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1、2021年学前教育专业的英语简历范文模板学前教育专业的英语简历范文模板Name: Lili YangSex: FemaleAge: 25 years oldEducation: tertiaryPlace of origin: ChinaNational: MongolianMarital status: unmarriedHeight: 162 cmWeight: 49 kgDomicile: ChaozhouCurrent residence: FujianMonthly requirements: NegotiableJob Search IntentionPre-school educ

2、ation, child-care and so long with the professional or related industries.Hope to a unit of talent, there is some room for development, to realize the value of their own.Educational BackgroundSeptember chool, pre-psychology, pre-health sciences, pre-school curriculum, pre-history, game theory and gu

3、idance, pre-school children;s social development and education, organization and management of kindergartens, children;s literature, aesthetics, Introduction to pre-school education in the arts, art education pre-school children pre-school children;s music education, physical education pre-school ch

4、ildren, pre-school children the language of education, science education pre-school children, health education for pre-school children, kindergarten play equipment design and production, vocal music, painting, danceMinor Courses:College English, University of Language, puter Culture, Calligraphy and

5、 knowledge, the University of Physical Education, Principles of Marst Philosophy.Professional SkillsThe professional petence: learning through the system, a solid grasp of the pre-school education and knowledge can freely use art to highlight the skills and experience in practice.English proficiency

6、: English IV, Shandong Normal University xxtitute of Kid Castle continues to Oral English Certificate.puter LevelCan be a good use of Windows Xp, Microsoft Word / Excel and other procedures, such as proficiency in the production of slides.Other: Intermediate nursing teacher certificationGood at pain

7、ting, writing, article published in the magazine several times.Quick thinking, logical thought, there is a strong language ability and ability to hand-painted. Good munication with team spirit and perseverance, the difficulties and fear of failure.Personality CharacteristicsWarm and generous and I l

8、ove life, like sports, self-confidence and self-discipline, sincerity seriously, kind and motivated, good at painting, like music; thinking active, proactive, hard, a sense of responsibility, I would like to find a training room for self-development, solid progress, heat and light; believe that ther

9、e is no best, only better, you give me a confidence, I will return the joy of your 11 minutes!Self AssessmentI like children, they look very cute, and they are the flowers of China, I do a good gardener,I believe in myselfPractice ExperienceApril xx Jinan on xx kindergarten -5、March xx - May xx kind

10、ergarten.Contact Tel: 138xx5566学前教育专业的中文简历范文模板(一)个人信息姓名:性别:女籍贯:出生年月:xx年11月16号专业:学前教育幼儿园管理毕业院校:xx学校邮箱:联系方式:相关技能:专业能力:教师资格证 语言能力:普通话二甲、英语三级 计算机能力:xx省计算机一级, 熟练运用word文档、ppt 、excel社会实践经历:xx年7月9月 xx英才宝贝早教中心课程顾问xx年12月 xx县迪爱宝贝诺亚园优秀实习老师xx年9月11月 xx县米奇樟树幼儿园国培生校园相关经历:1、担任班级体育委员,组织班级先后获得拔河比赛一等奖、跳绳比赛二等奖、 幼儿基本体操三等



13、起,幼儿比如幼苗,必须培养得宜,方能茁壮成长。我努力使自己从一个实践型教师转变为一名反思型教师,重视观察孩子、学会解读孩子的一言一行。作为一名班主任,一方面承担着教学任务,另一方面又是班集体的组织者和管理者,这种工作的双重角色有利于我自觉地履行教书育人的重任。xx.9-xx.7赤壁市正阳小学(民营企业)工作职位:班主任离职原因:因离住址比较远工作描述:关爱每个幼儿,为幼儿提供健康成长的平台。教育需要爱,也要培养爱。实施课程中,我以幼儿发展为本,经常倾听幼儿的需求、情感、想法,了解幼儿的一百种语言,走进幼儿的心灵,支持、关心、爱护、尊重、接纳每一个幼儿,以公平的态度对待每一个幼儿,给每一个幼儿同样的发展机会,鼓励幼儿主动、积极参与各项活动,始终做幼儿活动的引导者、鼓励者、合作者,使幼儿身心和谐富有个性的发展。xx.8-xx.7蓝天幼儿园(民营企业)工作职位:幼师离职原因:因生活住址变动工作描述:由于现代家庭的特殊环境,使得不少幼儿失去了发展自理能力的机会,在幼儿园主要表现为:一顿饭吃完后满桌都是饭菜;洗手草草了事,有的洗下来后身上、袖口、地上都是水;玩具玩好乱堆放,弄得满地都是等等。只有以培养幼儿的自理能力为基础,才能让他们在幼儿园愉快地开展一日活动。培养自理能力时,对幼儿在不同阶段应作出不同的要求。幼儿的行为,充分反映了他们参与社会交往,适应周围世界的能力。 8 / 8


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