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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级模拟(暂无语音,提供参考79公共英语五级模拟(暂无语音,提供参考79Section Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompa

2、ny them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet, NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers

3、 from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW, as you will not be allowed to speak once the test bas started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a talk about military affairs. As you listen, answer Questions 110 by circ

4、ling TRUE or FALSE. Youll hear the talk ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. President Clinton is wondering whether NMD can protect America from missile attack.答案:B解析 1-10 President Clinton is about to decide whether or not to deploy a Star Wars missile defense system to protect the United States from

5、 a ballistic missile attack. He is basing the decision on the following four criteria: the technical progress of the system, the cost, an assessment of the threat, and the impact of deployment on nuclear disarmament. Heres why Star Wars fails all four of President Clintons criteria. 1) NMD Doesnt Wo

6、rk: Out of 19 tests that are supposed to be conducted on the NMD, only 2 have been conducted. The NMD designers have not been able to come up with a missile shield that can accurately locate and identify incoming missiles. A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Massachusetts In

7、stitute of Technology Security Studies Program states that the NMD testing program is not capable of assessing the systems effectiveness against a realistic attack. 2) The Cost Is Enormous: We have already spent more than $60 billion in research on NMD, and the Center on Strategic and International

8、Studies (CSIS) has suggested that a truly robust system could cost up to $240 billion. Where does this money come from? From our tax dollars, of course, and at the expense of vital community needs like education, health care, affordable housing, and environmental protection. 3) It Will Start A New A

9、rms Race: Star Wars violates the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty(ABM), which means Russian ratification of the START arms reduction treaty will be nullified if Clinton chooses to deploy Star Wars. Russia and China, as well as India and Pakistan, will all build more offensive nuclear-armed missiles, an

10、d load them with traps, in order to overwhelm and confuse the Star War system. 4) Assessment of the threat: Conservatives in Congress have overstated the threat. Senator Carl Levin recently quoted the CIA itself, stating that, U. S. territory, is probably more likely to be attacked with weapons of m

11、ass destruction from non-missile delivery means than by missiles, primarily because non-missile delivery means are less costly and more reliable and accurate In other words we are more likely to be attacked with a suitcase than with an intercontinental ballistic missile. 5) The American Public Doesn

12、t Want NMD: Results from a recent poll by the Council for a Livable World show that only 4% of Americans believe that maintaining a strong military is one of the most important issues facing the nation, and a mere 1% believe in building a national missile defense system to be the top priority. Furth

13、er, 59% of Americans polled said that the President should wait until all testing is complete before making a decision on NMD. 2. Clinton thinks NMD can promote nuclear disarmament.答案:A3. Up to now, only 10% of the scheduled tests have been undertaken.答案:A4. NMD designers have been working on the ac

14、curacy in identifying attacking missiles.答案:A5. The cost is enormous to assess the systems effectiveness against a realistic attack.答案:B6. The research on NMD has been undergoing at some sacrifice of vital community needs.答案:A7. According to the speaker, NMD is a threat to the peace of the world.答案:

15、A8. A senator supported Clintons proposal, as he knew U. S territory is more likely to be attacked with weapons of mass destruction.答案:B9. It is clear that the prupose to carry out NMD plan is to maintain U. S. As strong military.答案:A10. Most Americans wanted their president to wait until all testin

16、g is complete before making a decision on NMD.答案:BPart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following talk. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. The speaker thinks _.A.the sancti

17、ons against Iraqs arent workingB.the sanctions have substantially reduced Iraqs potential for military aggressionC.the sanctions have caused direct economic impact on IraqD.the sanctions have shaken the rule of Saddam Hussein答案:B解析 11-13 Many claim that sanctions against Iraq arent working. In fact,

18、 they have helped to reduce Saddam Husseins military potential. Through their direct economic impact and as a spur to United Nations weapons inspections, the sanctions have substantially reduced Iraqs potential for military aggression and curtailed its development of weapons of mass destruction. Alt

19、hough Baghdad has frequently obstructed UN weapons inspections, substantial progress toward eliminating Iraqs weapons programs has been achieved. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admitted this in March 1997 when she called the progress achieved to date stunning. Over the last few years UNSCOM,

20、the UN Special Commission, has largely succeeded in eliminating Iraqs nuclear, ballistic missile, and chemical weapons capabilities. Baghdads uranium enrichment and other nuclear production facilities were identified and destroyed early in the inspection program. According to the latest UNSCOM repor

21、t, there are no indications that any weapon-usable nuclear materials remain in Iraq and no evidence in Iraq of prohibited materials, equipment or activities. Iraqs ballistic missiles have been largely eliminated as well. Of the 819 SCUD missiles Iraq possessed in the late 1980s, UNSCOM has been able

22、 to account for the use or destruction of 817. Iraqs indigenous missile production capabilities have not yet been fully uncovered, but to date there is no evidence of the successful development or testing of an Iraqi-built ballistic missile. 2. Since the sanctions against Iraq, the UNSCOM has made g

23、reat achievements in the following EXCEPT _.A.reducing Iraqs potential for military aggressionB.fully uncovering Iraqs indigenous missile production capacityC.eleminating Iraqs chemical weapon production capacityD.identifying and destroying Baghdads uranium enrichment and other unclear production pr

24、ogram答案:B3. Which of the following is true?A.Iraq used to test self-built ballistic missiles.B.Iraq was able to produce missile.C.Iraq used to possess ballistic missiles.D.Some evidence shows Iraq still possess some prohibited materials and equipment for uranium enrichment.答案:C Questions 1416 are ba

25、sed on the following talk. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. The speaker believes that bombing of Chinese Embassy resulted from _.A.a deliberate strikeB.a clerking errorC.a missed strikeD.wrong information答案:A解析 14-16 When the Chinese Embassy was struck, NATO claimed it was a mistake and that they thought it

26、was some kind of defense procurement agency. I asked General Clarke about this, and I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve him on this point, he says when that was selected as a target it was selected in the belief that it was this defense procurement agency. But when I pressed him on it, what wa

27、s clear was that we have to take the CIAs word for it, we have to take the CIAs word that that is actually what they genuinely thought it was. A lot of people have said to me, look, can you honestly believe that the last CIA station chief in Belgrade did not know the address of the Chinese Embassy?

28、I cant believe that, because I think its quite clear that American diplomats would have gone to cocktail parties in that building. The CIA however say there was a clerking error, they have produced what they say is evidence to support the contention that is was a clerking error, so theres absolutely

29、 no evidence to refute or challenge the USs claim that this was an error. Having said that the lack of evidence isnt always conclusive evidence of the opposite case so to speak. The RTS building was hit well into the war, it wasnt a mistake it was struck deliberately. I think it didnt do NATO any go

30、od. It didnt advance the cause of the war a bit because six hours later by the time Belgrade woke up in the morning RTS was triumphantly back on the air reading the same news bulletin and playing the same interview with Milosevic that had been taken off the air. The only difference was fifteen or si

31、xteen perfectly innocent people, civilians, security guards and technicians lost their lives as a result of that strike. 5. What was the attitude of public on the NATOs claim?A.Disbelief.B.Surprise.C.Anger.D.Sympath.答案:A6. What did the speaker think the strike would lead to?A.The war would be advanc

32、ed.B.The war would be stopped earlier.C.NATO would lose more support.D.More people would die.答案:C Questions 1720 are based on the following talk. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. The purpose of the renewed bombing is as follows EXCEPT _.A.to diminish Iraqs ability to deliver biological or other forms of dest

33、ructionB.to make Iraq comply with UN weapons inspectionC.to justify the use of military, forceD.to seriously undermine Saddams base of power答案:C解析 17-20 It may be tempting to strike Iraq for its continued defiance of the United Nations, but the resort to force will only play into Saddam Husseins han

34、ds. Iraqs apparent development and concealment of biological weapons are indeed cause for concern, but there is no indication of any immediate threat that would justify the use of military force. Because of sanctions and previous UN weapons inspections, Iraqs military power has been reduced, and its

35、 ability to deliver biological or other forms of destruction is diminished. It can threaten its neighbors (and the United States) with terrorism, but this is a danger that bombing cannot erase and will only intensify. There is no assurance that bombing Iraq will guarantee compliance with UN weapons

36、inspections. Forty-three days of bombing during the Gulf War did not eliminate Iraqs nuclear capabilities, and there is little prospect that renewed bombing could achieve the intended result now. There is even less prospect that a few days of bombing will unseat Saddam Hussein or seriously undermine

37、 his base of power. Only a major ground invasion could accomplish that, and few are prepared to accept the costs this would entail. Renewed military strikes would kill innocent people who have no say over the policies the U. S. is trying to change. The intensified hatreds this would arouse might lea

38、d to renewed terrorist threats against Americans overseas and perhaps even here at home. The use of force will deepen Iraqi resentment against the United States and might stiffen Iraqs resistance to UN demands. When the dust settled and the dead were buried, the confrontation would probably continue

39、. 8. The speaker thinks that the renewed strike could _.A.erase Iraqs threat to its neighborsB.eliminate Iraqs nuclear capabilitiesC.throw Saddam Hussein off his powerD.arouse the intensified hatreds of Iraq for the U. S.答案:D9. The speaker thinks the intended result could be achieved by _.A.renewed

40、military strikesB.a major ground invasionC.terrorist threatsD.confrontation答案:B10. The resort to force will NOT _.A.deepen Iraqs resistance to UN demandsB.play into Saddam Husseins handsC.stiffen Iraqs hatred against AmericaD.shake Iraq from its continued defiance of the UN答案:DPart C You will hear a

41、 conversation about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treat Test Ban Work. As you listen, you must answer Questions 2130 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in, the place provided for you, youll hear the conversation TWICE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where is the Comprehensive Test Ban Organization located? _

42、.答案: Vienna解析 21-30A: So how does the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)test ban work?B: Once ratification is completed, the Vienna-based test ban organization will report if it believes an explosion has taken place. This work will be carried out by 321 monitoring stations and 16 laboratories thro

43、ughout the world. The scientists will be able to demand the right to inspect an area if they believe a nuclear test has been carried out.A: So has the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty been an international success?B: Not yet. The treaty cannot come into force until 44 individually named states ratify i

44、t in their own legislative bodies. These 44 nations are those known to be holding or thought capable of developing nuclear weapons. A: How many of them have ratified up to now? To date, 24 of this group have ratified, including only two of the big five, the UK and France. Among other named states ye

45、t to ratify but known to hold nuclear weapons are Israel, Pakistan and India, though Israel did sign the treaty in 1996.A: But surely everyone must want to sign?B: While almost every nation subscribes to the test ban treatys noble aims, the realities of international power politics are playing their

46、 part with many nations seemingly waiting to see what the US does.A: Well, how much has United States done so far?B: President Bill Clinton has warned Congress that if it fails to ratify the treaty it would be a signal that the United States wants to lead the world away from the cause of non-spreadi

47、ng. He says that the US now has the technology to safely stockpile weapons, carry out computer simulated tests and monitor other states, leaving it with no excuse not to sign.A: What is the attitude of the Congress towards CTBT?B: Congress rejected the legislation on 13 October 1999, after Republica

48、ns argued that the CTBT would fail to properly monitor other nations.A: Whats holding it up?B: Many nations say a test ban without disarmament is no longer good enough. Both India and Pakistan, which carried out tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998, remain opposed to the CTBT, though they have faced massive US pressure to sign.A: It is said that India has


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