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1、.小学英语四年级下册第五单元试题一、选出不同类的一项。( 10 分)()1 、 A、 orangeB、purpleC、blackD 、colour()2 、 A、 pantsB、 jeansC、dressD 、blue()3 、 A、 canteen B、garden C、 nine D 、 library()4 、 A、 jacketB、 skirtC、pictureD 、T-shirt()5 、 A、 English B 、 clockC、 mathD、 P.E.二、完成句子(10 分)1 、 Where are my _( 袜子 ).2 、 What _ ( 颜色 )is your sh

2、irt?3 、 My T-shirt is _( 黄色 ).4 、 I have a new _( 连衣裙 )for my birthday party.5 、 Those shoes are my _(爸爸的 ).三、单项选择,请将正确选项字母标号填在题前括号内。( 30 分)() 1 Whose dress is it?A. It s his dress.B.It s her dress.C.It s my brother dress.() 2.These _ my baby pants.A.areB.isC.am() 3.I have a new dress_ birthday part

3、y.A.toB.onC.for()4.Is this your T-shirt?A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isC.Yes, it s not.()5.It s 7:05.It s time _ go to school.A.toB.forC.of()6.Whose is this sweater?A.It s myB.It s my sister.C.It s my brother s.()7.Our neighbour _ a new baby.A.hasB. haveC.are()8. Please take _ your jacket.A.ofB.offC. on()9

4、.That _ my shirt. Those _ your jeans.A.is / isB.is / areC. are / is()10._ is this story-book?It s jack s.A.WhoB.WhoseC.How()11 、 Thoseyour socks.A 、areB、 isC、 am()12 、 My babyare on the sofa.A 、 sockB、 shoesC、 shirt()13 、colour is your coat?A 、WhoseB、 WhatC、 Where() 14 、 A :Whose jeans are they?B: T

5、hey re my.A 、sisterB、 sistersC、sister s()15 、 A :that your brothers jacket?B: No, it s not.A 、AreB、 AmC、Is四、下面 5 组打乱顺序的问答句,把正确答句字母标号写在句前的括号内。( 10 分)()1.What colour is your sweater?A. Yes, it is.()2 What are they?()3 Is that your pencil case?()4 Whose is the book?.B. It s my sister s.C. It s five ok.

6、 clocD.They are my shoes.()5What time is it now?E. It s brown.五、连词成句。注意标点符号和字母大小写。(10 分)1 likethewhiteIsweater(.)_2.Whatyouriscolourskirt(?)_3.thisyourIsT-shirt(?)_4.shortsmyarenew(.)_5.Whereyourarebluepants(?)_.六、根据提示补全句子。( 20 分)1 Is this your sweater. No, _.2 What _ is it? It s twelve _.3 It s 9:4

7、5. It s time for _.4 This is my _. That is _ computer.5 Where is my _. It s on the _.6 ._? It s white.7 ._? They re white.8.Whose is the jacket ?(John) _.9.Whose are the jeans ?(John)_.10 . Are these Amy s skirts? _.七、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。( 10 分)I m ZhangPeng. It s 6:40. It s time to get up. I wear

8、 my new T-shirt. It syellow. And I wear my green shorts. They re old. But I like them very much. I haveP.E. class today, so I wear my white shoes. At 7:00, I have some hamburgers and milkfor breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:20.()1 、I get up at 6:40.()2 、I have a yellow shirt. Its new.() 3、 I like my green shorts.() 4、 I wear green shoes today.() 5、 I have breakfast at 7:20.


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