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1、 Part 1 Paragraph Development by Listing一、授课时间:Feb.22- Feb.25二、授课类型:理论课三、授课题目:Paragraph development by listing四、教学目的和要求:To make the students know how to develop paragraphs by listing五教学重点及难点:The structure of a listing paragraph六、教学方法、基本内容与步骤讲授法、讨论法、师生互动Step I GreetingsStep II Introduction to TEM4Ste

2、p III Presentation Focus:Listing is probably the most common way to develop a paragraph The structure of a listing paragraphNotesSamples and analysesListing is an extremely common way to develop paragraphs. It can be used to analyze causes and effects, to state the importance of something, to list t

3、he shortcomings or benefits. It can also be used to refute opponents ideas, or to state personal opinions.5.1 The structureMost often listing paragraph starts with a general statement and proceeds to details. In other words, the paragraph starts with a topic sentence that states a point of view and

4、then provides discussions usually ordered from the most important idea to the least important, or vice versa.The following formats show how paragraph can be built up by listing.1. The importance of English cannot be overemphasized. First, . Second,.Third,. Finally, .2. This book will have a major im

5、pact on both politics and economics in China. In politics, In economics, .3. Reading extensively is obviously of great benefit in learning a new language.For one thing, . For another, . In the end, 4. The negative effects of the infections disease on service businesses were obvious in the first few

6、months. Firstly/ for example, . Secondly, . Thirdly, . Lastly, .5.2 NotesThere are several points that are worth our attention when we build a paragraph by listing:First, arrange the supporting ideas in a logical order. It is true that we should arrange the supporting ideas in a logical order in eve

7、rything we write for other people; otherwise, paragraphs are not effective or cannot be best followed by readers. Chinese students, when writing in English, tend to focus all their attention on expressing ideas, and thus ignore the arrangement of the ideas.For example:Teachers of foreign languages s

8、hould be extremely well-qualified in order to carry out their duties properly. Interest in teaching, social skills to deal with all kinds of students, mastery of modern audio-lingual techniques and competence in the target language are four basic requirements of language teachersIf the paragraph goe

9、s on from this topic sentence, the paragraph will not be quite effective as the supporting ideas are not arranged in an effective order. “competence in the target language” is the most important idea among the four; therefore, it should be placed first. When the idea to be developed are placed in or

10、der of importance, the argument will be stronger.The second point we should pay attention to when we develop a listing paragraph is the correct use of listing expressions. Figure 1 shows the possible expressions used for listing.Figure 1 possible expressions for listingThe first pointOther pointsThe

11、 last pointFirst,Firstly,First of all,To begin with,Primarily,Initially,For one thingSecond,Secondly,Next,The nextThen,Moreover,Furthermore,In addition,For the other,Another,The other,More importantlyLast,The lastLastly,In the end,Finally,The finalMost importantlyWhen we use these expressions, we sh

12、ould follow these rules:1. Dont mix sets of listing expressions Chinese writers tend to mix sets of expressions used for listing. It is not good style to do so. Be consistent when using the following two basic sets of expressions used for listing:First firstly firstlySecondly second secondlyThirdly

13、third thirdlyFinally, finally finally2. Distinguish “first” and “at first” “first” is a listing word, but “at first” is not. “at first” indicates a change. Compare the following two sentences.First, you should be frank.At first he was a little shy in class, but now he acts more natural.“at first” is

14、 often used as the following: after a whileAt first but now . later then;e.g. At first he had one small shop; now he is the owner of a vast business with many branches.3. Distinguish “lastly” and “at last”“lastly” is a listing word, but “at last” is not. “At last” indicate that something happens aft

15、er a long expectation. For example:Lastly, I would like summarize the points of my argument.We waited and waited, still at last, after a three-hour delay, the train arrived in the station.5.3 Samples and analyses Sample paragraph 1: Sentence Functions in Paragraph Development The sentence in the mos

16、t well written paragraphs has one of four common functions. First, there are paragraph introducers, which are sentences that establish the topic focus of the paragraph as a whole. Second, there are several paragraph developers, which present examples or details of various kinds that support the idea

17、s set forth by the paragraph introducers. Third, there are viewpoint or context modulators, which are sentences that provide a smooth transition between different sets of ideas. Fourth, there are paragraph terminators, which logically conclude the ideas discussed in the paragraph in a psychologicall

18、y satisfying manner. Not all pieces of writing will conform to this analysis; however, most successful paragraphs usually contain some combination of these four sentence types.Analysis: This is a typical paragraph developed by listing and also a very unified and coherent paragraph.七、作业、讨论题、思考题Write

19、a paragraph by listing八、课后小结:九、参考资料:Cheryal Pavlik,写作通,辽宁教育出版社,2005 陈会军,中国人英语写作全攻略技巧与训练,外文出版社,2004吕煦,实用英语修辞,清华大学出版社,2005Part 2 Paragraph Development by Classification一、授课时间:Mar.l - Mar.3二、授课类型:理论课三、授课题目:Paragraph development by classification四、教学目的和要求:To make the students know how to develop paragra

20、phs by classification五教学重点及难点:The structure of a classification paragraph六、教学方法、基本内容与步骤讲授法、讨论法、师生互动Step I GreetingsStep II Check of homeworkStep III Presentation Focus:Expressions for classificationOrganization of a classifying paragraphSamples and analysesNote: parallel classificationClassification

21、 is one of the most useful methods for explaining an object or idea. We break a general class down and group the parts into categories whose members share similar characteristics. With this method, we create order out of confusion and provide a clear overview of the information we offer.6.1 Expressi

22、ons for classification Expressions in the following table are common words used for classification. They are in two groups:Verbs NounsFall into classDivideinto groupGroup.into sortSortinto kind Category Label TypeIn practice, to avoid sounding repetitions, writers often use a variety of classificati

23、on words rather than just stick to only one word.6.2 OrganizationLike other standard paragraphs, a classification paragraph may also consist of a topic introducer to introduce the subject to be classified, a topic sentence to provide the controlling idea, supporting details to clarify the nature of

24、the classification and a concluding sentence to end the paragraph. sometimes the topic introducer and the concluding sentence are unnecessary.Topic sentenceIf a paragraph starts with only a topic sentence, apart from a clear topic, the topic sentence for a classifying paragraph should indicate the c

25、riterion of classification and the number of smaller groups into which our topic group is broken. Fro example:1.There are different kinds of people in society.2.Any good library should contain three basic types of materials.Sentence 1 is not a good topic sentence, as it does not indicate the criteri

26、on by which the classification is made. The second sentence is a good topic sentence as it contains the topic “any good library,” and the controlling idea should contain three basic types of materials. The criterion is “basic types” and the number “three”.Note: The criterion of classification may al

27、so be clearly indicated in each support.Supporting detailsThe supporting items in a classifying paragraph are parallel and are presented by listing. Therefore, generally speaking, the classifying paragraph is also a listing paragraph. we make a list of the items and discuss them one by one. We achie

28、ve coherence by using listing words.6.3 Samples and AnalysesSample 1The classification of ParagraphsIndividual paragraphsthe building blocks of essays, articles, chapters, and other longer papersmay be classified in a variety of ways. At the essay level, paragraphs may be sorted into functional grou

29、ps such as introductory, developmental, transitional, and the like. Depending upon the purpose or intent of the writer, particular paragraphs may be thought of as aiming to persuade, inform, argue, or excite. Paragraphs may also be classified according to such techniques of development as comparison

30、, contrast, and definition. Another developmental device might also be the classification paragraph, which organized items or ideas to be discussed into relatively homogeneous groups. Such classifications make it possible to talk about a large number of paragraphs by grouping them into a small numbe

31、r of classes.-author unknownAnalysis:This is a well-written classifying paragraph. it is unified. The topic sentence presents the topic “paragraphs” and the controlling idea “can be classified in a variety of ways”. The word “classified” indicates the type of the paragraph and “a variety of ways” is

32、 the controlling idea to be developed. The specific criteria for classification are clearly stated in each supporting item. At the end, the writer makes a personal comment on the classification in the paragraph, thus binding the whole paragraph together. There are no sentences that are unrelated.Thi

33、s paragraph is also a coherent paragraph. the structure itself prompts coherence. Furthermore, repetitions of the key word “paragraph” plays an important role in binding all the details together.Sample:HotelHotels are found in every country and city of the world. Generally, they can be classified in

34、to three large groups based on location. First, airport hotels are located near airports. Their guests include passengers of short stay-overs or canceled flights and travelers who are on business. The second type is downtown hotels, also called commercial hotels. These hotels are near large office c

35、omplexes and retail stores in the major metropolitan areas. They are attractive to people attending meetings and conventions, and to many tourists as well. Third, there are also resort hotels located near beaches or mountains. Resort hotels accommodate vacationers and recreation-minded people. Thoug

36、h there may be a few other areas where hotels are found, such as along highways, most of them are located near airports, in downtown areas, and in resort areas.Analysis:This is a unified and coherent paragraph developed by classification. It is different from sample paragraph 1 in that the paragraph

37、 begins with the topic introducer and the topic sentence e instead of the topic sentence only.The topic sentence of this paragraph is a very good topic sentence. Not only does it indicate the type of the paragraph by the word “classify”, but it also presents the controlling idea “classify into three

38、 groups based on location”. The number of categories is made clear (“three”) and the criterion of classification is also stated (“location”).The mention of exceptions to the classification gives the writer an air of accuracy and thoroughness. The summary in the concluding sentence binds the supporti

39、ng details together and thus ends the paragraph satisfactorily.Major cohesive devices the writer uses include effective organization of the paragraph, transitional expressions and repetition of the key word “hotels”Sample 3Three types of ParentsAll parents throughout the world love their children wh

40、ole heartedly, and so do Chinese parents. I know parents in China fall into three categories based on their attitude to the only child in the family. First is the satisfying. I havent traveled much, but in my experience satisfying parents are all alike no matter where they live. They make every effo

41、rt to meet all, even unreasonable demands made by the child. Second is the authoritative. From Ive read in the newspapers, authoritative parents think they are right all the time, so they want to the child to obey. The child should always be ready to do what they want him to do. Third are friend-lik

42、e parents. They want to be and are the childs friends and will discuss things with the child. I dont think I fit any of these categories, but you can place most parents in china into one of these three groups.-studentAnalysis:This paragraph, the sentence “but I know peoples political views fall into

43、 only three categories” tells that this is also a classifying paragraph. although this is a unified and coherent paragraph, several expressions in this paragraph indicate that the classification in this paragraph is based on limited experience. These expressions include “I know”, “I havent traveled

44、much, but in my experience”, “from what Ive read in the newspapers” and “in my opinion”. Such expressions make the writing rather informal, a style should be avoided in academic writing. A formal style of exposition is likely to lead to greater success in school as well as in ones professional caree

45、r. It may be characterized as an academic style. In academic writing, personal indicators like “I”, “in my opinion”, “as far as I am concerned” should be used as little as possible.6.4 Note: Parallel ClassificationIn classification, we should pay attention to two points:First, parallelism is essenti

46、al to a good classification. If we classify types of writing, we may mention narration, description, exposition and argumentation. If writings are classified into novels, dramas, description, cause $ effect, comparison $ contrast, and argumentation, the classification is not good because the types c

47、lassified are not parallel: As what the tree in Fig. 14-1 illustrates, description and argumentation are general categories; novels and dramas are particular literary genres, while cause & effect, comparison & contrast are specific forms of exposition. In a word, in a good classification, the parts must be parallel, and they should add up to a whole.Second, the criteria used for classification should be consistent. For example, if we


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