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1、 更多高考方面的资料: http:/ neighboring the nuclear plant are higher than regular levels of radioactivity.A.significantB.usualC.importantD.harmful2.The French Revolution was a period of disorder, but produced some great literature.A.chaosB.interestC.imaginationD.success3.She was one of the leading writers of

2、 her day.A.expectedB.naturalC.most importantD.least4.The hill was once rich with iron.A.abundantB.destituteC.enoughD.sufficient5.The retired couple lived a life of ease.A.luxuryB.miseryC.povertyD.comfort6.The new type of car is fairly economical of fuel.A.using littleB.effectiveC.efficientD.economic

3、7.What were the effects of the decision she made?A.resultB.extinctionC.lureD.reason8.Put some effort into your workA.effectB.forceC.coverageD.energy9.The number of United States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.A.encouragedB.enforcedC.entitledD.expected10.According to the cons

4、titution, anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.A.illegalB.legitimateC.requiredD.qualified11.The doctor said that I had to eliminate alcohol.A.cut outB.cut onC.cut inD.cut up12.The class of mammals embraces nearly all warm-blooded animals except the birds.A.takes onB.takes overC.takes inD.ta

5、kes up13.The environmentalists advocated better protection of the earth.A.appealB.pledgeC.proclaimD.urge14.We can utilize water for producing electric power.A.employB.embraceC.emergeD.emphasize15.Your reasons for refusing to help are quite vague.A.obviousB.typicalC.impreciseD.unreasonable 第2部分:阅读判断(

6、第1622题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后,列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。Choosing a Topic for ResearchBecause you are going to put a lot of your time and energy into your research project, the topic is especially important. In many instances your instructor may give a

7、specific topic. If this is done, you have little choice, but most instructors will permit or even welcome a slightly changed focus in a topic if it is supported by good thinking.In some of your classes, the instructor may present a suggested list of several topics from which you are to make a choice

8、. If this is done, do not simply select the first idea that attracts your attention. It may be one with which you will soon become bored, or it may be one on which you would have difficulty finding all the necessary information. Looking at the topics, try to consider how you might go about developin

9、g each of them. When you find out what seems especially interesting and worthwhile, do a bit checking in the library to see if you can get the basic resources you will need.Choosing a good research topic does not necessarily mean finding something that has a lot written about it. Many times you will

10、 have to research around a topic in order to find out the most useful information. Exciting and original topics often come to mind by combining two completely different interests. Let us say that you are interested in child psychology and in sports. Perhaps you can combine these into a study of the

11、effect that is watching on the subject, you can research the topic individually and, by putting your information together, then draw a conclusion.16.Choosing a topic for research is important in that you will put a great deal of time and energy into it.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned17.All instructors

12、 will allow somewhat changed focus in the original topic.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned18.If all the topics are interesting, you are advised to choose the one that has necessary information and is easy to get the basic resources you will need in the library.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned19.Choosing a

13、good research topic certainly refers to finding something that has a lot written about it.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned20.An exciting and original topic must be any two interests combined.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned21.You can research the topic by cooperating with others.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentio

14、ned22.The passage is most likely written for researchers.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned 第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有两项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。The Role of Governments1 Governments determine the legal framework that sets the basic meets fo

15、r the ownership of property and the operation of markets. In addition, governments at all levels regulate economic behavior, setting detailed rules for the operation of businesses. Such regulations apply to all businesses; examples include laws against fraud and racial discrimination.2 Governments b

16、uy and produce many goods and services, such as defense, education, parks and roads, which they provide for firms and households. They typically buy computers but write programs they need to operate them. Governments also produce and sell goods. In many countries the phone company is government-owne

17、d, like the electric system.3 Governments also make transfer payments, such as Social Security and unemployment benefits to individuals. Transfer payments are payments for which no current economic goods or service is provided in return and therefore do not represent expenditure for the purchase of

18、final products. A firefighters salary is not a transfer payment, but welfare benefits are.4 Governments pay for the goods they buy and for the transfer payments they make mostly by collecting taxes, including personal income taxes, property taxes, social insurance taxes, and sales taxes. Over 60% of

19、 the government revenue in the U.S. is collected by the federal government. This does not include taxes collected by state and city government.5 Every market economy suffers from business cycles. Governments, through their control of taxes and government spending and through their ability to control

20、 the quantity of money, often attempt to modify fluctuations in the business cycle. For instance, the government may reduce taxes in a recession in the hope that people will increase spending and thus raise the GNP.23.Paragraph. 2 _.24.Paragraph 3 _.25.Paragraph 4 _.26.Paragraph 5 _.A.Collecting Tax

21、esB.Making Transfer PaymentsC.Making Laws and RegulationsD.Buying and Selling Goods and ServicesE.Stabilizing the EconomyF.Controlling the Market27.Governments regulate economic behavior, and the regulations _.28.Besides buying and producing services, governments also _.29.The government revenue in

22、the U.S. is collected by the federal government and _.30.The government may reduce taxes in a recession in order to _.A.apply to all businesses.B.raise the GDP.C.state and city governmentD.reduce spendingE.modify fluctuations in the business cycleF.produce and sell goods 第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分)下

23、面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每道题确定一个最佳选项。第一篇Endangered SpeciesEndangered species are plants and animals that are in immediate danger of extinction. Extinction is actually a normal process in the course of evolution. Since the formation of the earth, many more species have become extinct than those exis

24、t today. These species slowly disappeared because of change of climate and their failure to adapt to such conditions as competition and predation. Since the 1600s, however, the process of extinction has greatly accelerated as a result of both human population growth and technological encroachment on

25、 natural ecology systems. Today the majority of the worlds environments are changing faster than the ability of most species to adapt to such changes through natural selection.Species become extinct or endangered for number of reasons, but the primary cause is the destruction of natural habitats. Dr

26、ainage of wetlands, cutting and clearing of forests, growth of cities, and highway and dam construction have seriously reduced available natural habitats. As the various surroundings become fragments, the remaining animal population crowd into smaller areas, causing further destruction of natural su

27、rroundings. Species in these small “islands” lose contact with other populations of their extinction.Some private and government efforts have been organized to save declining species. Laws were made in some countries in the early 1900s to protect wild animals from commercial trade and killing. Inter

28、national endeavors are shown in the convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, approved by 51 nations. Its purpose is to restrict exploitation of wild animals and plants by regulating and restricting trade in certain species. How effective such laws will be in various countries, howeve

29、r, depends on enforcement and support by the people and the courts. Because of lack of law enforcement, the willingness of some segments of society to trade in endangered species, the activities of people who catch and kill animals illegally and dealers who supply the trade, the future of many speci

30、es is in doubt in spite of legal protection.31.According to the passage, which of the following is the most important factor causing the rapid extinction of many species since the 17th century?A.Human beings are not aware of the importance of preserving endangered species.B.Some endangered species h

31、ave already reached the end of their life span in evolution.C.The development of human society has greatly affected natural ecology systems.D.The worlds climate has changed greatly that most species cannot survive.32.In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the word “islands” refers toA.the lan

32、ds that are completely surrounded by water.B.the wild animals breeding grounds protected by law.C.the pieces of land separated by modern buildings and roads.D.the small and isolated areas inhabited by certain species.33.This passage mentions all of the following causes for the extinction of many spe

33、cies EXCEPTA.natural selection of species.B.various natural disasters.C.commercial trade and killingD.destruction of natural surroundings.34.According to the passage, which of the following is most important in saving declining species?A.governments should make some laws to protect endangered specie

34、s.B.People should pay more attention to the protection of natural surroundings.C.Relevant law must be made and enforced with the support of the people.D.Some organizations should warn people not to trade in endangered animals.35.How does the author feel about the prospect of protecting endangered sp

35、ecies from being extinct?A.WorriedB.OptimisticC.IndifferentD.Confident第二篇Americans Get TouchyThe New York Times recently reported that American teens are hugging practically everyone they see. Say goodbye to the greetings of the past, from the hands-off Whats up! to the handshake or high-five2. For

36、young people across the country, hugging is the new Hello.Girls are hugging girls. Boys are hugging boys. Girls and boys are hugging each other. And, like every major trend, there are lots of variations on the form. Theres the classic, full-body, arms-around-the-person bear hug, the casual one-armed

37、 side hug, the group hug and the hug from behind. Theres the handshake that turns into a hug and the hug that turns into a pat on the back.As trends go, this one seems pretty innocent. But some parents, teachers and school administrators are worried nonetheless. Will young people who arent as comfor

38、table with physical contact feel peer pressured into hugging? Will kids who dont receive hugs feel left Out3? Could an extra-long hug slide into the more ominous territory of sexual harassment?In response to some of these concerns, some schools have set up new rules to limit or eliminate hugging. On

39、e school head has created a three-second limitation4 for hugs at her school. A few schools have taken even more drastic measures, placing a ban on all forms of touching between students.A few important points are being left out of the discussion. While the US has traditionally been reserved about to

40、uching - saving hugs and kisses for relatives, romantic partners and very close friends - people in many other parts of the world have been greeting each other this way for ages.In Latin America or Western Europe, in countries like Spain, France, and Italy, a kiss on the cheek is common among women,

41、 as well as among women and men who are not romantically involved. The cheek-kiss varies by region. Sometimes it is just an air kiss blown past the face. In other places, the proper way of greeting is to deliver a kiss upon both cheeks, or sometimes even a triplet of kisses performed by kissing one

42、cheek, then the other, then back to the first.Latin American men are more likely to shake hands when greeting other men, but in some countries like Turkey, its not unusual for men who know each other well to exchange kisses on the cheek. Meanwhile, for the Maori people of New Zealand, a traditional

43、greeting called the hongi involves pressing noses together.So, from a global perspective, the new trend of teen hugging in America is not so new after all. People all around the world move in close to say hello, and Americans are just now joining in. 36.The word practically in the first paragraph co

44、uld be best replaced byA.certainlyB.nearlyC.activelyD.voluntarily37.Which of the following is NOT among the typical ways of greetings in the past?A.hands off Whats upB.handshakeC.high-fiveD.embrace38.Some parents, teachers and school administrators concern the new trend of hugging for the following

45、reasons EXCEPT:A.Some young people get involved into the trend due to peer pressure.B.Those who dont receive hugs feel left out.C.Theres the danger that hugging slide into the more ominous territory of sexual harassment.D.Diseases could be transmitted more easily through the extra-long body contact.

46、39.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.Teenagers across the US hug everyone they see in nearly the same way.B.Although some adults worry about the trend, few measures have been taken to ban on it.C.Traditionally, the US people have been reserved about hugging between anybody.D.In some countries, its usual for men to kiss each other on the cheek.40.We can infer that the author holds a attitude toward the new trend of hu


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