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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级语法分类模拟题5公共英语二级语法分类模拟题5单项选择题问题:1. What was the matter with you this morning? You looked _ you hadnt slept for the last twenty-four hours.A.so asB.thatC.as ifD.like that答案:C解析 look(看起来)与as if连用表示“看起来好像”,其后用虚拟语气。表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响(看上去好像一天没睡以的),本来应该用现在完

2、成时,但在虚拟语气结构中用过去完成时(hadnt slept)。问题:2. It isnt _ David says that annoys me but the way he says it.A.howB.thatC.whatD.why答案:C解析 It isnt.that.为强调句型,本句强调主语从句.David says。在这一从句中,缺及物动词say的宾语,故选what。问题:3. Mother insisted that the childs hands _ before dinner.A.should washB.be washedC.would washD.were washed

3、答案:B解析 当insist意思为“坚持某事”的时候,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形。洗手应该是被动语态,所以答案选B。问题:4. I think its going to be a big problem. Yes, it could be. I wonder _ we can do about it. A.ifB.howC.whatD.that答案:C解析 本题考查宾语从句中连词的用法。宾语从句中的do为及物动词,其后无宾语,故应选择连接代词what。if,how在句中作状语;that没有具体意义,在宾语从句中可以省略。问题:5. Our school stands _ t

4、here used to be an old temple in the town. And we still call _ a lot of skilled teachers in our school.A.which; upB.what; inC.where; forD.where; on答案:C解析 本题考查两个方面:一是定语从句引导词的选择,因为where后引导的部分为状语成分;call for“需要”。问题:6. There _ in the world _ China is a great country.A.are no doubt; thatB.are not doubts;

5、ifC.is no doubt; thatD.is not doubt; if答案:C解析 there is no doubt是固定用法表示“毫无疑问”。that引导的宾语从句作doubt的宾语。问题:7. What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A.whenB.howC.whetherD.what答案:C解析 What the doctors really doubt是主语从句,is后是一个表语从句。根据题意及doubt的特点,C是最佳选项。问题:8. So

6、meone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _.A.who is heB.who he isC.who is itD.who it is答案:D解析 宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序。如不清楚所谈到的那个人是男是女时,要用it来代替。问题:9. Ill take _ wants to go with me.A.anybodyB.whoC.whoeverD.whom he答案:C解析 本题考查复合句的用法。本句意为:我将会带愿意跟我去的人去。空缺部分在句子中同时作主语和宾语,所以选C最合适。问题:10. I was quite at a loss_ nextA.

7、whats to doB.what to doC.what to be doneD.how to do答案:B解析 本句意为:我完全不知道接下来该做什么。分析句子结构,空缺处应加一个名词成分作句子的补语。A项应为whats to be done;C项结构不对,动词不定式本身可以表达被动含义;D意为“如何去做”,均不合题意。问题:11. The pupils said _ was against their teacher.A.what were you doingsB.what you were doingC.what are you doingsD.what were you doing答案

8、:B解析 本句意为:学生们说你所做的是在跟老师对着干。空缺部分是其后的句子成分的主语,所以what后面的部分应该是陈述结构。故本题答案为B。问题:12. We must finish the job, no matter _ difficult it is.A.howeverB.howC.whateverD.what答案:B解析 本句的两个分句之间用逗号隔开了,没有加并列连词,所以应是主从复合句。“有多困难”和“我们必须把工作做完”构成了让步的关系。固定句型no matter what/which/.=whatever/whichever/.(无论什么/哪一个/),引导让步状语从句。若句中出现

9、了no matter.,就不能用however/whatever等的结构。故A和C不正确。difficult是形容词,只能用副词how来修饰,no matter how相当于however(无论怎样),no matter what或whatever修饰名词或代词。问题:13. Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? I dont mind where we go _ theres sun, sea and beach. A.as ifB.if onlyC.now thatD.as long as答案:D解析 as if(=as though

10、)为引导方式状语从句的从属连词,if only用来表达愿望,译为“若是那该多好啊;但愿”,后加虚拟语气,now that意为“既然”,引导条件状语从句。“咱们去哪儿我都不在乎”的前提是“有阳光、大海和海滩”,故本句为条件状语从句,应用as (so) long as(只要)引导。问题:14. _ going abroad, he tries to learn English well.A.In order toB.In order thatC.For the sakeD.For the sake of答案:D解析 for the sake of意为“为了利益;为了缘故”。in order to后

11、面接动词原形,in order that后面跟从句,意为“为了”。问题:15. As we have planned, well get to Shanghai to attend my sisters wedding party. We will visit our mother school _ we get there.A.ifB.whenC.onceD.even if答案:B解析 由as we have planned看出是已经计划好的事情,意为“当我们到那儿时”。问题:16. You may borrow this book _ you promise to give it back

12、.A.as far asB.as long asC.so far asD.as longer as答案:B解析 as long as=so long as表示“只要,在的时候”。as far as表示“远到,直到,至于”。问题:17. _ we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sitting in front of the tube and let it happen.A.WhatB.WhetherC.WeatherD.If答案:B解析 whether.or not.指“无论是还是”表示两种或多种情况皆可

13、。问题:18. Wont you go shopping with your mum? _ she promises to buy me a new skirt. A.Now thatB.In caseC.IfD.Unless答案:D解析 这是一个含有双重否定意义的省略句。解题时应注意把上下联系起来整体考虑。此句应该是说“如果她不给我买,我就不去”。问题:19. Where have you been? I got caught in the traffic; _ I would have been here sooner. A.howeverB.althoughC.anywayD.other

14、wise答案:D解析 转折词otherwise意为“否则,要不然”,例:Youd better hurry up, otherwise you wont catch the train(你最好快点,否则赶不上火车)。问题:20. _ I know, he has gone to town.A.As far asB.As long asC.As farD.As long答案:A解析 as far as I know整个短语意为“就我所知”。as far as是一个固定的短语表示“至于,就方面说”,其他的一些表达法有as far as I can see“就我看来”,as far as possi

15、ble“尽可能,尽量”,as far as the military side is concerned”就军方而言”。as long as“只要”。问题:21. Every one of us wants to live _ the air is not polluted.A.in placeB.in whichC.whereD.there答案:C解析 本题考查定语从句的用法。where在此引导一个地方状语从句。问题:22. It is important that you _ the problem with Professor Smith.A.discussedB.will discus

16、sC.discussingD.discuss答案:D解析 虚拟语气用在It is important that.,It is necessary that.等句型中,that引导的是主语从句,从句中谓语动词可用should+动词原形来表示,但should通常被省略了,因而用动词原形。问题:23. It was five oclock in the afternoon _ they climbed up to the top of the mountain.A.sinceB.whenC.thatD.until答案:B解析 when引导时间状语从句,若主语的表语为at five oclock in

17、 the afternoon,则用强调句型的引导词that。问题:24. _ we meet difficulties they always come to help us.A.WhateverB.WheneverC.HoweverD.Whoever答案:B解析 本题考查时间状语从句的引导词。问题:25. John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he calls.A.as long asB.in order thatC.in caseD.so that答案:C解析 题中四个词组,as long as意为“只要”;in order tha

18、t意为“为了”;in case意为“以防”;so that意为“结果”。其中只有C符合题意。问题:26. _ you go, you should bear the motherland in mind.A.WhereB.WheneverC.HoweverD.Wherever答案:D解析 本题考查wherever引导让步状语从句。问题:27. If you are able to talk to a friend over the phone, you feel that you are close _ the actual distance is not shortened.A.even i

19、fB.so long asC.ifD.as答案:A解析 even if=even though表示“即使”,由youre close和the actual distance is not shortened得出用even if;as可以引导让步状语从句,但从句要用倒装语序。问题:28. At 13 he was sent to a shop, _ he learned the business.A.whenB.whichC.whereD.that答案:C解析 when在定语从句中作时间状语,where作地点状语,which作主语或宾语,that不能用在非限定性定语从句中。定语从句(.he le

20、arned the business)的先行词shop放到定语从句之中作地点状语,即at the shop he learned the business。问题:29. We are going to spend this winter vacation in Shanghai _ my grandparents live.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.where答案:D解析 因为Shanghai是非常具体的地名,没有后面的定语从句,句子意义也完整,因此,其后的定语从句为非限制性定语从句,是补充信息。非限制性定语从句必须用逗号与其所修饰的中心词隔开。问题:30. October

21、1, 1949 is the day _ the whole Chinese people will never forget.A.whenB.thatC.on whichD.on that答案:B解析 that在此引导一个定语从句,后一句中forget的宾语就是the day,相当于指物,因此用关系代词which或that均可。但因为是强调句,所以应用that。问题:31. The first English novel _ I read was Hard Times by Charles Dickens.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.the one答案:C解析 本题考查that

22、引导的定语从句。that作为关系代词可以指人也可以指物,代替who,whom,which,在从句中作主语和谓语动词的宾语(不能放在介词后面作介词的宾语)。在下列两种情况下关系代词只能用that;序数词或最高级形容词修饰先行词;all,everything,nothing,something,anything等不定代词作先行词时。问题:32. Shes got herself into a dangerous situation _ she is likely to lose control ever the plane.A.whereB.whichC.whileD.why答案:A解析 题中a

23、dangerous situation是表示地点概念的名词,故其后要用关系副词where引导定语从句。问题:33. Have you seen the movie Brave Heart, _ leading actor is world famous?A.of whomB.whomC.of whoseD.whose答案:D解析 本题考查whose引导的定语从句。whose可代之以“of which”,其中“which”指代名词“movie”。问题:34. Tom will never forget these days _ he traveled in China with his moth

24、er, _ has a great effect on his life.A.that; whichB.when; whichC.which; thatD.when; that答案:B解析 本题前一空考查的是引导限制性的定语从句的关系副词,表示时间要用when;后一空考查的是引导非限制性的定语从句的关系代词,用which指代主句中定语从句的内容,并在从句中作主语。问题:35. Michael Jackson and his songs _ are famous in the United States are also very popular in many other countries

25、in the world.A.whoB.thatC.whichD.those答案:B解析 本句意为:迈克尔杰克逊和他的歌曲在美国非常流行,在世界其他许多国家也都很流行。原题空缺部分是作定语从句的主语,同时指代人和物时用that。问题:36. He had two houses. He lived with his wife and child in the outer house, _ was comfortable and clean.A.whichB.thatC.itD.where答案:A解析 这里是由which引导的非限制性定语从句,用来修饰the outer house。问题:37.

26、They believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, _ someone always stays with the dead person.A.so during this timeB.so during whichC.during this timeD.so when答案:A解析 两分句间为因果关系,B项中去掉so也可。问题:38. _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth; isB.Two fifth; ar

27、eC.Two fifths; isD.Two fifths; are答案:C解析 分数、百分数作主语,谓语动词一般与of后的名词一致。the land为单数,所以谓语应用is。表示分数时,分子为基数词,分母为序数词,当基数(分子)大于1时序数词(分母)后要加s。问题:39. Either you or the headmaster _ the prize to these gifted students at the meeting.A.is handing outB.are to hand outC.are handing outD.is to hand out答案:D解析 本题既考查时态又

28、考查主谓一致性。从时态角度考虑,表示未来计划应用将来时,先排除表示现在进行的A、C两项:从主谓一致来看,“either.or.”句型应采用就近原则,谓语用第三人称单数,故选D。问题:40. _ of university students in our country is increasing.A.The numberB.A numberC.The amountD.A great deal答案:A解析 the number在句中是主语,是指大学生的人数,而a number of是“许多的”意思,amount用于修饰不可数名词,a great deal of也是“许多的”意思,但用于修饰不可数名词。 17 / 17


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