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1、六下Unit 3 A healthy diet复习提要I. 词组17.steamed buns蒸馒头1.a healthy diet健康的饮食18.weatern people西方国家的人2. like eating sweets喜欢吃糖19.have cereal and sausages吃麦片和香肠3. like drinking water喜欢喝水20.have to go to the supermarket不得不去超市4.have some bread and milk吃面包牛奶21come with me和我一起去5.some fish and meat一些鱼和肉22.have s

2、ome cola要一些可乐6.have a few eggs吃几个鸡蛋23.take a small bottle拿一小瓶7.have a healthy diet有健康的饮食24.drink too much cola喝太多可乐8.have a lot of noodles吃许多面条25.want some fish想要一些鱼9.some vegetables一些蔬菜26.need a lot of rice需要一些米饭10.eat a little rice吃一点米饭27.too heavy太重11.like sweet food喜欢甜食28.have a rest休息一下12.eat a

3、 little at a time一次吃一点29.in a healthy diet在健康饮食里13 eat some fruit every day每天吃水果30.good for your body对你的身体有益14.get out出去31.in your meals在你的餐点中15.a little mouse一只小老鼠32.take a big bag拿一个大袋16.have some porridge吃些粥II. 句子:1. He only drinks a little water every day.他每天只喝一点点水。2. For lunch and dinner, he ha

4、s a lot of rice. 他中餐和晚餐吃很多米饭。3. Does Mike have a healthy diet?迈克的饮食健康吗?4. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast杨玲.早餐经常吃许多面条。5. Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eat a little at a time.杨玲也喜欢甜食,但她一次只吃一点点。6. We eat a lot of meat.我们吃许多肉。7. They have some vegetables.他们吃一些蔬菜。8. You have

5、 some bread.你 (们)有一些面包。9. He eats a few eggs.他吃几个鸡蛋。10. She drinks a little water.她和一点点水。11. Mrs Li shouts,“ Get out! Get out!” There s a little mouse in her house.12. Chinese people often have some porridge and steam buns for breakfast.中国人早餐经常吃一些粥和蒸馒头。13. Western people often have cereal, bread, eg

6、gs and sausages for breakfast.西方人早餐经常吃麦片、面包、鸡蛋和香肠。14.There is not much food in the fridge.冰箱里的食物不多了。15.We have to go to the supermarket.我们得去超市。16.You shouldn t drink too much cola.你不应该喝太多的可乐。17.Mum, do we need rice?妈妈,我们需要大米吗?18.I know the food and drinks in a healthy diet我.了解健康饮食中的食物和饮料。III. 区分:1.

7、A fewa littlea lot ofsomea fewa littlea lot ofsome几个+ (可数名词 )-s如: a few eggs一点儿 +(不可数名词 )如: a little rice许多 ,既可加 可数名词,又可加不可数名词。一些 ,既可加可数名词,又可加不可数名词。2. 以一个 O 字母结尾的单词的复数形式:Mangoespotatoes tomatoesphotospianosIV.语音:ou/ a? /shoutloudlyhousemouthoutou/ ? /countrycouplecousindoubleenoughroughsouthern touc

8、hor/?: /fortyhorsemorningnorthorshortsportor/?:/workworkerwordworldwormworseworstworthor/ ? /actor calculatordoctorfactorprofessorvisitorV. Food pyramidMr. Green is showing the students a picture. Look at this picture, says Mr Green. We shouldof(大量eat的plenty)rice, bread ornoodles. Eat a lot of fruit

9、 and vegetables. They keep us healthy. We can eat some meat, fishand milkevery day, and someeggs every week. These thingsare good for us. They all make usstrong. We should drink plenty ofwater. Doneat too much sweetfood. That s bad for our teeth. Idonliket drinking water.My favourite drink is cola.

10、Can Idrink it every day?Asks Mike. Cola is sweet. Answers Mr Green. Toomuch cola is not good for you. Remember, we must drink plenty of water every day. VI. Hamburger 的由来:汉堡包( hamburger)这个名词来自于德国的城市汉堡(Hamburg)。在英语里,“ hamburger既”可以指汉堡包本身,也可以指其他夹有剁碎的牛肉做成的牛肉饼。最初的汉堡包是用剁碎的牛肉末和面做成的牛肉饼。古代鞑靼人有生吃牛肉的习惯,随着鞑靼人的西迁,这个习俗传入巴尔干半岛,而后传到德意志。德国汉堡地区的人将其加以改进,将剁碎的牛肉泥揉在面粉中,摊成饼煎烤来吃,并以城市名而命名这种食物为 “汉堡肉饼 ”。1850 年,德国移民将汉堡肉饼烹制技艺带到美国。1932 年有人将这种油炸牛肉饼夹入表面撒有芝麻的小圆面包中作为主食或点心食用。后来花样翻新,逐渐向三明治靠拢,将牛肉饼夹在一剖为二的小面包当中,得名“汉堡包 ”,意为 “夹有汉堡牛肉饼的面包”。


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