新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 4 Li Ming Comes HomeLesson 20 Looking at Photos》教案_3.doc

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1、Lesson 20 Looking at Photos 一、教学目标知识与技能目标学生能后听懂、会说、认读和书写下列单词:find- found; get- got学生能认读、理解和运用下列句子:Do you remember?情感态度目标通过对本课动词过去式的复习和学习,让学生感知规律并乐于去积极地尝试用英语表达自己。学习策略目标培养学生独立思考、总结规律的习惯和自主学习、乐于学习的能力。文化意识目标培养学生珍爱生活与朋友的意识。二、教学重难点 学生能够正确和灵活地运用动词的过去式。三、教学准备 录音机,照片,单词卡片四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up 1. Sing a son

2、g ( the song in Lesson 4: What did you do?) 2. Free talk: T: Hello, boys and girls! Whats the date today? Hows the weather today?Ss: T: What did you do yesterday?S1: S2: S3: Step 2 Preparation and Presentation 1. Lead - in:T:Where did Miss Hao go last winter holiday? Do you remember? Ss: Yes. You we

3、nt to Shanghai. T: Look! What did I find? Ss: Photos. T: Yeah! I found these photos. Ss: You found these photos. (教授find-found) T: Lets look at photos. (引出标题) What did Miss Hao do in Shanghai? Lets see. ( show some photos) I saw beautiful buildings. I wanted to go shopping. I learned to speak Shangh

4、ai dialect. ( She taught me to speak Shanghai dialect.) I talked to the clerk. I bought some gifts. T: Do you remember these words? find-found hit-hit say-said go-went see-saw want-wanted teach-taught talk-talked buy-bought2. First - reading:T: Where is Li Ming now? Do you remember? Ss: Yes! He is i

5、n Canada now. T: Lets read the text quickly and find the answers. What is Li Ming doing? What did he find? Do they remember? ( He is getting ready to go home next week. He found these photos. Yes, they do.)3. Second reading and discussion:T: Lets look at these photos and talk about them. ( Listen to

6、 the tape and read the text carefully.) Photo 1: Danny wanted to play basketball with a ping-pong ball. Photo 2: Danny said the basketball was heavy. Then Li Ming taught him to play ping-pong, but he hit his hand. Photo 3: Li Ming went to the shop with Danny. They bought Christmas gifts. Then they s

7、aw Santa. They talked to Santa. ( Students can talk about the photos with their own sentences.)Step 3 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and read the text aloud.T: After weve learned the text, lets read it after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 2. Lets sing.T: Li Ming misses hi

8、s friends. Do you think so? Ss: Yes. T: We love our friends. Lets sing a song Come and sit beside me, my friend. 3. Lets do it! Pair work. Talk about the photos. Then write. T: Lets do the Part 3. Where was ? What did ? Students show their dialogues.Step 4 Production Pair work. Make a dialogue. T: Take out your photos. Talk about them with your partner. - Look, I found these photos. Heres a photo. Do you remember? - Yes! Where was ? - - What did ? - Ss show their dialogues.Step 5 AssessmentHomework: Talk about your photos with your partner. Then write down the sentences.


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