(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项8-14课件.ppt

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《(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项8-14课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项8-14课件.ppt(79页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、专项 8 副 词,考点1 副词的词义辨析,一、how long,how soon,how often 和how far(具体讲解见本书P38) 二、hard和hardly hard意为“努力地,费力地,猛力地,猛烈地”,是程度副词;hardly意为“几乎不”,常用作频度副词。如:We should study hard as students.作为学生,我们应该努力学习。She hardly ever calls me.她几乎从未给我来过电话。 三、already,yet和still already表示事情已经发生,主要用于肯定句;yet表示期待某事发生,主要用于否定句和疑问句,still表示

2、某事还在进行,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,有时也可用于否定句。如:Weve already watched that movie.我们已经看过那部电影。I havent finished my homework yet.我还没有完成我的作业。He still works hard every night.每天晚上他仍然努力工作。,四、ago和before ago表示以现在为起点的“以前”,和表示时间概念的词组搭配使用,常用在一般过去式的句子中。before指已过去的某一时刻为基准的“以前”,也可泛指以前,常用于现在完成时和过去完成时的句子中。如:The meeting began five min

3、utes ago.会议5分钟前开始了。I have never been to Suzhou before.我以前从未去过苏州。,考点2 副词的比较等级,1.构成(请参见形容词比较等级的变化方法) 2不规则变化表,3.用法 (1)在两者进行比较表示“A不如B”时,部分双音节和多音节副词除使用“not.as/so副词原级as”结构外,还可使用“less副词原级than”结构。如: Bill didnt do his homework as carefully as Jim.Bill did his homework less carefully than Jim.比尔做作业没有吉姆认真。 (2)

4、副词最高级前一般不加定冠词the。,八年真题全练,菏泽中考中对副词的考查主要集中在词义辨析上。其中单项填空涉及较多,主要考查频度副词或关系副词辨析;完形填空主要考查副词在语境中的运用。故在解答试题时要根据具体的语境辨析所给的选项。对于副词的比较等级,近几年中考题中均没有涉及,但未来中考可能考到,所以仍需掌握其构成与用法。,考点1 副词词义辨析,12015菏泽,30_A_ will your brother come back? Im not sure.Maybe in a week. AWhenBHowCWhether 22014菏泽,14Look at the flowers I gave

5、you last month.They are dying!_B_do you water them? Sorry,I forgot to water them. AHow long BHow often CHow soon DHow much,32013菏泽,4Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone? No.I _A_ do that because it makes me uncomfortable. Aseldom Boften Cusually Dsometimes 42013菏泽,12The World Health Organ

6、ization has given some advice on _A_ to protect us from being infected (感染) with H7N9. Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen 52012菏泽,6My friend Frank sings well,and he is _B_ good at playing guitar. Anot Balso Cyet Dtoo 62012菏泽,12Steve,_D_do you play basketball after school? Twice a week.It can keep me healthy. A

7、how far Bhow soon Chow long Dhow often,72010菏泽,24I _D_ ride a bike to school.But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late. Anever Bsometimes Cseldom Dusually 82010菏泽,29We havent decided _D_ well go to Shanghai next week. Awhere Bwhen Cwhy Dhow 92010菏泽,32_C_ can we get there? In five minutes.

8、 AHow often BHow far CHow soon DHow long,猜押预测,1In order to pass the exam,you need to work much _now. AhardBharderChardest 2Who plays the piano_,Sam or Jerry? Jerry.But he gave the performance chance to Sam this time. Awell Bbetter Cbest 3Lin Fang comes home _than before this afternoon.She doesnt hav

9、e so many classes in the afternoon. Aearlier Blater Cearly 4Who listens _,Tom,Jack or Bill? Athe most careful Bmore carefully Cthe most carefully 5Though he has studied Russian _ for ten months,he can _speak the language. Ahard;hardly Bhardly;hard Chard;hard,B,B,A,C,A,6What happened outside just now

10、? A car hit a man._,the man wasnt badly hurt. ALuckily BUnluckily CEspecially 7Did John get Number 1 in the math exam? Yes,no one did so _as him. Agood Bwell Cbetter 8Its best to stay indoors,_ when PM2.5 reaches dangerous levels. Aexactly Bpossibly Cespecially 9Another person was hurt by the tiger

11、in the zoo. What a pity! That is a lesson to us;we must take rules _ Aquickly Bclearly Cseriously 10To our surprise,the computer _ won the chess game against the human player. Acertainly Busually Cfinally,A,B,C,C,C,专项 9 动 词,高频考点精讲,考点1 系动词,系动词本身有词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语部分,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份等。,【注意】1.一般情况下

12、,系动词没有被动语态。 2表示状态的系动词一般不用于进行时(feel除外);变化系动词表示“渐渐”,可用于进行时。如:Its getting warmer and warmer.天气渐渐变得越来越暖和。,考点2 情态动词,情态动词有一定的词义,但它本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅是表达说话人的态度,在句中和实义动词一起构成谓语。,考点3 动词词义辨析,1.语境辨析 近几年菏泽,对动词的考查主要为语境辨析,需要学生通过阅读题干辨别选项的不同意思,从而结合常识选出正确的选项。 2近义词辨析 近义词辨析在菏泽近几年的中考中几乎都涉及到,在写作中也常常面临选词的难题,所以掌握常见的近义词的用法是很有必要

13、的。 常见的易混近义词如下: (1)seperate与divide(见P112) (2)accept与receive(见P102) (3)win与beat(见P41) (4)spend,take,cost与pay (见P29) (5)forget与leave(见P23) (6)raise与rise(见P62) (7)borrow,lend 与keep(见P67),考点4 动词短语,动词短语是动词的一种固定搭配形式,常见的动词短语结构有: 1动词介词(宾语只能放在介词后); 2动词副词(宾语是名词时,位于副词前后皆可;宾语是代词时,只能位于动词和副词之间); 3动词副词介词(宾语只能放在介词后)

14、; 4动词名词介词(宾语只能放在介词后)。,八年真题全练,分析近几年的菏泽中考试题可看出,主要在单项填空中考查动词,涉及动词的词义辨析、动词短语、情态动词、系动词等。完形填空中也涉及实义动词的辨析,综合填空中则是对动词时态的考查。设题形式为简单句。情态动词是菏泽的必考点,主要考查其基本用法和词义辨析。预计在2018年依旧会考到动词词义辨析、动词固定短语及情态动词。,考点1 系动词和助动词,1.2016菏泽,24Oh,no! I cant find my mobile phone! Well,where _C_ you last put it? AhaveBdoCdid 22014菏泽,4How

15、 do you like the fish I cooked for you? I havent had it yet.However,it _A_ good. Asmells Btastes Csounds Dfeels,考点2 情态动词,32017菏泽,26Life is valuable,so we should always remember safety_B_ come first wherever we are. AcanBmustCmay 42015菏泽,32How do you usually go to school? My school is far away.I _C_

16、take the bus to school. AmustBmightChave to 52014菏泽,11Look,someone left a book. Oh,yeah.This book _B_be Kittys.Only she likes to read this kind of books. Acan Bmust Cmay Dmight,62013菏泽,9Can we run across the road now? No,we _B_We have to wait until the light turns green. Aneednt Bmustnt Ccouldnt Dsh

17、ouldnt 72012菏泽,10Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the Peoples Park? Walk along this road and turn right,and the park is on your right.You _D_ miss it. Aneednt Bmustnt Cmay not Dwont 82011菏泽,34Will you stay for some more days? Sorry,I C My mother called to ask me to go back at once. Amustnt Bmay

18、not Ccant Dwouldnt,考点3 动词词义辨析,92016菏泽,26Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday. OK.Shall we _B_ a book online for him? AaffordBorderCoffer 102015菏泽,24While I was away from my home last year,I always_C_ my family. AguessedBthoughtCmissed 112015菏泽,31More and more children in the countryside are _B_ s

19、chool at an early age to look for work in the cities. Agoing toBleavingCbeginning,122013菏泽,8You are _D_to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored. Asuggested Bsupported Ctaught Dsupposed 132012菏泽,7As one of the school rules,middle school students are not _C

20、_ to smoke. Aordered Brefused Callowed Dforbidden 142011菏泽,25Mary is tired of learning because she is_B_ to do better than she can,both at school and at home. Athought Bexpected Choped Dhelped 152010菏泽,25Im sorry,I didnt _A_ you clearly.Would you say it again? Ahear Bnotice Csee Dwatch,考点4 动词短语,1620

21、17菏泽,28You spend too much time on your mobile phone.You are supposed to_B_the time you spend on it. Acut offBcut downCcut up 172016菏泽,29Today,WeChat(微信)becomes very popular,and more and more people like to use it to_B_ each other. Adepend on Bcommunicate with Cbelieve in 182015菏泽,28Helen is going to

22、 work in an old peoples home to help _B_ the old people. Alook forward to Blook after Clook through 192014菏泽,12“Learning from Lei Feng Day” is only two weeks from now.We need to _A_ a plan about it. Acome up with Bput up Ccall up Dset up,202013菏泽,10Why do you collect so many old bikes? Ill have them

23、 _C_ and give away to the children who dont have bikes. Aused up Bgiven up Cfixed up Dset up 212012菏泽,13Whenever I see the birds,Ill _B_ flying in the sky. Athink up Bdream of Cwork on Dpick up 222011菏泽,30Last year was a hard time to my friend Jim,but he didnt D hope. Apick up Buse up Cput up Dgive

24、up 232010菏泽,33He never A no matter how many difficulties he has. Agives up Bgives in Cworks out Dgoes away,猜押预测,1The air _fresh after the rain.And the sky is blue. AfeelsBtastesCsmells 2How do you like Li Yundi? A cool guy! His music _ really beautiful. Atastes Bsounds Csmells 3We _pay to get into t

25、he concert.Its free. Acant Bmustnt Cdont have to 4The British Museum is very serious.Visitors _ keep quiet. Amay Bmight Cmust,C,B,C,C,5I have been to the moon twice. You _be joking! Its impossible! Acan Bmay Cmust 6Must I hand in the report now? No,you _Tomorrow is OK. Acant Bneednt Cmustnt 7He _be

26、in the classroom,I think. No,he_be in the classroom.I saw him go home a minute ago. Acan;may not Bmust;may not Cmay;cant 8Ive no idea where to go next month. Why not_visiting Beijing?There are so many places of interest there. Asuggest Bwonder Cconsider,C,B,C,C,9They walked home last night because t

27、hey couldnt_to take a taxi. Aleave Bbuy Cafford 10Come home before dinner time,Peter. I _,Mom. Apromise Bguess Cwish 11The company can _lunch for you if you work here. Afeed Bprovide Chave 12Could I _ your iPad,Alice? Of course.Here you are. Alend Bkeep Cborrow,C,A,B,C,13Its cold outside today.Youd

28、better _your jacket. Aput on Bput up Cput away 14Be quiet,boys and girls! Its time for class,_Unit 3 in your books. Alook out Blook at Clook after 15Dont _too late,or youll feel sleepy in class. Awake up Bget up Cstay up 16We shouldnt _our hopes at any time.Everything will be better. Acheer up Bfix

29、up Cgive up,A,B,C,C,专项 10 非谓语动词,高频考点精讲,考点1 动词不定式,一、动词不定式的功能,【拓展】常接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask,tell,want,teach,wish,help,warn等。 如:He wants me to be a doctor in the future.他想让我将来成为一名医生。 常接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词(短语)有:感官动词feel,hear,listen to,see,watch,notice,look at;使役动词let,make,have等。如:What makes you happy?什么

30、让你高兴?,二、动词不定式常用句型 1too.to.表示“太而不能” 如:The boy is too young to look after himself.那个男孩太小不能照顾自己。 2enough to.表示“足够” 如:He is old enough to go to school.他到了上学的年纪了。 3Why dont youdo sth.Why not do sth.?表示“为什么不做?” 如:Why dont you get her a scarf?Why not get her a scarf?为什么不给她买条围巾呢? 4had better(not)do sth.,表示“

31、最好(不)做某事” 如:Youd better not stay here today.你今天最好别待在这里。,5Will you pleasedo sth.?表示“请你做,好吗?” 如:Will you please close the door?请你把门关上好吗? 6prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.,表示“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事” 如:She prefers to receive a small gift rather than get a lot of money.她宁愿收到一份小礼物也不愿意得到一大笔钱。 7It takes sb.some ti

32、me to do sth.表示“某人花一些时间做某事” 如:It takes me 3 hours to repair the TV set.我用了三个小时修理这台电视机。 8It isadj.for sb.to do sth.表示“对某人来说做某事是” 如:It is hard for the young boy to carry the heavy box.对这个小男孩来说,搬动这个重箱子是困难的。,考点2 动名词,动名词具有名词的性质,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语等。,一、动名词的功能,二、常跟动名词的词(组)有:,【拓展】有些动词既可接不定式也可接动名词形式作宾语,但表达的意思不

33、同。如:,八年真题全练,分析近几年的菏泽中考试题,对非谓语动词考查较少。预计2018年菏泽中考的单项填空和完形填空对非谓语动词的考查可能性很小。但这一部分仍为英语语法中的基础与重点,考生在复习时也不能忽视对这一知识点的掌握。,考点1 动词不定式,2017菏泽,29Have you decided when _C_? Yes,tomorrow morning. Awill you leaveBare you leaving Cto leave,猜押预测,1People who wont work should be made _. AworkBto workCworking 2People pl

34、ant more bamboo _ pandas. Ahelp Bto help Chelped 3What happens when you hear a strange noise at night,or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom?It often makes us _ Ajump Bto jump Cjumping 4We advise parents _their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger. Anot leave Bno

35、t to leave Cleave 5Its difficult for me _my homework in such a short time. Come on! Im sure you can. Afinished Bto finish Cwill finish,B,B,A,B,B,6Have you finished_the storybook? Yes,I have. Ato read Bread Creading 7Dad,Im really tired and hungry. Why not stop _ and eat some cookies? Ato do your hom

36、ework Bdo your homework Cdoing your homework 8Martin was so busy _ the old that he gave up his parttime job. Ahelping Bhelped Cto help 9Would you mind _ now?Its already midnight. Sorry,I wont. Anot singing Bnot to sing Cdont sing 10Is Jack in the next room? Well,its hard to say.But I heard him _ lou

37、dly when I passed by just now. Aspeak Bto speak Cspeaking,C,C,A,A,C,专项 11 动词的时态,高频考点精讲,考点1 动词的时态,1.一般现在时 意义:(1)现阶段经常性或习惯性动作。(2)目前的状态。(3)客观真理。 构成:be动词用am/is/are;主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词在词尾加s或es;其他人称和数用动词原形。 时间标志词:often,sometimes,usually,always,twice a month,on Sundays,every week / month / year等。如:He usually l

38、eaves for school at 7:00 in the morning.他通常早上7点去学校。 2一般过去时 意义:(1)过去发生的动作。(2)过去存在的状态。 构成:be动词用was/were;其他动词用过去式。 时间标志词:just now,.ago,in过去的年份,last night/week/month,yesterday,the other day等。如:We went to the History Museum last Monday.上周一我们去了历史博物馆。,3一般将来时 意义:(1)将来发生的动作。(2)将来存在的状态。 构成:(1)助动词will(shall)动词

39、原形。(2)am/is/are going to动词原形。 时间标志词:tomorrow,from now on,soon,in the future,next year/week/month等。如:I will meet you at the school gate tomorrow.明天我将在校门口见你。 在时间和条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。 4现在进行时 意义:说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。 构成:am/is/arev.ing。 时间标志词:now,at present,at the moment,look,listen等。如:The bell is r

40、inging.Could you open the door?门铃响了。你能开下门吗? 表示位移的动词:go,come,leave 等用现在进行时表示将来。,5过去进行时 意义:过去某一阶段或某一时刻正在进行的动作。 构成:was/werev.ing。 时间标志词:at 9:00 last night,at that time,表示过去的时间状语从句等。如:I was reading when he came in.当他进来的时候,我正在读书。He was always complaining about something.他总是抱怨一些事情。 在复合句中,如果两个动作同时发生,那么延续性动

41、词用过去进行时,短暂性动词用一般过去时。通常在when 或while 引导的时间状语从句中出现。 6现在完成时 意义:(1)到现在为止已经完成的动作,且对现在还有影响。(2)从过去开始延续到现在或有可能会继续的动作或状态。 构成:have/has动词的过去分词。 时间标志词:yet,just,before,recently,once,already,lately,ever,never,since时间点,for一段时间。如:He has only been to the Great Wall once.他只去过一次长城。 【注意】 since后面的从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。短暂性动词不

42、与一段时间连用。,八年真题全练,在菏泽中考中,动词的时态是单项填空中的高频考点。其语境设置灵活,多数题没有明显的时间状语来提示,需要通过分析另一语句来判断时态,淡化了依据时间状语来判断时态的考查方式。从近几年的试题看,一般过去时、进行时和完成时三种时态为常考点。一般现在时和将来时在近几年的中考试题中从未涉及,预计2018年菏泽中考会有所涉及。,考点1 过去时,12014菏泽,7Have you finished your homework yet? Yes.I _B_ it twenty minutes ago. Ahave finished Bfinished Cwill finish Dh

43、ad finished 22011菏泽,28This morning I had hardly got to my school when it_C_ to rain. Ahad begun Bwas beginning Cbegan Dbegins,32010菏泽,34Its dangerous to swim here.Look at the sign. Oh,I _D_ notice it.Thanks for telling me. Ahavent Bwont Cdont Ddidnt,考点1 进行时,4.2015菏泽,33Hi,Wang Ning! Hows the weather

44、in Heze now? It is terrible.It _B_ all the morning. Arains Bis raining Crained 52014菏泽,10Look,so many people are running out of the station.I wonder what _C_. Ais happened Bwas happening Cis happening Dhad happened,62013菏泽,11Linda,I called you this morning,but nobody answered the phone. Im sorry.I _

45、D_ football with my friends then. Aplay Bplayed Cam playing Dwas playing 72011菏泽,33Why didnt you go to play football with us yesterday afternoon? I B my mother with the housework then. Ahelped Bwas helping Chad helped Dhave been helping 82010菏泽,26Shall we go out for a walk? Sorry,I cant.I _C_ my hom

46、ework. Ado Bdid Cam doing Dwas doing,考点1 完成时,92012菏泽,11Our foreign teacher Mr.Green _A_ us English since three years ago. Ahas taught Bis teaching Ctaught Dteaches 102010菏泽,28My friend Li Xiao knows my hometown very well because he _A_ there many times with me. Ahas been Bhas gone Chad gone Dwent,猜押

47、预测,1Sorry,Tom.I cant find the book you _me. Its OK.I dont need it at all. AlendBhave lentClent 2Did you call Jenny? Oh,no.I forgot.I _her right away. Awill call Bcalled Ccall 3Please dont make so much noise.The baby _now. Asleeps Bis sleeping Cslept 4She_five hundred English words so far. Ahas learn

48、ed Blearned Cis learning 5My mother _dinner when I got home yesterday. Ahas cooked Bwas cooking Cwill cook,C,A,B,A,B,6What does your mother do? She is a teacher.She _history in a middle school. Ataught Bteaches Cwill teach 7Grandpa_glasses when he reads. Awears Bwore Chas worn 8Just go down this roa

49、d and you _the library next to the bank. Asee Bsaw Cwill see 9They _to us as soon as they arrive in Beijing. Awrite Bwill write Cwrote,B,A,C,B,专项 12 动词的语态,高频考点精讲,考点1 各种时态的被动语态,考点2 常见主动语态变被动语态的特殊结构,(1)含有双宾语的句子多把间接宾语变为主语,直接宾语不变。 如:Jack told us the truth.We were told the truth by Jack.杰克告诉了我们真相。 (2)主动语态中有些感官动词(如:hear,s


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