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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级模拟22公共英语三级模拟22Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TW

2、O parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should .first put clown your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you ha

3、ve any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer-A, B, C or D, a

4、nd mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Now look at Question 1. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where are the speakers?A.At a hospital.B.At a restaurant.C.At a railway station.D.At a booking office.答案:B听力原文M: Look at the lon

5、g waiting line. Im glad youve made a reservation.W: Because I know a lot of people now like eating out, especially on weekends.M: Yes, whats more, this place is very popular in this district.2. What does the woman advise the man to do?A.Call to check his scores.B.Inquire when the test scores are rel

6、eased.C.Be patient and wait.D.Take PETS a month later.答案:C听力原文M: I havent got my scores on the PETS yet. Do you think I should call to ask for it?W: Theres no hurry. You wont get any results even you call it.M: But I have already waited for a long time.W: The test scores will be released at least on

7、e more month later.3. Whats the mans problem?A.He is too late to work.B.The bed was bought in ten days.C.He cant get his money back.D.The bed can be returned.答案:C听力原文M: Look at the bed. We bought it last month but the price is 50% off now!W: Yes, we cut the price down just now.M: Can I return the on

8、e I bought and get my money back?W: Im afraid its too late. Only those bought in ten days can be returned.4. What are the two speakers doing?A.Sending an e-mail.B.Doing spelling exercise.C.Chatting online.D.Talking on the phone.答案:D听力原文M: May I know your e-mail address?W: Ill send you an e-mail, so

9、we dont have to do the spelling on the phone, OK?M: Thats a good idea.5. Whats the womans meaning?A.The man should have seen the doctor earlier.B.The man should have confirmed his appointment.C.The man complains too much.D.The mans toothache will go away by itself.答案:A听力原文M: My toothache is killing

10、me.W: I told you to make an appointment yesterday.M: I thought it was going away. But now its getting worse. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What is DrWilson?A.TeacherB.ManagerC.SurgeonD.Advisor答案:A听力原文M: DrWilsoncan I talk to you a minute?W: SureFredWhat is it?M: Im worried about my grade in your English c

11、lassI really want an A, but my job has kept me busy 解析 由男士所说“Im worried about my grade in your English class” 中的“grade”和“your English class”可以得知,Wilson博士是男士的英语老 师,因此应选择A 选项。 7. Whats the manshobby?A.Watching TV.B.Collecting stampsC.Taking picturesD.Seeing films答案:C听力原文W: What do you do in your spare

12、 time?M: Oh,nothing specialI read, watch TV and go to the moviesW: Dont you have any hobbies like collecting stamps or things like that?M: I have iust onephotographyIts expensive,but its a lot of fun 解析 对话中的女士问男士是否有类似集邮这样的爱好“Dont you have any hobbies like collecting stamps or things like that?”,男士回答

13、道“I have just onephotography”,photography表示“摄影”,因此应选择C 选 项。另外,C 选项taking pictures与photograph同义,。 8. What are they talking about?A.The advantages of city lifeB.The advantages of country lifeC.Where they will liveD.Citylife and counttylife答案:D听力原文W: Living in the city is very convenientM: I think so,

14、but I often think of living in the countryIts peaceful and quietW: But dont you think houses in the country can be cold in winter?M: I dontthink so 解析 男士和女士的谈话中提到living in the city, living in the country, houses in the country, 由这些关键词可知,他们在谈论城市生活 和乡村生活,因此D 选项正确。 9. What are they talking about?A.The

15、advantages of city lifeB.The advantages of country lifeC.Where they will liveD.Citylife and counttylife答案:D听力原文W: Living in the city is very convenientM: I think so, but I often think of living in the countryIts peaceful and quietW: But dont you think houses in the country can be cold in winter?M: I

16、 dontthink so 解析 男士和女士的谈话中提到living in the city, living in the country, houses in the country, 由这些关键词可知,他们在谈论城市生活 和乡村生活,因此D 选项正确。 10. What is the man sorry for?A.Hes been ill for a couple ofweeksB.He doesnt look well because he had the fluC.MrsJackson had a bad case of the flu for a couple of weeksD.

17、MrsJackson has been taken to the hospital答案:D听力原文W: I hear youve been illM: Well, I had the flu for a couple of weeks, but Im fine nowW: Youre looking wellBy the way, did you hear about MrsJackson?M: Nowhat about her?W: She had such a bad case of the flu that they had to take her to the hospitalM: O

18、hIm sorry to hear that! 解析 女士说完“She has such a bad case of the flu that they had to take her to the hospital后,男士马上表示“Im sorry to hear that!”,说明男 士为“she”得了流感住院而感到遗感,其中she指女士提到的MrsJackson, 因此D 选项正确。 Part B You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 second

19、s to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. (如

20、需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why did the Romans build so many roads?A.They wanted Rome to become the center of the world.B.They wanted to pave important roads with large, flat stones.C.They needed to keep their soldiers busy by making them build roads.D.They needed the roads to move large armies and trade

21、goods.答案:D听力原文23-25 Over 2,000 years ago, Rome was the center of a large empire. The Romans needed a way to move their large armies quickly so they could protect their huge country. They needed trade routes. So they joined all the parts of their empire by a network of roads. Beginning in 300 BC, the

22、 Romans built roads in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. By AD 200, they had built 50,000 miles of almost straight highways. To build their roads, the Romans sometimes had to dig tunnels through mountains. They did mot have explosives to cut through the rock. They heated the rock with fire and then th

23、rew cold water over it. When the rock cracked, they dug it out with hand tools. Roman soldiers and slaves built the roads without powerful machinery. They had only simple tools. Yet the roads were so well built that they were used for hundreds of years. 精解 题干问:“罗马为什么建这么多的路?”听力材料的第一段说说明了罗马建许多路的原因。即他们

24、想快速地调动军队和需要贸易路线是他们建许多路的原因。所以答案选D。2. What did the Romans do to dig tunnels for mountain roads?A.They cracked the rock with fire and cold water.B.They used explosives to break up the rock.C.They dug through mountains with machinery.D.They did it the way we do in modern times.答案:A精解 题干问:“为了挖山路隧道,罗马人做了什

25、么?”听力材料中说“They heated the rock with fire and then threw cold water over itWhen the rock cracked,they dug it out with hand tools”这与答案A的意思一致,所以本题答案选A。3. What conclusion can we make from the passage?A.Building roads without machinery was almost impossible 2,000 years ago.B.It took a long time for the R

26、omans to build roads by hand.C.People still use the old Roman way of building roads.D.Stones were used only in roads in Asia.答案:B精解 题干问:“从这篇文章我们能得到什么结论?”材料中说“从公元前300年开始建路,到公元后200年,他们共建了 5万公里的路。”及他们造路所用的原始的方法,可知他们建路花了很长的时间。 Questions 14-17 are based on the following dialogue: (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.

27、How did the man cut himself?A.With a knife.B.On the edge of some metal.C.On some glass.D.On a piece of paper.答案:D听力原文11-14M: Ow ! That hurts !W: What happened? Did you cut yourself?M: Yes. On the edge of this paper. How can such a little cut hurt so much? Im not even bleeding, but my finger really h

28、urt.W: You know, I read something about that. It turns out that a little cut on a finger can hurt a lot more than a big cut somewhere else.M: Why? That doesnt make any sense.W: Actually, it does. There are more nerve endings in your hands than almost anywhere else in the body, and its the nerve endi

29、ngs that allow you to feel pain.M: I guess thats tree.W: Also, a little cut like yours wont damage the nerve endings, just irritate them. If they were damaged, youd feel less pain, but the wound could be more serious.M: So I suppose I should be happy my finger hurts so much, right?W: Right. Now go g

30、et yourself a bandage.M: Why? You just told me its not serious.W: Its not, but it does seem to be bothering you. Putting a bandage over the cut will keep the skin from drying and will help keep the skin together. If the skin stays together, the nerve endings wont be exposed, and the cut will hurt le

31、ss.对话中明确说男生的伤是由于“on the edge of this paper”弄伤的。所以选择D项。5. What surprised the man?A.How much the cut hurt.B.How deep the cut was.C.How easily he was cut.D.How concerned the woman was.答案:A男生说“How can such a little cut hurt so much? Im not even bleeding,but my finger really hurts”意思是“这个小伤口怎么会这么痛?我甚至都没有流

32、血,但我的手指真是很痛。”这里hurt的意思是“疼痛”的意思。所以一个小小的伤口会让他很痛,他感到很以外。A选项是正确的。6. According to the woman, what determines how painful a cut is?A.The amount of sin affected by the cut.B.The cause of the cut.C.The amount of bleedings.D.The number of never endings irritated.答案:D对话中女生对于造成疼痛的原因解释是“There are more nerve end

33、ings in your hands than almost any where else in the body,and its the nerve endings that allow you to feel pain”正是由于手上比身体其他部位有更多的神经末梢,而就是这些神经末梢会造成疼痛。所以选择D项。7. What advice does the woman give the man?A.Take a pain reliever.B.Let the cut dry out.C.Keep the cut closed.D.Go to a doctor.答案:C对话中女生建议男生缠上绷带

34、,因为绷带可以使皮肤密合,而“If the skin stays together,the nerve endings wont be exposed,and the cut will hurt less”意思是“如果皮肤密合在一起,则神经末梢就不会暴露,于是伤口就会疼得轻些。”因而选择C项。 Questions 18 21 are based on the following dialogue about a part-time job. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. What is the womans major?A.American literature.B.Engl

35、ish literature.C.Teaching method.D.Mathematics.答案:A听力原文 14-17W: Good morning, Professor James. Ive come here to look for a part-time job this term. I wonder whether you have any positions open.M: Yes, as a matter of fact, I need a teaching assistant. Whats your major?W: American literature.M: Very g

36、ood. Have you had any experience in teaching?W: Yes, I had been a teacher of English for five years before I came here.M: Perfect. Now can you help me correct the written work of my undergraduates?W: Id be happy to try. It would be very challenging, of course.M: I should think so, but its good for y

37、ou.W: Yes. Could you give me some idea about the load?M: Yes. Altogether 50 students and Ill give them written assignments once every other week. The schedule is up to you as long as you finish the correction before the new written work is assigned.W: I think I can manage. How much is the pay, if I

38、may ask?M: 1,250 a month.W: All right. Thanks a lot.M: Sure thing. I look forward to working with you.9. How does the woman feel about her new job?A.Interesting.B.Boring.C.Inspiring.D.Challenging.答案:D10. How often will the woman correct the students assignment?A.Once a week.B.Once two weeks.C.Once a

39、 month.D.Once three weeks.答案:B11. How much will the man pay for the woman per month?A.1,500.B.1,350.C.1,250.D.2,250.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. What is the characteristic of current account?A.Its interest rate is higher.B.Its interest rate is very low.C.Its convenient.D.Its inconvenient.答案:C解析 根据女

40、土的回答:“你只要出示你的银行卡、填写一张取钱单就可以随时取回你的钱。”由此可以看出,这种存款方式很便利。听力原文 15-17W: May I help you?M: Yes, please. Id like to open a new account.W: Yes, Id be happy to help you. What kind of accounts would you like to open?M: Well, I am not sure. What kind of accounts can I open here?W: Usually we offer current accou

41、nt and fixed account for individuals.M: Could you tell me the differences between them?W: Of course I will. If you open a fixed account, the interest rate is higher.M: Then how about the current account?W: You may withdraw the money at any time and you just need to present your bank card and a withd

42、raw slip.M: I would rather open a current account.W: OK, please fill in this application form.M: Here is the filled out application form. Is everything all fight?W: Yes, quite all right. But you have to deposit some money at the same time you open the account.M: Fine. Here are one hundred pounds.W:

43、Please show your passport.M: Here you are.W: Good. Please sign here. OK, everything is done. Here is your receipt and passport. Ill mail you the bank card in a week.M: Thank you very much.W: Its my pleasure.13. What must you do if you want to open a current accout?A.You have to deposit some money.B.

44、You have to pay some money.C.You have to present your ID card.D.You have to present your credit card.答案:A解析 根据女士的话可以知道如果要开一个活期存款的账户,就要填申请表、存款、出示护照、签名。由此可知应选A,排除B、C、D。14. How long will it take the man to get the bank card?A.Two weeks after he opened the account.B.At least one week after he opened the

45、 account.C.Less than a week after he opened the account.D.Immediately after he opened the account.答案:B解析 由女士的话Ill mail you the bank card in a week可知他要一周后才能拿到银行卡。故答案B。Section Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or

46、 D on ANSWER SHEET 1. The business of advertising is to invent methods of addressing massive audiences in an effective way. The language used in an ad should be easily accessible and immediately 1 . No advertising agency wants to put 2 an ad that is neither clear nor convincing. But these agencies disagree when it 3 to the most effective methods of doing so. 4 the years, advertising firms have developed a variety of distinctive styles 5 on their understanding of the different kinds of audiences they want to 6 . No two agencies would handle the same product


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