新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.》教案_2.docx

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1、学校Unit 14 Ill remember meeting you in Grade 7学时一学时年级九年级教学目标1.知识目标与技能目标:1掌握新单词,短语和句子。2能熟练地表达对父母,老师和朋友的感激之情。3同学之间写毕业赠言。2.情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生要有感恩之心,要珍惜师生之间,同学之间的友谊,要冷静,沉着地面对中考,对未来充满希望,积极面对,迎接新生活。学习者分析学生三年的学习生活就要结束,面对着人生第一次挑战,在毕业之际,精神紧张,心情烦燥,因此在毕业之际要做好学生的心理工作,鼓舞学生好好学习,充分利用好时间,做好复习,教育他们要热爱生活,冷静面对中考,积极的生活态度。教

2、学重难点分析及解决措施教学重点:知识的掌握和熟练运用教学难点:如何用正确地道的英语表达对父母,老师和同学的感激之情。解决措施:让学生朗读和造句,仿写,背诵的方法突破难点。教学设计Step 1 ReviewWhat is the most important thing you have learned in Junior high school?Step 2 Fast readingAnswer: 1 What kind of text is this, a story, a speech or a notice?2 Who do you think wrote it?3 Who is it

3、for?Step 3 Careful readingParagraph 1 students in Grade 7 - young adultParagraph 2 Who should the students thank and why? What will senior high be like?Paragraph 3 How should the students deal with the future? What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school?Step 4 Rea

4、ding Ask a student to read in front.Step 5 Exercise Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.Step 6 Writing To Write best wishes.Step 7 Miss and goodbye.板书设计Unit 14 Ill remember meeting you in Grade 7be thirsty for knowledge be thankful to be full of energy along withahead of you be responsible forbe proud of set out on our journey


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