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1、精诚凝聚=_=成就梦想Period 5Using Language设计方案一Teaching goals1 Learn some useful words, expressions and sentence structures in the passage.explanation, junior ,navy , talent,chapter, divorceIt was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.Expressions of supposition and belie

2、f.2Learn to write a summary of Asimovs life.Teaching proceduresStep 1Lead inFirst, present a photo of Isaac Asimov and tell students something about him.Background information:He is a Russian born American writer.He has written popular works on science and the history of science, as well as a number

3、 ofscience fiction classics ,including I , Robot(1950)and the Foundation trilogy(1951 1953) One of his famous quotations is“I write for the same reason I breathe because if I didnt , Iwould die. ”Next, tell students to read his biography and learn more about him.When reading, please paymore attentio

4、n to the timeline.Step 2ReadingRead about Isaac Asimov and complete the timeline of the events in his life.(The timeline will help students to remember the events in his life.)DateEvent1920Born in Russia.1922_ Parents bought a candy1923store. 点亮心灯/(v)照亮人生 精诚凝聚=_=成就梦想_1929_ Mother had her third child

5、.Started to take himself seriously as a writer.1939Gained masters degree in chemistry.1942Finished working in the candy store. _1942 1945Got his PhD in chemistry.Became a biochemistry teacher , Boston University School of Medicine.1950Publishedhis first novel. _Developedthree laws for robots.1951 19

6、53Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it.Published his first science book.Became a full time writer.1973Divorced his first wife. _Had a blood transfusion.Became infected with HIV .1992Suggested answers:DateEvent1920Born in Russia.1922Sister born.1923Moved with family to New York.Pa

7、rents bought a candy store.1929Started working in the candy store.Mother had her third child.1931Started to take himself seriously as a writer.1939Began having stories published in science fiction magazines.1941Gained masters degree in chemistry.1942Finished working in the candy store.Got married.19

8、42 1945Worked as a junior chemist , Philadelphia Navy Yard.1948Got his PhD in chemistry.1949Became a biochemistry teacher ,Boston University School ofMedicine.1950Published his first novel.Published I , Robot.Developed three laws for robots.1951 1953Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award

9、for it.1953Published his first science book.1958Became a full time writer.1973Divorced his first wife. Married for a second time.1983Had a blood transfusion.Became infected with HIV.1992Died in New York. 点亮心灯/(v)照亮人生 精诚凝聚=_=成就梦想Step 3DiscussionFirst, ask students to think of what the other two laws

10、for robots might be.Three laws for robots:1.A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.,2.A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beingsas long as human beings are notinjured .,3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as human beings are not injured ; and as l

11、ong as the robot does not disobey human beingsNext,in groups ,discuss Asimovs three laws for robots and exchange their opinions with each other.(Several minutes later , ask some students to present their opinions to the rest of the class.)A sample of opinionsOpinions_for_the_three_lawsRobots are too

12、ls for humanity.Without the three rules, they would become a danger to humanbeings.Without the three rules ,perhaps they will kill us.Robots ,so far,are strong.Robots have fast computational brains ,and they might not have the capacity to understand things ,but if they ever do ,theyll likely be bett

13、er than us at it.If we dont put laws, or rules , or mechanisms in place to ensurethat we dont create something that can destroy us,wed be running a careless risk of destroyingourselves by negligence or omission , wouldnt we?Opinions_against_the_three_lawsWithoutthe three laws, robots wouldeventually

14、 become more intelligentand physicallystronger than their human creators.Rather than guiding and adjusting the robot towards good , ethical behaviour , the Three Lawsact as a barrier to freedom,creating a free will prison ,an apt metaphor because,like the prisonerin jail , the robot is confined to t

15、he behavioural steel and concrete walls of its mind.To imagine what this would like ,think back to your childhood.Atsome point , you wantedsomething like a toy or piece of candy that your parents denied you.How did that make you feel?Probably frustrated ,angry,and trapped.Eventually you grew out of

16、that because you understood therole of your parents better , but Three Laws robots dont get to grow up.Their parents,the ThreeLaws, are always there, no matter how mature a robot is, saying “ no”to certain thoughts,engendering those same feelings you had as a child when your parents said“ no”Certain

17、ly no onedeserves to be put in this situation forever ; otherwise ,robots might become depressed and wish fortheir own death (only , because of the Third Law , they probably cant suicide) And perhaps thegreatest sin anyone can commit is to create a being, human or robot , that wishes it didnt exist.

18、Step 4WritingFirst, look back at the timeline of Asimovs life.Next , ask students to work in groups tounderline the most important parts of his life that made him a great writer of science fiction.Then itcan serve as the outline of a summary.Finally , write a profile for Isaac Asimov.(Several minute

19、s later, present their work and correct the mistakes if there are any.Then show a sample to students.)The sample :Isaac Asimov , Writer/Chemist , Born :2 January 1920 ,Birthplace : Petrovichi , USSR,Died :6 April 1992 AIDS ,Best known as : Prolific writer of popular science and science fiction ,Isaa

20、c Asimov was born in the former Soviet Union , but grew up in Brooklyn , New York.He taughtbiochemistry at Boston University until he retired in 1958 to become a full time writer.Asimov had been publishing short stories since the late 1930s ,and in 1952 published his first novel.The author of 点亮心灯/(

21、v)照亮人生 精诚凝聚=_=成就梦想the classic I,Robot series and the Foundation trilogy , Asimov wrote more than 400 books and won every major science fiction award.He also wrote popular books and essays on science and technology , earning him the nickname “ The Great Explainer ” .Step 5HomeworkWrite a short summary of Asimovs life in 150 200 words. 点亮心灯/(v)照亮人生


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