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1、Unit1 My family,1,沐风教资,2,沐风教资,3,沐风教资,Lesson1 Li Mings Big Family,4,沐风教资,New words: father 爸爸 2.mother 妈妈 3.grandfather (外)祖父 4.grandmother(外)祖母 5.brother 兄弟 6.sister 姐妹 7.parent 父亲/母亲 8.have 有,吃,进行(has),5,沐风教资,猜单词 例:My mothers sister ( aunt ) 1. My fathers brother( ) 2. My fathers father ( ) 3. My a

2、unts son( ) 4. My uncles daughter( ),uncle,cousin,cousin,grandfather,6,沐风教资,father,mother,Aunt Meiping,Uncle Dachao,Cousin Jing,grandfather,grandmother,grandfather,grandmother,Aunt Wangrong,Uncle Zhiwei,LiMing,_,-,7,沐风教资,This is my father, my mother and me. We live in China.,8,沐风教资,I have two grandf

3、athers and two grandmothers.,My parents have one child: me!,I dont have brothers or sisters.,9,沐风教资,My mother has a sister. She is Aunt Wanrong.,10,沐风教资,My father has a brother. He is Uncle Dachao.,11,沐风教资,I have one cousin. Her name is Jing. Uncle Dachao and Aunt Meiping are Jings parents.,12,沐风教资,

4、This is my family. I have I dont have I love my big family.,13,沐风教资,句型: 1.This is 这是 当第三方给双方做介绍时,通常用“this is+ 姓名”这一句型。 eg. This is LiMing. This is Danny. 指远处的人时,应用That is eg. That is Jenny. 2.have/has have和has表达动词“有”的含义时,have用 于第一人称、第二人称和各人称 复数,has用于第三人称单数。,14,沐风教资,eg: I have a book. My mother has b

5、ig eyes.,15,沐风教资,课文详解: 1.This is my father,my mother and me. this is that is these are those are,对应词,对应词,单复,单复,16,沐风教资,2. We live in China . live in / live at live in :相对较大的地点。 eg: she lives in shanghai. 注:第三人称单数live变为lives. live at :相对较小的地点。 eg: I live at this street. .,17,沐风教资,3.I have two grandfa

6、thers and two grandmothers . 由have / has的肯定句变疑问句或否定句时,要 借助于助动词do或does . eg: (1) I have a book . 疑问: Do you have a book ? 否定:I dont have a book . (2) She has a book . 疑问:Does she have a book ? 否定:She doesnt have a book . 注:变否定句和疑问句时助动词does已经表示第三人称,原句中的has应变回have,18,沐风教资,4.I dont have brothers or sist

7、ers. 否定句中的or相当与and,表示“也不,也没 有。” She cant sing or dance. she cant sing and cant dance.,19,沐风教资,5.Uncle Dachao and Aunt Meiping are Jings parents. 有生命的+s表示所属关系。 eg: Daxiongs feet. 无生命的名词一般与of构成短语,表示所属关 系。 eg: The window of our classroom. “名词+of+名词所有格”构成双重所有格。 eg:This is a book of Mr Wood s . This is M

8、r Wood s book .,20,沐风教资,5.Uncle Dachao and Aunt Meiping are Jings parents. 有生命的+s表示所属关系。 eg: Daxiongs feet. 无生命的名词一般与of构成短语,表示所属关 系。 eg: The window of our classroom. “名词+of+名词所有格”构成双重所有格。 eg:This is a book of Mr Wood s . This is Mr Wood s book .,21,沐风教资,6. I love my big family . family: (1)指家庭成员,谓语用

9、复数。 eg: My family are eating breakfast. (2)把family看成一个整体,谓语用单数。 eg: My family is big than yours .,22,沐风教资,名词词尾加s的所有格,1. 一般情况在名词后加s 例如: That girls coat is in the room. 2. 在以s结尾的名词(包括以s结尾的复数名词)后面,只加 。 如果复数名词不是以s结尾的,末尾也要加s。 例如: Teachers Day. Childrens Day,23,沐风教资,名词词尾加s的所有格,3. 表示词组内的并列名词各自的所有关系时,须在各个名词

10、后加s; 例如: Johns and Kates rooms. 如果一个东西为两个人或者两个以上的人共同拥有,只在最后一个名词后面加s。 例如: John and Kates room. He is Lily and Lucys father.,24,沐风教资,名词词尾加s的所有格,4. 英语名词所有格修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,后面则可以省略,以防止重复。 例如: This is not Dicks dictionary, but Toms.,25,沐风教资,Exercise,用have或has填空 1. I one sister. 2. He two dogs. 3. His mother two brothers. 4. I dont pens. 5. Lily doesnt cats.,26,沐风教资,Exercise,用or或 and填空 1. I like math _ science. 2. There is no air _ water on the moon.3. She is not beautiful _ clever.,27,沐风教资,Thank you!,28,沐风教资,


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