. for()5. In the US, we ask “

3、Where s the?”A. toiletB. restroomC. W.C.()6. _ can we get to City Cinema?A. WhereB. WhatC. How()7. Lets_ the metro now.A. to takeB. takesC. take()8., where is the toilet?A. SorryB. Excuse meC. excuse me()9. -Let s go and ask him。-_.A. All rightB. RightC. Thank you()10. “Where there is a will , there

4、 is a way”翻译成中文是 _A 哪里有意愿,哪里就有路B. 有志者事竟成C.有一条路将要在哪里1四、纵使七十二变,变不过我的笔尖。 (10 分)1. Lets _ ( take) a taxi to the library.2. We can _ ( go ) to the supermarket by taxi.3. Where _ ( be ) the restroom?4. How can I _ (get) to ShangHai?5. I like _ ( read ) stories.6. The boxes _(be) too full.7. There are many

5、 traffic _ ( light ) in the street.8. Let _ ( she ) take the bus to the park.9. YangLing _(turn) right at the first traffic lights.10. The boy _(ask) a policeman for help.五、句式善变,但,万变不离其宗。 (10 分)1.Go along this street. (改为否定句)_along this street.2.YangLing asks a policeman for help. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)-_

6、 YangLingpoliceman for help? -, she.3.I come to school by bus. ( 对划线部分提问)_youschool?4. He can t get outbecause he is too fat.(划线部分提问)_5. The bookshop is on your right.(改为一般疑问句)_六、我是翻译家 ,译啥都不怕 (共 15 分)1. 公共汽车站离这儿不远。The _ is not _ _here.2. 你可以在医院的前面上车,在动物园下车。You can _ _ the bus in front of the _ and _

7、 _at the zoo.3. 我们太晚了,电影结束了。We are too_, the film is _.24. 沿着月亮街走,在交通灯处向左转。Go _ Moon Street and turn _ at the traffic lights5. 我怎么到你的家,苏海? -你可以搭乘地铁。-._ do I get to your home? SuHai?You can _the metro.七、左顾右盼,并不仅是在过马路的时候哦。 (10 分)III()1.How do you come to school?A. It son Sun Street.()2. Wheres the zoo

8、?B. The shiny one.()3.Which shoe do you want to choose?C. Because my home is far()4.Why are you late?D. Go along this street.()5.Excuse me, how do I get to the bookshop?E. By bike.八、手到眼到口到心到,胜利马上就到。(20 分)(A)Tom: Excuse me,where is Xinhua Bookshop?Man: Let me see. Its on Beijing Street.Tom: Is it far

9、 from here?Man: No,it isnt.You can go there on foot.Tom: But how can I get there?Man: Go along thisstreet,andturn leftat the firstcrossing.Thebookshopis on your right.You cantmiss it.Tom: Thank you very much.Man: Yourewelcome.根据对话内容,选择正确答案()1.Tom wants to go to _.A. Xinhua BookshopB. Xinhua HotelC.

10、Kunlun Bookshop()2.Tom asks_the wayA.a manB.a woman C.a boy()3.XinhuaBookshop is_here.A far fromB not far from C behind()4.Tom can go to Xinhua Bookshop_.A.by bikeB by busC on foot()5.XinhuaBookshop is near the_crossing along the roadA secondB firstC third3(B)Ihe tiger and the fox (狐狸)One day, a tig

11、er sees a fox.The tiger is very hungry and he wants to eat the fox. He says,Fox, I am going to eat you today. I am very hungry now.The fox is very afraid, but he is clever(聪明的 ). He says to the tiger,“I am strong(强壮的 ), but you are weak. I am stronger than you. You can not eat me”.The tiger asks,“Wh

12、y?”The fox says,“ Please walk after me. When the animals see me, they will run away because I am strong and they don want me to eat them”.Then the tiger walks behind the fox.A rabbit sees them, he runs away quickly.A bird sees them, and he flies away too. A goat sees them and he runs away too. Now,t

13、he tiger knows the fox is stronger than him and he doesntdare(敢 ) to eat the fox.根据短文,判断正误(正确的填T,错误的选 F)( ) 1.The tiger wants to eat the fox.() 2.The fox is not afraid of the tiger.() 3.The animals run away when they see the fox.().4.The fox is stronger than the tiger.() 5.The tiger is stupid(愚蠢的 ).九、李集欢迎您,有事您说话! 。(5 分)根据所给提示,编写一段对话。提示: Tom刚搬来李集,他问你去医院的路。你告诉他:沿着复兴路走,在交通灯处右转,然后沿着府前路走,医院就在右边。_恭喜你,通关啦太棒啦! o( _)o4


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