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1、Unit 1 School life( 3)一 .教学内容:Unit 1School life二 .教学目标:掌握 Unit 1词汇及词性变化三 . 教学重难点:掌握课文中的重点句型的结构、用法Unit 1School life(一)词汇attendvt.参加,出席earnn.获得respectv.尊敬,敬重achievev.取得,完成graden.等级,成绩subjectn.科目literaturen.文学averageadj.普通的;平均的n.平均数;普通on averagean average ofcookingn.烹饪extraadj.另外的,额外的Spanishn.西班牙语adj.西

2、班牙的 ,西班牙人的,西班牙语的etc.等等missv.想念dessertn.餐后甜点dessert , desert/e/dessert 表示甜点,而desert 表示沙漠。但是desert 也可以发 / i /,这时它是作为动词,意思是抛弃,离弃。例:荒岛a deserted islandexperiencevt.经历,体验辨析 experience和 experimentexperience 表示经验,经历,而 experiment表示实验。注意两个单词拼法上的区别。articlevt.文章immediatelyvi立刻,马上(二)课文重难点1. meanv. 意味What do you

3、 mean?1) mean that +宾语从句我是说你不需要今天就完成。I mean you needn t finish it today.2) mean doingFalling into the river on such a cold day means losing your life.学好英语意味着花大量的时间。Learning English means spending a lot time.3) mean to do计划 =plan to doI didn t mean to hurt you.我们本打算给你一个惊喜的。We mean to give you a surpr

4、ise.联想 1: meaningWhats the meaning of this word? Do you know?2. attend, take part in, join和 join inattend,take partin,join和 joinin 都表示“参加” 的意思。但是,attend通常与 meeting,lecture搭配。 take part in常常指参加一个重大的活动。join表示参加一个“组织” 、“团体”等 ,也可以说加入某人, joinsb,而 joinin 表示参加一个活动。如 joinin( doing ) sth,joinsb in( doing ) s

5、th.例:我们每天上学。We attend school every day.他参加了庆祝活动。He took part in the celebration.他在五年前参军了。He joined army five years ago.3. This sounded like my school in China.sound 作动词,表示“听起来” ,后面可跟形容词、 like 加名词,或从句。听起来是个好主意。That sounds like a good idea.你的解释我听着有道理。Your explanation sounds reasonable to me.你的声音在电话里听起

6、来很甜。Your voice sounds sweet in the phone.联想 1:与 sound 有相同用法的词还有look, taste, feel等感官动词。例:你穿这件蓝色裙子看起来很漂亮。You look beautiful in this blue dress.尝起来很美味taste delicious这个沙发感觉非常舒适。This sofa feels comfortable.联想2: soundn.声音sound, voice与noisenoise 指噪音,voice通常是指人的声音,sound指普通的声音。4. used to do表示过去常常做某事Einstein

7、used to be a student who is not good at Maths.爱因斯坦曾经是一名不擅长数学的学生。他们曾经天天在一起游泳。They used to swim together every day.联想 1: used to do与 be used to doingused to do表示过去常常做某事,而be used to doing表示习惯做某事例:我现在习惯住在中国了。I m used to living in China now.我还不习惯每天这么早起。I am still not used to getting up so early every day

8、.5. I usually went to the Computer Club at lunchtime, so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free.for free免费的We provide tea for passengers for free.我们免费为乘客们提供茶。6. Though itdidn tlooklikea tablewhen itwas finished,I stilllikeditverymuch.1) though 引导让步状语从句, 相当于 although 。注意不可再用but 。例: T

9、hough he got up early, he didnt catch the train.虽然他起得早,但没赶上那一趟车。虽然我并不富裕,但我仍然愿意去帮助别人。Though I am not a rich man, I still would like to help others.2) though可放在句末,作补充说明,意思为“不过”。例: I got a cold, not serious though.我得了感冒,不过不是很严重。7. as联想 1:asas例: I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to ge

10、t in my old school.我希望将来和我母亲一样漂亮。I hope I will be as beautiful as my mother.她不像以前那样骄傲了。She is not as pride as she used to be.注意:He is as tall as that small tree.( a boy )He is as tall a boy as that small tree.例: We have as good a time as you have.否定: not as as, not so as联想 2( 1):引导原因状语,相当于because例: Thismeans I couldget up an hour laterthan usual as schoolsin China begin before8 a.m.我觉得很幸运因为我所有的朋友心地都很善良。I felt lucky as all my friends were kindhearted.联想 2( 2):引导时间状语,表示“当的时候”随着年龄的增长,他对除了园艺外的所有事情都失去了兴趣。As he grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening.


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