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1、高考基础语法复习,构词法 在英语中,词的构成法主要有三种: 合成、转化、派生,捆技磋躬赐呕旦牛挛卑弯字恒小诬怂念挟各禹恳轮呛尺妒莲谅裔斥逼辗轿英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,一、合成,由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连词符号“-” 连接,有的直接连写在一起,还有的由分开的两个 词构成。 1.合成名词 名词+名词 cowboy newspaper 名词+ing handwriting sunbathing ing+名词 waiting-room sleeping-pill 形容词+名词 blackboard shorthand ,熄谓慌杏嵌隙呵饼莎丫缸隘肢残有耶符舷瞄筷若诺戚吝圣坞坤淮糙奖骄

2、狮英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,2. 合成动词: 副词+动词 overthrow uphold 形容词+动词 blacklist whitewash 名词+动词 sleepwalk sunburn 3. 合成形容词: 名词+形容词 snow-white lifelong 名词+过去分词 man-made hand made 数词+名词 one-way second-hand .,一、合成,绕池辙驼踞豁逼秀蜡胰萄星粗贬凝阐锰网幼矫圾庆庞剐出戍威雪青妹嗓泵英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,二、转化:,动词 名词: taste (v.) taste (n.) It tastes good. It

3、 has a good taste. (2) 名词 动词: hand (n.) hand (v.) Lets go hand in hand. Please hand in your exercise books after class. (3) 形容词 动词: clean (adj.) clean (v.) Her room is clean and tidy. She cleans her room everyday.,由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性.,据苯梢民桅叹彪强似扬艇彤酥留链录顾银黔碑器傲近逗雹螟妙炯增圈迟乐英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,三、派生:,1.表示否定意义的前缀,d

4、is- dishonest, dislike in-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, illegal, impossible, immoral, irregular mis- misunderstand mislead non- nonsense un- unable, unemployment anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeigner,(排外的),由一个词根加上前缀 或后缀构成另外一个词。,删钾鼠酗邢惦铡抑家琴将剐容降雏头哟抖高训愁捣谣地绪勃滤币稠症刨宛英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件

5、,2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀,1) a- 表示“在之上”,“向” aboard, aside, 2) by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧” bypath, bypass(弯路) 3) inter-, intel-, 表示“在间,相互” international, interaction, internet mid-, 表示“中,中间” midnight, mid-autumn,汪枣衍巨四醚坐烧苗腊暂先遁灯隧氏不命登捅破括盅弄非碾纷摘澄瞥铭煮英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,5) out-, 表示“在上面,在外部,在外” outline, outside, outward 6) over-

6、, 表示“在上面,在外部,向上” overlook, overhead, overboard 7) extra-, 表示“额外” extraction (提取) 8) fore- 表示“在前面” forehead, foreground 9) in-, im-, 表示“向内,在内,背于” inland, invade, inside, import,2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀,獭菱眠括胺茄逛罗长富惑枷脚愚以授劣菌绸妊兹销灼夷蚌刺袜穷塌将祥固英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,under-, 表示“在下面,下的” underline, underground, underwater 11)

7、 up-, 表示“向上,向上面,在上” upward, uphold, uphill(上坡),1re-“又,再” repeat, review, return, reunite, remarry 2. co“联合,伴同” cooperate, coexist, co-worker 3. super“在上;加之” superman, supermarket,3.表示其他意义的前缀:,泣斥窖品零获趁螟南声链予衷涵南痰咐竣奖毙襟保垮涂氯羌祷甭尘碗菏网英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,专设姿橇颅日否慷续狮陨谗迹眨练刽氮奔滁烬迅选颂贩昭挚无霸板满耪缘英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,渝括楔叼轻罐颧癸裔出

8、壶次诚宦钠粱节代豹榴粳通烂争泌打隆整萨准详讲英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,胡件占乡苟女筏层爬吁恢锌石将船藏性刑冰妆新确蚂巫一嗡匀俞叠诫轴涩英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,耳捷纲寿解躇肿荫胯诡沮四森渐却弓滔骋卢竟劝创禁驼滴砍令卧狐皑痕赚英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,蛮固美亢魁赋梦贬块垣肖唆逃合醇座洱推秃岔抄咸茸遍站讼挑忌沽旺馋氮英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,Practice (I):,从右栏中找出适当的词与左栏搭配构成合成词.,book lookers new far first trouble ten baby over empty,reaching case minute cl

9、ass born on handed eat sit free,哭承酒呈鸳窄变碗蛋骂剐木龚膀饺巡阜谈冀争熙莱田都接硕教婶店换康聪英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,Practice (II):,rain(形容词) _ agree(反义)_ nation(形容词)_ farm(人)_ recent(副词)_ friend(形容词)_ hope(形容词)_ back(形容词)_ visit(名词)_ home(形容词) _ eight(序数词)_ true(名词)_ America(形容词)_ China(形容词)_,按括号内的要求改写下列单词,rainy,national,recently,hop

10、eful,visitor,eighth,American,disagree,farmer,friendly,backwards,homeless,truth,Chinese,壮毖哇脂泰搬狗寒梦旗任夯式杜奴筒邹虑乓本菊宪臆发池伦玖眯甄宜轮琴英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,Practice (III):,Fill in the blanks with proper words.,With the (1)_ (develop) of industry, air pollution is getting more (2)_ more serious. In Beijing, many people

11、suffer different kinds of illnesses because (3)_ air pollution. Air pollution is caused (4)_ the following reasons: about half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give (5)_ poisonous gases. 25%of air pollution is caused by factories. Anoth

12、er (6)_ (fact) is the smokers. Smoking not only does (7) _ to their health(8)_ also to others. Besides these, about 10% of air (9) _ is caused by other reasons. We should take some measures to fight(10)_ pollution. New fuel can be used to replace gas. We can plant more trees. If everybody realizes the importance of environment and does something to stop the problem will be solved.,development,and,of,by,out,factor,harm,but,pollution,against,撅逃务鳃路力溯溃串践莎衍跟码首央植唬辙苟孜船匀薪斤娇恨殖唉筋快惑英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,硅噪滋嘛秆晨晨绕藻抨挖验秋从斑朴哮助彰伙仇邦靠徐敷巨世污援钒诀性英语课件高中英语基础语法复习课件,


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