3461.C “后配额时代”我国纺织品出口面临的难题及对策 文献.doc

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6、许多金融机构来促成国际贸易。国际货币基金组织就是联合国设立的一个稳定世界汇率的机构。国际复兴和开发银行(世界银行)是由大约150个成员国支持的机构,旨在向发展中国家货款帮助他们复兴经济、发展经济。国际金融会司,隶属于世界银行,对发展中国家个体企业进行投资。国际开发协会,隶属于世界银行,以比世界银行更宽松的条件向发展中国家提供货款。International Trade PolicyVarious forms of trade barriers have been imposed by nations to protect their domestic interest, resulting i

7、n substantial decrease in trade. This article invites you to take a look at trade barriers and the interna-tional trade agreements reached for reducing trade barriers and promot-ing international trade.Specialization and trade according to comparative advantage can dramatically improve the well-bein

8、g of entire nations. This is why gov-ernment generally favors free trade. Yet international trade can, in the short run, hurt particular groups of people. These groups often induce government to restrict free trade. Trade barriers consist of tariffs, quotas, exchange controls, import licensing, emba

9、rgoes, export taxes, subsidies and various technical standards and practices.Tariffs (customs duties) are levied on imports. taxation is usually an ad valorem duty, the price according to the foreign tax. if needs elastic characteristics, tariffs on import will be the most effective ( is known as a

10、substitute for the country. tariff ) when it can also be used to increase government revenue as a means of when the demand is inelastic will be more effective. Tariffs can be used to improve import prices in order to protect domestic manufacturers against the unfair competition.Quotas for certain co

11、mmodities is the import quantity be direct. this can be made by the government to control or through negotiation and importing countries that voluntary import restrictions. Foreign exchange control to importer in imported goods, or citizens to travel abroad, or investment needs to be in foreign exch

12、ange control organ in the official exchange rate for the purchase of fixed exchange. to buy foreign currency of charge an expense.Import license system is in foreign exchange control of the importer or quotas obtained a license by the way the government can more effectively to control the trade.The

13、trade to a government absolutely forbidden to the import of certain goods or drug ) ( example is strictly forbidden to export ( in some countries such as wars between nations ).Export tax is in the country for the supply of commodities have the monopoly power to raise the export prices.Subsidies are

14、 given the domestic producer countries to prevent imports give them a low price dumping competition. in the process of commodities that can gain benefits. goods in an artificial in markets abroad. a low price dumpingThe government to buy goods at domestic producer services to give a discount. furthe

15、r, the free movement of products for import of technical standards and blockaded. there is a great technological standards and health and quarantine, and the commodity packing and labelling regulations to restrict the importation of foreign product to sell. for example, for the import of car must be

16、 approved by the pollution control and safety standards. the european countries are given hormones growth of domestic beef imports.Tariff and non-tariff barriers up the purchase price and protect the interests of producers of products imported competition. in the past ten years, world trade non-tari

17、ff barriers to the importance of the gradual growth. it is estimated that nearly 56% of the world trade is conducted in a non-tariff barriers.In recent decades international trade in the trade restrictions have made great progress. please see below. some of the trade agreementNorth american free tra

18、de agreements in force in 1994 valid for 15 years. the agreement will be eliminated, and in mexico and all customs and other trade barriers.The world trade organization is over 120 countries. these members of the gatt and other international trade agreement and has made eight rounds of negotiations,

19、 and between member countries of the tariff. for example, in 1993 and 1995, the average tariff from about 59% to 5 or so. the last part of negotiation, i.e. the uruguay round is completed, the tariff reduction in 1994. the third. The world trade organization in the field has promoted the development

20、 of trade : eliminate import quotas, to reduce the number of agricultural subsidies and make some such as banking, insurance and accounting services of international trade restrictions on their legal effect.In europe, a total of 15 countries in europe are joined to the withdrawal of trade barriers a

21、nd establish a single market of the european union. in addition, these countries are trying to all member states in establishing a uniform, the euro currency. asia-pacific economic co-operation was in 1994, 18 asian countries have signed reduce trade barriers limited the agreement.These agreements i

22、s to reduce trade barriers and promote the development of international trade. for example, the recent round of trade negotiations ( ) the uruguay round will be increased at least nine the world trade, maybe as high as 24 .Free trade area is not required to pay duty on foreign goods to the region. t

23、he importer to know the american free trade area from the goods to america and then to impose tariffs and the importer is the product from a free trade area for other countries will not pay any taxes.Promote free trade law will promote the development of international trade but in some enterprises n

24、eed a certain amount of money into the international market. the united nations to establish a lot of financial institutions to promote international trade.The international monetary fund is the united nations established a stable exchange rate of the world. the international reconstruction and deve

25、lopment bank ( the world bank ) is about 150 a member of the organization to support to developing countries to help them restore the economy and economic development. the international finance corporation, which is subordinate to the developing countries of the world bank, enterprises investing. International development association, which is subordinate to the world bank with much more relaxed than the world bank to provide the conditions of developing countries.


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