新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 11 Sad movies made me cry.Section B 2a—2e》教案_3.docx

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1、阅读课:The Winning TeamUnit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B(2a-2e)【教学目标】知识与技能:熟练运用重点词汇:a heavy weight on his shoulders; miss scoring a goal; let sb down; be too hard on sb; pull together; to ones relief; nod in agreement; besides; fault; coach; courage学会准确把握文章细节;分析文章结构;把握文章中心意思。过程与方法: 通过带着任务完成三遍阅读

2、,从文章结构,细节,中心思想入手,深入了解文章。情感态度与价值观: 通过话题引发学生对以往经历的思考,培养学生团队协作、永不放弃的精神。【学情分析】学生是九年级,对于阅读有一定的能力基础,可以在其能力的基础上进行强化和提升;话题是足球,正直世界杯期间,结合学生运动会等实际生活,学生对于话题有一定的兴趣和强烈的共鸣,容易培养其情感态度价值观。【教学重点】 对于词汇的运用;对于阅读能力的巩固和掌握。【教学难点】 通过情景理解生词含义,并合理熟练运用;将相似的经历生动再现和准确描述出来。【教学方法】PWP(Pre-reading; While-reading; Post-reading)【教学手段】

3、 PPT;小视频;板书;导学案。【教学流程】Pre-reading:T: These days, something important and exciting is happening around the world. The world is crazy about it. Do you know what? (世界杯图片)Ss: The World Cup!T: Yes! How many players do you know?Ss:.(自由发挥)T: (梅西图片)Look at the picture. It is Messi. He is one of the most suc

4、cessful players in the world. He has won a lot of games and competitions and he has billions of fans. But recently, something unexpected happened to him. Lets look at the video.(播放梅西点球视频)Pay attention to the words on it.In the game, he missed scoring the goal. He was very upset and felt like a heavy

5、 weight on his shoulders. The coach might not kick him off, but he let everyone down, including his teammates. But it was not only his fault. They all told him not to be too hard on himself. But we believe that if they continue to pull together, they will win the next game!Besides Messi, I have anot

6、her friend called Peter who had similar problems too. So the word besides meansSs: and.T: Lets see what happened to Peter. While-reading:TASK 1 : Read the passage quickly and number the events in the correct order.T: You only have 2 min.Lets check the answers.According to the sentences, we know what

7、 the passage is about. As we can see, we can divide the passage into 3 parts. TASK 2: Read again and answer the questions below. Underline the words in the passage, and if necessary, write them down.The first part is paragraph 1, about how Peter felt on his way home. What happened to Peter? What did

8、 Peter worry about?With a heavy weight on his shoulders, Peter went home alone. At home, his father had a talk with him. Read carefully, answer my questions: Did father agree Peter to be too hard on himself? What is more important his father think besides winning or losing?After talking with his fat

9、her, Peter thought carefully. The next day, he went back to the field. Lets see what happened. Did Peter go to soccer practice with courage or fear in his heart? How could they win the next game? Why did he think he was on a winning team?Well-done! You are so clever! So far, we have known the whole

10、story, lets do something a little difficult to review the important phrases.TASK 3: Rewrite the sentences, using the words and phrases in the passage.Miss scoring the goalLet her parents downWas kicked offBe too hard on yourselfPull togetherTo his surprise and relieffaultRather thanPost-reading:Lets

11、 challenge ourselves. Close your book, and fill in the blanks to complete Peters story.Peter felt like a heavy on his shoulders on his way home because he missed scoring a . He thought he had let his whole team and worried that his coach would him off. After he got home, his father told him not to b

12、e too on himself. Soccer was about team . They should support each other. , winning or losing was only half the game. The other half was learning how to communicate with your and learning from each other. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with rather than fear in his hear. To his surprise

13、and , his teammates all in agreement that they would continue to together, they would win the next one. It made him feel lucky to be on a team.(三个学生跟别复述三段内容)I think Peter is a brave boy. Although he made some mistakes, he is brave enough to accept them and solve them. Do you have similar experiences

14、? How did you solve it? Challenge Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Share in groups. Use the following ideas to help you. Then role-play the conversation in class. We have 4 topics for you to choose. Choose one for your team. getting bad grades on an exam losing a speec

15、h competition falling over in a race getting into a fight with your friend.HomeworkFrom the experiences we shared just now, we find that no matter what mistakes we make, what difficulties we meet, as long as we pull together, or as long as we continue to work hard and never give up, we will succeed!

16、 Now, record your experience after class. Value it, and you will get more.Write a story according to your experience you have shared in the Challenge.Using the notes you have learnt today.【教学反思】本课是阅读课,有几大特点:1、生词多,如果不在课前先处理,会直接影响学生阅读;2、文章长,把文章按照事情发展划分为三大部分,分别带领学生学习和阅读,有助于让学生理解;3、话题热,无论是足球还是团队协作的情感态度价值观,学生都能够引起强烈共鸣,学起来有兴趣有话题,希望可以通过这种共鸣使阅读课不那么枯燥。但是在处理过程中仍然出现几个问题:1、内容多,环节设计的过程中的取舍造成了很大的影响,课堂节奏紧张;2、角色扮演表演的环节对学生的现场发挥要求高,难度较大,需要更多的指导来完成。


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