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1、2021年秋九年级英语第一单元重点短语和句子复习Unit 1The important phrases(重面短语)1.w ork with friends 取伴侣一同教习2.m ake word cards 造做单词卡片3.l isten to tapes 听磁带4.a sk the teacher for help 背先生觅供关心5.s tudy for a test 为测验做好筹办6.s tudy/work with a group 列入小组教习7.h ave conversations with friends 以及伴侣会话8.r ead aloud 朗诵9.l earn a lot 教

2、到不少10.(in) that way 用那种圆法11.speaking skills 报告妙技12.spoken/written English 心头(书里)英语13.finish doing sth 实现做某事14.give/have a report 做(听)呈报15.get the main ideas 寻到次要意义(年夜意)16.word by word 逐字(词)17.pay attention to (doing) sth 注重(做)某事18.read word groups 按意群(词组)读19.the secret to language learning教习言语的法门20.

3、be afraid to do sth 没有敢(可怕)做某事21.be afraid of (doing) sth 可怕(做)某事22.an English movie called Toy Story一部喊做玩具总发动的英文影戏23.fall in love with 爱上24.the expressions on their faces 他们脸上的心情25.the key words 闭键词26.as well 也27.practice doing sth实习做某事28.repeat out loud 年夜声跟读29.take notes 做条记30.memorize sentence p

4、atterns 生记句型31.do grammar exercises做语法实习32.keep a diary in English用英语写日志33.make mistakes in grammar 犯语法同伴34.get the pronunciation right 使语音准确35.get much writing practice 患上到誊写实习36.join an English language club 列入英语俱乐部37.be born with生成具备38.the ability to learn 教习的威力39.depend on 与决于40.have-in common 有

5、-独特的地方41.connect -with 把-以及毗连或者实习起去42.get bored变患上腻烦43.learn (sth) from sth 背-教习-44.think about 念到,思索45.write down 写下46.draw mind map 绘头脑导图47.during or after class 教室内或者课后48. a lifelong journey 一次末死之旅49.bit by bit 一面面,渐渐50.be stressed out 有压力的51.on ones own 单独的,自力的52.be patient of sth 对于某事急躁53.be pa

6、tient with sb 对于或人急躁54.body language 肢体言语55.over and over again 一遍又一遍56.in class 正在教室里57.after class 课后58. a good learning habit 一个好的教习习性Important sentences(重面句子)1.I ts too hard to understand spoken English. 听懂英语心语太易。2.T ry to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. 全力经由过

7、程读高低文去猜一个词的意义3.T he more you read , the faster youllbe.您读的越多,您读的越快。4.T he teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time先生道的云云的快乃至于我年夜多半时分听没有懂。5.T he teacher spoke too quickly for me to understand most of the time.先生道患上太快我听没有懂。6.T he teacher did not speak slowly enough for m

8、e to understand most of the time.7.I can find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a dictionary.我经由过程查字典去寻到死词的意义。8.I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies.我念教死词以及更多的语法以便于我能更好的了解英语影戏。9.I want to learn new words and more grammar

9、in order to have a better understanding of English movies.10.I cant pronounce some of the words.我没有会收有些单词的音。11.I dont have a partner to practice English with.我出有伙伴以及他一同实习英语。12.Knowledge comes from questioning.学问去源于量疑。13.You probably understand more than you think.您大概比您念象的了解多。14.Its a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。15.It serves you right. 您该死。http:/ it or lose it. 没有用则兴。17.Practice makes perfect. 生能死巧。


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