人教版八年级英语下册《nit 7 Would you mind turning down the music.Section B》教案_8.doc

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1、 _八_年级_英语_ _科导学案 执教人_主备人校稿人议课组长签字教学领导签字 Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? 第4课时Section B(2a2e)学习目标1. 通过预习熟练掌握本节课单词及短语的读音和拼写,并会用重点短语造句,例如: bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, remaining, and so on3. 通过反复阅读,体会事实和数字的比较,并将比较级和数字的表达灵活地运用到文章中去。4. 通过讨论,意识到保护环境和自然资源的重要性 第一部分:预习案一、 比一比,写出下列单词的比较

2、级和最高级形式,看谁写的最快,最准确?big _ _ cute_ _black _ _hungry _ _lovely _ _little _ _ important _ _few_ _ comfortably_ 第二部分:探究案die from意为“死于”,强调死因是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因)。die of意为“因而死”,其宾语表示死亡的原因,般用于疲劳、寒冷、饥渴、年老、失望、悲伤等感情原因而造成的死亡。辨析:die from, die of如:He died from an accident/a wound/disease/overwork/polluted air.他死

3、于事故/受伤/疾病/过度劳累/污染的空气。He died of fear/disappointment/disease/old age/hunger/cold/sorrow.他死于恐惧/失望/疾病/年老/饥饿/寒冷/忧伤。解析:1.succeed 不及物动词,意为成功,其后跟in sth/doing sth.拓展:success“成功”名词;successful “成功的”形容词; successfully”成功地”副词练一练:(1).He has great _. (success)(2). I think hes a _ businessman. (success)(3). At last

4、 he passed the exam _.(success)(4).I believe we will _ (success) in the future.第三部分:训练案单项选择。1.Im so excited that I stay _ and I cant sleep.A. wake B. sleep C. awake D. asleep2.-_are the books? They weigh about 1,000 pounds.A. How big B. How heavy C. How long D. How old3.Do you often get online? -Yes. I _ lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time.A. cost B. spend C. take D. use4.The worlds population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice.A. more;less B. larger; fewer C. larger; less D. more; fewer四、教学反思:


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