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1、中考英语单选题总结第一份(一)1 What kindof _ do you often play withyour friends ?Basketball . We often play basketball together .A cup Bfilm C game Dbook 2 Can you lend _ your pen? I can t find mine.Sure. Here you are.A yourByouC myDme3There is _wrong with him .He justneeds agood rest.A nothingBsomethingC everyth

2、ingDanything4The students are having an Englishlesson _their classroom.A inBonC forDof5Sam got up early _ he was late forschool.A andBbutC orDso6 What s _over there?It s a machine for cutting grass.A it Bits C this Dthat 7 How many times have you been here?This is my _ visit .A fourBthe fourC fourth

3、Dthe fourth8Mary _ the piano well . She is often asked to play at the concert.A playBplaysC playingDplayed9Lucy _ her dog and nowshe is walkingit .A willfindBis findingC has foundDfinds10It s notnecessary to _ every new wordwhilereading . You canguess its meaning .A lookforBlook afterC look atDlook

4、up11 Tina gotill yesterday . She felta little _thismorning .A illBworseC worstDthe worst12 Look .What amodern hospital !Yes, it is. It _ in 2007A isbuiltBwas builtC canbebuiltDwillbe built13I toldJane _ her homework beforeFriday .A finishBfinishesC finishingDtofinish14Ben was unhappy _ he got a C in

5、 themathtest.A becauseBbeforeC ifDwhen15 I need to go tothe bank . Couldyou tellme _?It s just on the corner .A where is itBwhere itisC where it was D where was it16 _?I am a doctor .A How are youBHow do you doCWhatdo you doD Whatdo you want(二)1 What s your favoritesport ?Fishing is _ favorite sport

6、 .A myBmeC yourDyou2There willbe a party _Friday .A atBinC onDto3This jacketis _.A TomBTomsC Tom sDToms4Mr . Anderson came _taxi .A ofBfromC atDby5Betty asked me _ to the museum withher .A goBgoesC to goDgoing6 _ did you arrive late?It was the bus. It was late.A HowBWhereC WhenDWhy7Whichroom is _,th

7、e large one or the small one?A brightBbrighterC brightestDthe brightest8Peter _ fastest in our class.A swimBswimsC swimmingDswum9 Linda ? Linda ? Can you come?I _ my clothes.A wash Bwill wash C am washing Dwas washing 10Although he missed some classes, he _ good scores in the exam. Bwill get C gets

8、Dget A got11 Who is that man?That _ be Mr . Green. He always walks this way. Hi! Mr . Green.A canBmayC needDmust12He joined the music clubin2005 and _ overa hundred songs.A willlearnBislearningC has learnedDwas learning13I feel like _ some humorousmovies.A seeBseeingC to seeDsaw14The boy lookssad. C

9、anyoumakehim _ ?A happyBhappilyC happinessDhappiest15 Everybody wants to know _.He is fine .A whatdoes he feelBwhat he feelsChowdoes he feelDhow he feels16 _?It s about 40 minutes by bike .A How tallis itB How long is itCHow faris itD How much is it(三)1 Whose bag is this?See the girl by the door? It

10、s _.A herBsheC herselfDhers2 Where is Shanghai?It is _ the east of China.A inBtoC onDat3They arrived here in time but didnt know _ to do next.A howBwhyC whatDwhen4You _ return the book now. You can keep it till next week.A shouldBmustntC needntDmay5We were so excited that we rushed into the street _

11、 we heard the news.A until Bever since C as if Das soon as 6The students _ how to do the experiment in class yesterday. A taught Bwere taught C are taught Dteach7Jenny is a quick thinker, and she always works out the cost _ morequickly than me.A someBmanyC littleDmuch8 Have you got a job offer ?Not

12、yet. I _.A waitedBam waitingC waitDwas waiting9 I really like the song You and Me.Me too! Sarah Brightman has a very sweet _.A dressBvoiceC soundDface10Tom, would you please _ the box? Its for your sister.A not to openBdont openC not openDto not open11 John, how old is your grandfather?_. We had a p

13、arty for his _ birthday last week.A Eighty; eightiethB Eighty; eightyCEightieth; eightyD Eightieth; eightieth12 Whats that noise?Oh, I forgot _ you. The workers are testing the new machine.A telling Btell C told Dto tell 13 Is your home far from school?No. Its only _ walk.A ten-minutes Bten minutes

14、C ten minutes Dten-minute 14 When _ for Hong Kong, do you know?Im not sure. When he _, Ill let you know.A he leaves; leaves B will he leave; will leave Che leaves; will leave D will he leave; leaves15 Lucy, I hear the new TV tower is fantastic. Could you tell me _?Sure! Take No. 8 bus. Its not far.A

15、 how far it isB where is itChow I can get thereD which bus should I take16 Hi, Jim. Its a long time since we met last._.A Thats all rightBIt doesnt matterCI dont think so D Nice to see you again(四)1There is no doubtthat Yao Mingis _favourite star .A usBweC ourDours2The story which moved us a lothapp

16、ened _May 12th, 2008.A inBonC atDby3There was no foodin thehouse, _ we rangout for a pizza.A becauseBorC butDso4 Hello , _is Maryspeaking. Is Johnthere,please?Hold on, please.A sheBthatC thisDone5 Whois the youngman in the air force uniform inthe picture ?Mybrother .Hehas _the army fortwoyears.A joi

17、nedBleftC been inDcome to6If Ican run as _ as Tom,both of us willbe chosen to takepartinthe sports meeting.A fastBfasterC fastestDthe fastest7Mymother often cooks _ in many differentways becauseI like themvery much .A chickenBfishC beefDpotatoes8 _ do you go to BeijingHappy Valley?Once a year .A How

18、longBHow oftenC How farDHowsoon9 Ireallyenjoy _ the TVplay in whichSun Hongleiplayedthehero.So do I .A watchBwatchesC watchingDwatched10Mysister has worked as an engineer since she _ back fromtheUnited States.A cameBhad comeC comesDhas come11We like travelingfrom one place to _ to learn about differ

19、ent culturesaroundthe world .A otherBanotherC othersDthe others12 Do you likethe magic show by Liu Qian ?Yeah. Ithinkthatwas _ performance at CCTV Spring FestivalGala .A less amazingB more amazedCthe least amazedDthemostamazing13People here are very _. They re always happy to help you. A careful Blo

20、nely C successful Dfriendly 14 Excuse me, sir . Could you tell me _? At 2: 00 p. m.15 John,what was your sister doing whileyou _ the piano?Oh,she _ withtoys.A played,playedB played,was playingCwere playing ,playedD were playing ,was playing16 Wouldyou like some more rice?_.A Thankyou,but I m fullB N

21、ever mindCVery well ,thank youD Help yourself(五)1This pen is Tom. sGive it to _, please.A heBhim .C sheDher2Father s Day is _ June 21 this year.A atBinC onDto3Oh, you ve got a new book.Is there _ interesting?A everythingBsomethingC anythingDnothing4 Which is _ in China, football, basketball or table

22、 tennis?Table tennis .A popularBmore popularCmost popularDthe most popular5 _ makes you think I m from England?The way you speak .A WhatBWhoC WhereDWhen6Work hard, _ you won t catch up with the other students.A orBsoC andDbut7 Can you answer the last question?No, I _. It s too difficult.A mustntBcan

23、tC needntDshouldn t8I m sorry _ you that you didn t pass the maths. examA tellBtoldC to tellDtelling9Your son has kept _ for two hours. You d better ask him to have arest.A studyBstudiedC to studyDstudying10Have you seen Mr . Smith ?Yes. Look, he _ his bike over there .A cleansBcleanedC is cleaningD

24、has cleaned11 He went into his room, _ the light and began to work .A has turned onBwill turn onC turns onDturned on12I _ to the bookshop as soon as school is over this afternoon .A will goBhave goneC goDwent13More buildings _ in this city in 2010 .A will buildBwill be builtC has builtDwas built14Su

25、san isn t here now.She _ to England . She will come back nextmonth .A will goBhas goneC goesDwent15Mr . Wang didn t tell us _ ten years ago.A where he workedB where did he workCwhere he worksD where does he work16Hello, may I speak to Steven?_.A A good ideaB Help yourselfCYou re welcomeD Hold on, pl

26、ease(六)1.Our English teacher often tells _ to speak English as much as possible .A weBusC ourDours2.Lingling came to school _7:30 this morning.A atBinC onDfor3.I took Mr . Li to the hospital this morning, _ I missed the first classA forBorC butDso.4. _ did you go for your holiday last year?I went to

27、 Shenzhen .A WhereBWhenC HowDWhy5. Which shirt is _, the red one or the yellow one?The yellow one, of course . I t s only 20 dollars.A cheapBcheaperC cheapestDthe cheapest6.They re busy _ ready for the next weekA getBto getC getting s English. testDgot7. Look, the children _ kites happily in the par

28、k.A flyBare flyingC flewDwill fly8. Excuse me, must I finish my homework now?No, you _ You can hand it in tomorrow .A mustntBneedntC shouldn t Dwouldn t9. The students have kept workingfor two hours . Ask them _ a rest,please.A haveBhadC havingDto have10. I didn t catch up the first bus yesterday be

29、cause I _ too late in the morning .A get upBwill get upC got upDhave got up11.My mother will go to the supermarket assoon as she _ writing theletter .A finishesBfinishedC will finishDwas finishing12.Peter has gone to America, but he _ back in a week.A cameBcomesC will comeDhas come13.Harry _ in this

30、 school since he came to China .A is workingBwas workingC will workDhas worked14.Look at the factory ! It _ before I came here .A is builtBhas builtC was buikDwas building15. What did the policeman say to you just now ? He asked _ when the accident happened.A what I was doingB what was I doingCwhat

31、I am doingD what am I doing16. Shall we go out for a walk ?_.A Never mindBHelp yourselfC You re welcome DGood idea(七)1 What have you decided to buy for your mother _ Mother s Day?Some flowers.A atBonC toDin2 Oh, my God! It s a sea of .carsHow can you pick out your car? That s easy._ is colored diffe

32、rently from any other one .A MyBMineC TheirDTheirs3 _ are you going to the airport next Monday, Betty?By taxi .A HowBWhatC WhereDWhen4Would you mind _ slowly? I c an t follow you. A speak Bto speak C spokenDspeaking5Liu Xiang may run even _ after the operation because he works veryhard and exercises

33、 every day .A fastBfasterC fastestDthe fastest6During the earthquake, many school buildings fell downthere didn t give up hope.A AndBSoC But. _ the peopleDOr7 Do you think John will help me move the piano? You d better not ask him. He _ a composition.A writeBwritesC is writingDwrote8 How long _ Kore

34、an singer Jang Nara _ China?Four years . She can speak and sing in Chinese.A does; go toB/; was inC has; been to Dhas; been in9 Don t you think her radio is too noisy?Yeah. I ll go and ask her _ it up.A not to turnBnot turnC to turnDdon t turn10David, is that man your Chinese teacher?It _ be him . H

35、e s having a meeting.A mustntBcantC needntDwont11 Do you know how many gold medals the 23-year-old Michael Phelps_ at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games?Eight .A winBwinsC wonDhas won12_ my father _ my mother is able to use a computer . However,I can .A Both ; andBNeither ; norCEither ; orDNot only ; but

36、 also13 Did you go to Mike s birthday party?No, I _.A didn t inviteBhaven t invitedCwasn t invited Dam not invited14 I didn t see you when I came here last night.Where were you?I _ my project at home .A designedBhave designed C would design Dwas designing15Do you know _?PSP.A what is it calledB how it is calledChow it callsDwhat it is called16 I m afraid I can t return the book to you before Tuesday._.A Do


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