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1、Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便,1,沐风教资,1 once wns ad.曾经,以前 2 temptationtemptein n.诱惑 3 article :tikl n.物品,东西 4 wraprp v.包裹 5 simply simpli ad.仅仅 6 arrestrest v.逮捕,New words and expressions,2,沐风教资,well-dressed ever before than usual wrap up as as possible without paying,穿着入时的,以前,从前,比平常,包起来,尽可能,没

2、有付款,不用付款,Short phrases,3,沐风教资,once adv. 1) adv一度,曾经, 以前 People are not so honest as they once were. 人们不像以前那样诚实了。 I once lived in Africa 我曾经住在非洲。 2)一次 (for one time) Ive been to Paris once 我去过巴黎一次。 once- twice-three times- The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week.(一周一次),4,沐风教资,once adv. at o

3、nce; immediately: right away 立刻,马上 After work,come back at once!下班之后立刻回家! once again/ once more 例:Read the new words once again 再重新读一遍。 once upon a time很久以前/ long, long ago 例: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. 很久以前有一位漂亮的公主。,5,沐风教资,temptation n诱惑 In large shops, the temptation to steal

4、 is larger than before. 在大商店里偷东西的诱惑比以前更强烈了。 the temptation of beauty 美的诱惑 give into temptation 经不住诱惑 I cant resist the temptation of sweets. 我非常喜欢吃糖,我禁不住糖的诱惑。,6,沐风教资,article n 1)物品,东西,商品 small articles,小商品 articles of clothing(shirts , socks , hats, coats-) toilet articles盥洗用品 2)(报刊上的)文章 Have you re

5、ad the article on/about the train accident in today s paper? 报纸上有没有读那篇关于火车事故的文章呢。,7,沐风教资,wrap vt包,裹 wrap sth up把东西包起来 The assistant wrapped the dress up as quickly as possible. 那个售货员尽可能快的把衣服包了起来。 I wrapped the parcels up and posted them. 我把包裹包了起来,然后寄了出去。 wrap it up住嘴,安静=shut up; be quiet be wrapped

6、up in 完全被包在里;全神贯注于 He was wrapped up in watching TV他全神贯注地看电视。,8,沐风教资,simply adv. simple adj 简单的,朴索的(easy,plain in form,design) a simple task 简单的任务 a simple problem 一个简单的问题 simple food简朴的食物 1)简单地(in a easy way) Explain it as simply as possible. 尽可能简单地讲这个问题。 2) merely,only仅仅 The woman simply took the

7、parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. 那位妇女拿过包就走出商场,根本就没有付钱。,9,沐风教资,arrest vt依法逮捕,拘留,扣留 arrest sb逮捕某人 sb be arrested catch sb doing抓住正做某事 seize sb 热切拼命的抓住 hold sb 抓住(强调结果) capture 捕获 arresting 引人注目的,醒目的,10,沐风教资,CBD=Central Business District,11,沐风教资,Do you like shopping?,12,沐风教资,Lets talk

8、about shopping,What do you think of shopping? Is it fun? Interesting? Difficult? What do you usually buy when you go shopping?,13,沐风教资,It is one of Mr. Lijiachengs shopping mall, but it made Mr. Li worried recently.,Why?,14,沐风教资,Problem in the shopping mall: Expensive articles lost every week,How to

9、 solve the problem: Hire a detective,15,沐风教资,article 商品 small article personal article = item This shop is famous for selling small items. article 文章 passage/composition This is an interesting article which talk about love.,16,沐风教资,detective ditektiv 侦探,Mr. Li hired a detective to look into the acci

10、dent. 公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。,17,沐风教资,Time: Monday Morning,suspected person No1:,可疑人物一号,a well-dressed woman,18,沐风教资,The most expensive dresses,19,沐风教资,Suspected person No. 2 : 可疑人物2号,a poorly-dressed man,He walked out of the shop without buying anything.,20,沐风教资,Guess: Who is the thief? How does she/he s

11、teal the goods?,Dont judge people just by appearance.,21,沐风教资,1.Who was the thief? 2.Who was the assistant?,Listen and answer,22,沐风教资,People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dress

12、ed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dr

13、esses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible. Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl gave her mother a free

14、dress once a week!,23,沐风教资,People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before-especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.,1. not so + adj.+ as 不如那样 Eg: Tiger is not so

15、 clever as monkey. 2. well-dressed 复合名词 over-tired 过度疲劳的 long-distance 长距离的 a long-distance runner 长跑运动员 a ten-year-old girl 一个十岁的小女孩,动词不定式作定语。,24,沐风教资,One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her.,than usual 比平常 a

16、s usual 像平常一样 than before 比以前 as before像以前一样 than ever before 比以往任何时候,不定式是真正的主语,it为形式主语。,25,沐风教资,The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.,1

17、. choose-chose-chosen choice n选择(权);供选择的东西 a上等的,精选的 Eg: Red or blue, whats your choice? choice apple. / choice wine. 2. wrap up 包起来 Eg: Nurse used a cloth wrap up his wound.,26,沐风教资,Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.,without paying 介+n/pron/doing Eg: She

18、 talked with a smiling face. Teacher came into the classroom with a box of chalk.,27,沐风教资,When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.,find 1)意外或偶然发生 Look,what Ive found看,我发现了什么。 He woke up and found himself in hospital.他醒来发现自己在医院里。 2)发现,找回 I looked for my

19、 wallet everywhere , but I can t find it. 我到处找我的钱包,但都找不到。 find out(经研究,询问)获知 I found out that the train had left. 我发现火车已经开走了。,28,沐风教资,The detective found out that the girl was the womans daughter.The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week!,free 1)免费的 There is no such a thing as free lunch.天下没

20、有免费的午餐。 a free cup of coffee一杯免费的咖啡 2)自由的 My father went to Shanghai on business, Im free now. 我父亲去上海出差了,我自由了。 3)空闲的 Are you free tonight? Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 今天晚上有空吗?你愿意和我去看电影吗? freedom n.自由,29,沐风教资,1形容词和副词的同级比较:表示 “和一样地” as+ adj/adv+ as 表示“不如,不及” not as/so+ adj./ adv.十 as 其

21、中adj或adv必须用原形 He is not as busy as before. 他不像以前那么忙了。 Well give you as much help as we can. 我们将尽可能的给你帮助 He could speak English as fluently as Englishman. 他将英文像英国人一样流利。 I cant speak so/as fast as you can 我说话没你那么快。 I didnt do so/as well as I should. 我不像我应该做的那样好。,Key structures,30,沐风教资,2asas;soas结构前可以用

22、Just, almost, nearly, half等词表示程度。 She hasnt been quite so unlucky as she pretends. 她并不很像她所装作的那样倒霉。 He doesnt dress half so strangely as Tom. 他的衣着的奇异远不如汤姆。 You are sewing nearly as neatly as your mother. 你的针线活差不多和你母亲一样干净利落。,Key structures,31,沐风教资,3其它比较方式: There isn t much I can do to help him. There

23、is little I can do to help him. (not much/little修饰不可数名词) He hasnt got as much work to do as I have. 他要干的活没有我要干的活多。 Hes got less work to do than I have. 他干的活比我的少一些。 There werent many people in the shop. 商店里没有多少人。 There were very few people in the shop. 商店里有很少的人。,Key structures,32,沐风教资,(not many/very

24、few修饰可数名词) He hasnt as many books as I have. 他的书比我要少一些, He has fewer books than I have. There isnt much whisky in this bottle, but you can have some if you want it. 瓶子里没有多少威斯忌了,如果你想要的话你可以喝一点。 There arent many apples on the tree, but you can pick some if you want to. 树上没有多少苹果了,如果你想,你可以摘一些。,Key struct

25、ures,33,沐风教资,a (an)与one的异同: 1)同:两者都有“一个”的意思,有时可互换,尤其表示数量、长度,重量时 a foot=one foot一英尺 a pound=one pound a hundred= one hundred百 2)异:a/an表示类别,数词one强调“数目” Can a girl do this? 这是女孩干的活吗? (Maybe a boy can do it) Can one girl do this? 这是一个女孩干的活吗? (Maybe more girls can do this.) a girl-a boy one -two , three,

26、Special difficulties,34,沐风教资,3)表示数目对比的场合,用one,不用a/an I have one girlfriend, but you have two. 我有一个女朋友,但是你有两个。 Tom has two brothers but only one sister. 汤姆有两个哥哥,一个姐姐。 4)某些习语中,a/an与one含义不同 at a time每次 at one time 一度 more than a year一年多(如,一年三个月 more than one year不止一年(如,两年,三年),Special difficulties,35,沐风教资,5)某些习语中,不可随意替换 once upon a time很久以前one day有一天 an hour or two /one or two hours -一两个小时 a day or two/one or two days一两天 a(an) 与的异同:,Special difficulties,36,沐风教资,Homework:,1.复习L32 课文读5遍 准备听写L32 2.预习L33 课文读2遍 划出难点 3. 完成L32 练习册A / B / C 4.阅读P 20-21,37,沐风教资,


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