新课标PEP小学英语六年级上册《Recycle 1Let’s read》 市讲课比赛教案.doc

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1、新课标PEP小学英语六年级上册Recycle 1 Lets read 市讲课比赛教案教学目标1 能够读懂、理解Letsread部分的对话并能完成文后判断正误的练习。2 能听说认读理解area, ice-skating area, gate 等单词。3 能理解根据课文大意并能大体上复述课文。4 培养学生自觉遵守交通规则的意识。教学重、难点分析 本课时的教学重点是对课文的理解特别是第一、二单元主要语言的巩固和拓展。难点是在此基础上语言的实际运用。教学步骤:Step 1 Warm up1. Greeting.2. Free talk: How do you go to school? What do

2、 you do on the weekend?Step 2 Pre-reading 通过上一环节的free talk自然、快速过渡到有关park的话题,T: I often go to a park on the weekend. The park is not far from my home. Lets go to the park together.1. 在课件上展示我去公园的路线图,渗透复习一二单元的一些知识点,如行走的路线,交通规则等。教授gate. T:(操作课件)Look, this is my home . And that is the park. How can we ge

3、t to the park? Lets see together.(师生同说)单击课件,动画人物开始走。 First, go straight(walk west), then turn right at the post office. Go straight again. (单击,红灯亮) Oh, wait a minute! Can we go now? Ss: No.T: Its a red light. You know the traffic rules:单击课件,红黄绿灯依次亮 Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at

4、a green light. Its a green light. Lets go. Here it is!Its the gate of the park. 出示词卡,简单领读gate.2. 课件Show a map of the park.呈现新词area,(语音迁移really-area), ice-skating area, 并对area一词进行意义操练(ping-pong area, playing area) T: I have a map of the park. Its big. It has four gates.(单击课件,依次和学生一起说):The south gate

5、of the park, the north gate of the park, the east gate of the park and the west gate of the park. Its so big and it has many areas. Its really big. 呈现词卡really, 学生读,由really语音迁移到area. 领读个人读。接着教授ice-skating area. 领读个人读。 Area 的意义操练:T: If you like to go skate, you can go to the ice-skating area. If you l

6、ike playing ping-pong, you can go to the ping-pong area. You can go to the playing area of the park, I think youll have a good time.T: This area is a shop. Its a pet shop.(课件呈现图片和宠物狗的声音) 简单操练。 Step 3 In-reading 1. 读图,获取信息T: The park is a good place to go. Look, here comes two girls. Who are they? 单击

7、出现课本上两幅图。Ss: Chen Jie and Amy. T: Look at the pictures. Where are they going?Ss: They are going to the park .T: How are they going there?Ss: By bike.T: But where is the park? Can we know it in the pictures? No , lets find the answer in the passage.单击给出阅读提示2. 快读,回答Where is the park? 对答案。3. 细读,完成课后判断题

8、。 渗透学法指导。T: We know the park is next the hospital. Maybe there are many intresting places in the park. Let know more about the park. This time , read it again and tick or cross. 先带领学生读一遍题目。给出阅读提示,有目的地细读对话。对答案。4. 细读,理顺Amy 和Chen Jie 去公园的路线。排列句子. ( ) Then, they turn right. ( ) They get to the north gat

9、e. ( ) They go straight from the traffic lights. ( ) Go to the ice-skating area . ( ) Go to the pet shop at the south gate. 在这里对答案时板书关键词。方便下面的复述。Step4 post reading1. Read the passage. (1)Read after the tape;(2)Read in groups.2. Retell .(1) 根据板书复述;(2)集体或小组或个人复述。文 本如下: Amy and Chen Jie are going to th

10、e The park is next to the_(hospital/cinema).They are going _(by bus/ by bike). How do they go to the park? First, they _from the traffic lights. Then, they_. They get to the_(north gate/ south gate) first. Then, they are going to the _(bookstore/ pet shop) at the south gate. At last(最后), they are go

11、ing to the _(ice-skating area / ping-pong area).3. Group work: Design the rote to a park and write down.T: There are many nice parks in Linyi. The Peoples Park, Xizhi Park, The Childrens PalaceDo you want to go to the park?Ss:Yes!T: 发给各组大纸卡。Lets design the rote to the park and write it down. 主要的拓展活动就是以小组为单位,小组合作,根据卡片上已给地图,从不同的地方出发,到达不同的公园。根据地图,写出行走路线。(补充句子、完成短文的形式)呈现临沂其他美景。T: Linyi is a beautiful city.Step 5 Homework1. Read the passage.2. Design the rote to other places of Linyi, write the main rote.最后,在一首有趣的歌曲中说一下情感教育:Have a good day! Remember the traffic rules!


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