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1、。新目标英语七下补全对话专练1A: Hi, Julia! 1 _?B: Hi, Tom! I am writing an e-mail to my pen pal.A: Your pen pal? 2. _?B: She s a girl. She is from the UK.A: 3 _?B: She is of medium height and has short curly blonde hair.A: What do you want to tell her in your letter? B: I want to tell her about my last vacation.A

2、: Really? 4 _?B: I went to Sanya,Hainan.A:5 _?B:No, they didnt. My parents were at work. I went there with my cousins.2A: Hi, Lucy. B: Hi, Bob.A: 1_? B: My weekend was great. A:2._?B:On Saturday morning I played tennis, on Sunday morning I went to thezoo. A: Did you see elephants in the zoo? B: Yeah

3、, I did.A: 3. _? B: I love elephants.A: Oh, is that you brother? B: No, it isnt.-可编辑修改 -。A:4 _?s B:reallyHe tall.And he has curly hair.A: By the way. 5 _?B: I have many rules at my school. We cantrun in the hallways and cantarrive late for class.A: Wow, it s six o clock now. Let s go home.B: OK. Goo

4、d-bye. A: Bye-bye!3A: Excuse me, Mike. Do you have a pen pal? B: Yes. Her names Nancy.A: 1 _?B: She s from Sydney, Australia.A: 2_?B: She has long hair.A: 3 _?B: She likes game shows.A: 4 _?B: Yes, I do. I want to go to Sydney and visit her this vacation.A: 5 _?B: The weatheris nice. It s nottoo hot

5、in summer ornottoocoldinwinter.A: OK. I hope you have a good trip. B: Thank you.4-可编辑修改 -。A: 1_?B: I went to Shanghai for my vacation.A: Great? 2 _?B: I visited many beautiful places.A: 3 _?B: Yes. I took many photos there?A: 4 _? B : It was warm and sunny.A: 5 _?B: It s a beautiful city. I want to

6、visit it again.5A: Hello. 1_B: Yes, this is Maria speaking.A: Maria, 2 _? I can tremember.B: We have English , math, Chinese and P.E. in the morning. Then Historyand computer in the afternoon.A: Do we have to wear a uniform?B: No. 3 _.Wearsports clothes for gym class, please. A:OK.Did you go to a mo

7、vie last night?B: No, I stayed at home and watched the soap operas.A: 4 _?B: I love them, they are interesting.5_?-可编辑修改 -。A: I can t stand them. I think theyre too boring.6A: I had a school trip last week .B: Really . _A: I visited the fire station .B: _A: I went with my classmates .B: _A : We watc

8、hedthefirefighterswork .Whatan interestingjobtheyhave !B: _A : Sure . We learned how to call the fire station and what to do whenthere is a fire .答案 11.What are you doing2.Is it a girl or a boy3. What does she look like4. Where did you go on vacation5.Did your parents go there with you。21.How was yo

9、ur weekend2.What did you do-可编辑修改 -。3. What do you think of elephants4. What does your brother look like5. What are the rules at your school31. Where s she from2. What does she look like3. What kind of TV shows does she like4. Do you want to go to Australia5.How s the weather there / Whats the weath

10、er like there41.Where did you go on vacation2.What did you do there3.Did you take any photos there4.How was the weather there5.What do you think of Shanghai51.May I speak to Maria2.What class do we have today3. Don t wear a uniform4. What do you think of soap operas5. How about you6-可编辑修改 -。1 Where did you go2 Who did you go with3 Where did you go4 What did you do5 Did you learn anything-可编辑修改 -。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改 -


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