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1、_Compared with America being slaves to nothing but the clock .Chinese care a little about time going by .The concept of time(时间观念)Inchina , words and phrases about time are very general.For example,ifyou datewithsomeone, most ofChineseusedto answer: in the afternoon /at night/after a while and soon.

2、But inwestern , people have a very strong concept of time.If you date witha foreigner,theywillask you the Specifictime, such as: what time should we meet?InChinese dating, people would like to come in advanceand they think its represent respect and politeness.Westerners like come to the dating place

3、 on time or a fewminuteslate,whichcangiveeachotherfullytimetoprepareandtheenough privatespace.Theythinkthatarrivingontimeshowspeoplehavegoodeducation.Otherwisehewillberegardedasunreliableorisnotresponsible for the other people.Most Americans place a strong emphasis on being ontime.They tendtoorganiz

4、etimeby means ofschedules.Timeis highly valued and treated as something real in Americanculture because it conveys different meanings to Americanpeople. In their eyes,“Time and tide wait for no man”and“Time lostisneverregained”. As a result,theywant everyminutetobeimportantandmeaningful,andtheyfirml

5、ybelieve that no time should be wasted.Not surprisingly, the new comers to America find theAmericans seem always in a hurry and do everything at arunningpace.So what makes thenew comers embarrassedistohavenoopportunitytosmile,converseorhaveashortexchange with strangers because the Americans regard suchpractices as a waste of time.Keeping Appointments and DatesItisconsideredimpoliteand inconsideratetofailto精品资料_keep an appointment or date without giving prior notice tothe other person. If you do not plan to meet the person, then you should decline the invitation.精品资料


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