新人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 What time do you go to school.Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c》教案1.docx

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《新人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 What time do you go to school.Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c》教案1.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 What time do you go to school.Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c》教案1.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2Section A ( Grammar Focus3c)一 Teaching Objection1. Language goals:1). Continue to use “ what time” and “ when” to ask the time;2). How to use the sentences into the life habits;3). Get know the differences between “ what time” and “ when”; the frequency adverbs;4). How to use frequency adverbs

2、 into the sentences. 2. Emotion-Attitude goals: Use “what time” and “when” sentences and frequency adverbs into the real life habits, urge the students to cultivate the good habits of regular life.二 Teaching focus and points1. Teaching focus:1).conclude how to use frequency adverbs to talk about reg

3、ular daily lives;2).use different kinds of ways to excise how to talk about in daily life habits. 2. Teaching points: 1).how to teach and make the student know the differences between each frequency adverbs, even to use smoothly. 2).how to teach and make the students use the sentences “what time” an

4、d “when” smoothly.三Teaching procedure: 1. warming-up and revision 1).great the Ss and check the homework. 2).use a video “what time do you go to school” to lead-in. 2. Grammatical inquiry 1).through the video, ask the students to conclude the sentence structure. What time do/does+ sb. +v.? Sb. + v.(

5、三单) + at + 具体时刻. 2).lead-in a word “timetable” In this timetable, there are many activities: First, ask the Ss to read the activities together. Second, pair-work, ask the Ss to use “what time” structure to make a timetable. Two minutes prepare, then check the role-play. 3).lead-in the other video “w

6、hen” After watching, ask the Ss to conclude the structure: When +do/does + sb. +v? Sb. +v.(v三单) + at +具体时刻. T conclude: both “what time” and “when” can be used to ask the time.4). Do some exercises.Give some pictures and ask the Ss to make sentences about “what time” and “when”, in order to familiar

7、 the structures.3. Grammar points:1).T ask the Ss to compare two sentences, such as:I get up at 6 o clock.I exercise every morning.Then find out the difference between them, also conclude. 2).turn back, then ask the Ss to find out the regular of each frequency adverbs, give them the chart of it. How

8、 to use to make a sentence: sb. + frequency adverb + v.4. Applying: 1).3b. write down some sentences about frequency adverbs, use I always, I sometimes, I neverTwo minutes later, check the answers. 2).Do a reaction game, there is a turntable, the T turn it, and stop any one of the frequency adverb,

9、then ask the student to make a sentence of it. such as: I always At last, find out the fastest and best one. 3). 3a. ask and answer, use the “what time” and “when” sentences and frequency adverbs. Two minutes later, check their answers5. Expanding: 1). 3c. group work. Four students in a group, one i

10、s the reporter, to ask the other three students some activities, then complete the chart. Two minutes later, ask the group to act. 2). Make a report: In my group, xxx usually gets up at6. Homework: Use the “what time” and “when” sentences and frequency adverbs to write about your parents daily lives.


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