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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级分类模拟题10公共英语三级分类模拟题10Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two

2、 parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1. If you hav

3、e any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short, dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answerA, B

4、, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What will the woman do tomorrow?A.Hold a party.B.See Mr. Smith.C.Work overtime.D.Attend a wedding.答案:A听力原文 W: Oh, Im sorry, Mr. Smith. M: Wha

5、ts up, Mary? W: Im afraid I cant work overtime tomorrow. John and I are holding a party for the 5th anniversary of our wedding. M: Thats all right. Enjoy yourselves. 2. Who is Mr. Johnson according to the speakers?A.Their former colleague.B.Their former neighbor.C.Their former teacher.D.Their former

6、 client.答案:B听力原文 W: Guess who I met at the grocery store this morning? M: Well, I cant imagine. W: Do you remember Mr. Johnson? He used to live in the building next to ours. M: Oh, yes, now I remember. He had dark hair and wore glasses. 3. What are the speakers talking about?A.A job interview.B.A re

7、porters work.C.How to impress people.D.How to handle an interview.答案:A听力原文 M: Ive just been interviewed for a reporters job on the evening paper. W: Whats your overall feeling about how it went? M: Well, I think I made a good impression. It seems that they were interested in me because Ive worked as

8、 a reporter before. 4. How many flights to Sydney will there be next Tuesday afternoon?A.One.B.Two.C.Four.D.Five.答案:B听力原文 W: Northwest Airways, good morning. Can I help you? M: Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon? W: Yes, there is a flight at 6:45 and one at 18:00. M: Thats

9、 fine. Could you tell me how much return flight costs? W: That would be 418 dollars. 5. What did the mans teacher tell him to do?A.Polish his essay.B.Hand in his essay.C.Rewrite his essay.D.Write a shorter essay.答案:C听力原文 W: You look tired, John. What have you been doing? M: My teacher wasnt happy wi

10、th my mid-term essay. She told me to do it all over again. W: At least, she gave you a second chance. M: Yeah, I have to admit that. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What can we learn about the womans son?A.He often talks with his mother.B.He often drives in a careless way.C.He is willing to listen to his mo

11、ther.D.He is worried about his driving skills.答案:B听力原文 W: Im worried about my son at driving, but he wont listen to me. M: Well, teenagers always think they wont get hurt, but the fact is just the opposite. W: What should I do? M: Keep talking with him and lead by an example. Parents always matter.

12、7. What do we know about Jack?A.He is a company manager.B.He makes emergency calls.C.He records emergency calls.D.He is a company technician.答案:D听力原文 W: Where is Jack? His manager is trying to catch him several times but has always just missed him. M: Thats because he is being in and out all day. W:

13、 Whats been going on? M: It has been many emergency calls and he is the only technician available to go out and deal with them. 8. What can we learn from this conversation?A.The woman is paying the bill.B.Bills phone number is 510-1520-20.C.The man pays 20 dollars to the woman.D.The woman has a 20-d

14、ollar bill changed.答案:D听力原文 W: Can you change the bill for me please? M: Sure, 5,10,15,20. OK, 20. W: Can I have some coins? I need them for a phone call. M: Here you are. 9. What does the woman mean?A.The dentists is at a convenient place.B.The dentists is close to Times Square.C.It was comfortable

15、 to sit at the dentists.D.It was not so terrible a visit to the dentists.答案:D听力原文 W: I went to the dentists to get my teeth polished this morning. M: How terrible! W: Well, the chair was so cleverly placed. I got a terrific view of Times Square down below. He finished the job before I knew it. 10. W

16、hat do we know about the woman?A.She is going to deliver a lecture.B.She spent a year in the rain forest.C.She is looking forward to the lecture.D.She will finish her report this weekend.答案:C听力原文 M: I hear the guy who is going to deliver the lecture this weekend spend a year living in the rainforest

17、. W: Great. Im doing a report on the rainforest. Maybe I can get some new information to add to it. Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each ques

18、tion by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 11-13 are based on the following conversation between a reporter and a female writer. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What do we know about the wom

19、ans family?A.They kept a lot of birds.B.They lived in a big house.C.They owned a small farm.D.They suffered from poverty.答案:D听力原文 M: Your readers are interested in your childhood. What was it like? W: I grew up in a small town. We lived in very poor housing but we lived always in very beautiful sett

20、ings, so I have favorite trees and I have contacted with birds. My parents were farm workers. Though we were poor for most of part, I think I was often happy. M: It would not have been expected from that background that youll become a literary figure. Was your mother ambitious with you? W: Well, my

21、mother wasnt especially ambitious with me in the sense of going to college when I grew up. I think her greatest contribution was simply that she loved me very much. No matter what happened, I had my mother with me. M: She gave you confidence. W: Oh, she did. She earned very little money, offering ab

22、out $10 a week and never more than $20 a week. And in spite of that, she managed to buy a typewriter for me. She managed to buy me my first toothpaste when I left home. She just wanted me to be able to do things that she couldnt do even she didnt know what they were. 2. What did the womans mother im

23、press her with?A.Her love.B.Her success.C.Her ambition.D.Her knowledge.答案:A3. What did the womans mother wish her to do?A.Go to college.B.Become a writer.C.Have a better life.D.Support her family.答案:C Questions 14-17 are based on the following conversation. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. Whom is the man pr

24、obably complaining to?A.A receptionist.B.A travel agent.C.A coach driver.D.A hotel staff member.答案:B听力原文 W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Id like to make a complaint about my holiday in Paris last week. W: Im sorry to hear that. What exactly was the problem? M: First of all, the coach taking us t

25、o the hotel broke clown and we had to wait for over 2 hours in the terrible heat before our replacement arrived. Then when we got to the hotel, we found our room hadnt been cleaned. W: Oh, dear. Did you complain to the hotel staff? M: Of course, but we were told all the cleaners were off duty. Anywa

26、y, thats not all. The people in room above sounded like they were having all night parties every night. I demanded another room but the receptionist told me the hotel was full. W: Oh, I see. M: And the worst thing was the food in the restaurant was awful. It was so bad we had to eat out all the time

27、 despite having paid for meals in the price of our holiday. W: I do apologize. Id like to offer you a 20% discount on the price of one of our autumn breaks as a gesture of good will. M: A 20% discount? You must be joking. I want to see the manager. 5. Why did the man wait in the heat for two hours?A

28、.The coach had to be replaced.B.The coach driver felt sick.C.The hotel rooms were full.D.The hotel had to be cleaned.答案:A6. What did the man mention in his complaint?A.Impolite hotel cleaners.B.Dark light and dirty rooms.C.Rude people living downstairs.D.Disturbing noise and poor food.答案:D7. How did

29、 the man feel about the womans apology?A.Amusing.B.Annoying.C.Desirable.D.Reasonable.答案:B Questions 18-21 are based on the following interview with John Smith, chairman of National Weight and Health Association (NWHA). (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. What did the NWHA survey aim to explore?A.The incidences

30、of obesity.B.Popular views on obesity.C.Ways to fight obesity.D.The causes of obesity.答案:B听力原文 W: Good evening. Welcome back to Miss Know It All. For todays program, Mr. John Smith, chairman of National Weight and Health Association, has come with findings from out recent NWHA survey on obesity. Now

31、, Mr. Smith, what is the purpose of your survey? M: We wanted to explore how people around the world view obesity or being overweight. Actually, obesity has gone global. W: How did you do it? M: We interviewed 16,000 people in 16 countries. W: How large is the overweight population of the world acco

32、rding to your estimates? M: 1.6 billion including 18 million children under age 5. W: Really surprising, isnt it? And what are your findings about peoples attitudes regarding obesity? M: Our survey found that people in Brazil feel the most pressure to be thin. 83% of Brazilians think there is too mu

33、ch emphasis placed on weight. French are most likely to blame Americans. They use Americans fast food as an excuse for their overweight problem. Russians are most likely to blame their parents for obesity. They are followed by Germans and Indians. When asked who encouraged them to try to lose weight

34、, the Swiss tend to exclude their doctor. W: Stay tuned for more about the NWHA survey, we will be back soon after the break. 9. How many people in the world are rated as being overweight?A.16 million.B.18 million.C.1.6 billion.D.1.8 billion.答案:C10. In which country do people feel the most pressure

35、to be thin?A.Brazil.B.India.C.France.D.America.答案:A11. Who are most likely to blame their parents for obesity?A.The French.B.The Swiss.C.Germans.D.Russians.答案:D Questions 22-25 are based on the following interview with Emily Galash, a high school student who works part-time as a trendspotter. (如需获取本

36、MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. What do trendspotters do?A.Take pictures of youth culture.B.Write reports on youth culture.C.Sell products to young people.D.Create websites for young people.答案:A听力原文 M: Emily, what do you do as a trendspotter? W: Very simple. Take digital photos of youth culture and send them to

37、my company. Its called Look-Look. M: What kind of company is it? W: Its a youth culture marketing and trend forecasting firm in Hollywood. Im one of Look-Looks 65,000 trendspotters worldwide. M: Look-Look gets a lot of information about the ever-shifting tastes of the youth market by these images. W

38、: Yes, its clients are mostly companies. They get information about trends from Look-Look and develop their products. They also use the images of Look-Look on their websites to impress young people and promote their newly designed products. M: But are there any people who dont like their pictures to

39、 be used on the website? W: I always have my subjects permission before I take their pictures and put up their images onto Look-L. M: Where do you find your best subjects? W: At school, in the park, at local supermarkets and near many music clubs. M: What is difficult about this job? W: To catch our

40、 original styles because so many young people try hard to stand out. You have to be able to find the difference between someone who is copying trends and someone who is truly inventing a new look. M: Thank you for talk with us, Emily. 13. What does Look-Look concentrate on?A.Recruiting trendspotters

41、 for its clients.B.Providing advice to young trendspotters.C.Organizing sales networks for its clients.D.Dealing in information about youth trends.答案:D14. Why do some companies use Look-Looks images on their websites?A.To promote visits to Look-L.B.To attract young people to their new products.C.To

42、learn about what makes young people buy.D.To encourage young people to be photographed.答案:B15. Why is it difficult for trendspotters to catch original styles?A.Many young people like to show off.B.Many young people stick to the rules.C.Many young people try to copy trends.D.Many young people refuse to take pictures.答案:C 16 / 16


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