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1、中考词组复习9AU1U66be divided intobe decided bylike to be the leaderwhich star sign?a hard-working personlike saving moneylove peaceargue with otherskeep secretson the phonecome up with new ideasformal languagedo extra workbe painted bluetake actionbe hungry / be in hunger (starve)worry about not doing st

2、h.share similar characteristicsgive up ones plan/dreama curious and outgoing persona strong and confident mind/personpay no attention to detailsa polite and fair personget along/on well with sb.energetic=be full of energyforgive sb for his/her faultshave a good sense of humour/directionstravel to di

3、fferent placesbe successful/ have success at school or at workbe patient enough to do sth.wait without getting angry/ with patiencehate to be like anyone elsetry everything just to be differenta generous and easy-going person被分为。决定于。喜欢成为领导哪个星座一个努力工作的人喜欢存钱热爱和平与别人争吵保守秘密在电话里有新主意正式语言业余工作被漆成蓝色采取行动感到饥饿为。(

4、做不到某事)而担心有相似的性格放弃某人的计划、梦想一个好奇外向的人一个强烈又自信的性格、人不注重细节一个礼貌又公正的人与某人相处的很好活力四射、充满能量原谅某人的过失有很强的幽默、方向感到不同的地方去旅行在学校活工作中取得成功做某事有足够的耐心不生气地(有耐心)等讨厌和别人一样把每件事试着变得不一样一个慷慨又好相处地人a creative and imaginative persondream about doing sth.make friends with someone who likes telling different jokesbe good at planning things

5、spend a lot of time on the things which will be explained to someoneshow offhave problems withbe afraid of doing sth.get full marks once in an English exammake a speech in assemblyhelp sb/oneself get more organizedrecommend someone as the new chairpersonthe most suitable job/positiontry ones best to

6、 do sthIts exciting to do(colour)looks good/nice on sbthe relationship between colours and moodsaffect/change our moodsmake us feel energetic or sleepy/calm and peaceful/warmfeel relaxed/stressedbe good for the mind and bodycreate the feeling of harmonylive in cold climateprefer to use coloursa warm

7、 and comfortable feel/house/living placewould rather do than prefer doing A to doing BJoyful orange can bring you success and cheer you up.remind sb of a warm, sunny daystudy English for 一个富有创造力和想象力地人梦想做某事与喜欢讲笑话地交朋友擅长绘画在要解释给别人地事情上花许多时间炫耀关于。又困难做某事感到害怕在一次英语测验中得到满分在大会上做演讲帮组某人、某人自己变得更井井有条推荐某人为新的主席最适合的工作

8、、位置尽某人最大的努力做某事做某事是激动的穿(某颜色)很好看颜色与情绪之间的关系影响、改变我们的情绪使我们变得活力四射或昏昏欲睡的、冷静和平、温暖感觉放松、有压力对脑子和身体有好处创造和谐感住在寒冷的气候里宁愿用。颜色一个温暖又舒适的感觉,屋子,住所宁愿做。而不是。宁愿做A而不作B快乐的橙色能给你带来成功,变得快乐使人想起温暖,阳光灿烂的一天为考试、娱乐、未来、事业学英语exams/fun/future/careerrepresent new life and growthmake it adj. for sb. to do sth.have difficulty in making a de

9、cisionget a problemeat too muchbe good forfeel tiredfeel lonely youth workerhand ingive up stay out latefrom time to timeoffer me some suggestionssucceed in doing sthmake a listthis piece of advicea lot of traffichave a rest for a whilekeep your worries to yourselftelevision viewing habitsrather sma

10、rtan unhealthy dietlaugh atsuffer from stressshout atguest speakerTV stationremote controlTV guideup-to-date informationa number ofhorror filmbe full ofget scarednatural habitat代表新生命和成长使其对某人来说做某事会做决定有困难如何做某事有困难遇到一个问题吃太多对。有益感到孤单青少年辅导员上交放弃在外面呆到很晚时时给我一些建议做。成功制作一份清单这条建议交通拥挤休息一会儿不倾诉你的忧愁看电视的习惯相当聪明不健康的日常饮食

11、嘲笑承受压力对。大叫嘉宾电视台遥控器节目导视最新信息许多恐怖片充满受惊吓自然栖息地weather reportprepare fortext messagesget fatmake you unhealthyget enough sleepclose friendsquarrel with my cousinat the momentfocus on my homeworkbe crazy about footballfeel stressed and angryhave my parents supportmost valuablegive special attention towork

12、outagree with your parentsrevise for textsthe solution to the problemswrite down your answersget angry with each othermark the testspay no attention to reply to deal withone major cause ofwish forsend out programmesTV channela weekly round-upcover different sportsvote forkill oneselfsolve mysteriest

13、ake a close look atwin a great prizedrama seriestake a shower天气预报为。做准备文本消息发胖使你不健康获得充足的睡眠很要好的朋友和我表兄、弟吵架目前,此时把重点放在作业上对足球痴迷感到压力和恼怒有父母的支持最有价值的对。特别关注算出同意你的父母复习迎考问题的解决方法写下你的答案互相动怒批考卷不在意回信处理。主要原因希望得到,渴望传送节目电视频道每周要闻综述涉及不同的运动为。投票自杀揭开谜底近距离地关注赢得大奖戏剧系列节目沐浴put awaypack my school bagcome thirda thank-you letterth

14、e rest of the eveningargue aboutsurprising endingstop daydreamingstand byone of Hollywoods all-time favorite actressesmourn the loss ofa great humanitarianat a very young ageput all her effort intoattract the writers attention(be)made into a playmark the beginning ofa big successwin an Oscar for Bes

15、t Actressplay the lead role of.her final appearance in filmsact in TV seriesshow us the beauty of naturedevotetowork closely withhelp needy childrenpass awaypresent sb with sth(be) known forbringalive on screenhave a bad effect on sb.have happy ends(be) experienced in actingstar in many other succes

16、sful filmsought to do sththe right person to domake notes on放好收拾我的书包得第三名一封感谢信晚上得剩余时间对。进行争论意外的结果停止做白日梦各就各位好莱坞空前受欢迎的女演员之一为失去。而感到哀痛一个伟大的人道主义者在很年轻的时候把所有的努力用在。引起那位作家的注意被改编成戏剧标记。的开端一次巨大的成功获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖领衔主演。角色她在电影中的最后一次露脸在电视剧中演出展示给我们自然之美把。奉献给与。密切合作帮助需要帮助得儿童辞世授予某人。(荣誉)因。而出名把。活生生地搬上银幕对。(人)起不好作用有大团圆结局在演出方面经验丰富在

17、许多其他成功地电影中主演应该做做。的合适人选做。笔记much more seriousthe body of a 22-year-old man(be) seen doing sthtake place(be) brought toask sb. to contact us(be) killed at the place where sb was found(be)particularly interested in sth.(be) attacked with a knifebleed to death as a resultevidence of a struggleput up a go

18、od fightcheck the scene for fingerprints and clueshave an interesting and well-paid job(be) guilty of computer crimes(be) charged ofbreathe heavilyoffer a reward oflead tothe arrest ofarrest the murderedwith blood on his shirtat the scene of the crime(be) highly possibledo for a living(be) shocked 严重得多一位22岁年轻人的尸体被看到正在做。发生被带到请求。与我们联系被害于发现尸体的地方对。特别感兴趣被刀子袭击流血过多致死有搏斗痕迹进行了激烈的搏斗核实指纹与线索有一份满意而又收入不菲的工作参与电脑犯罪活动被指控。呼吸沉重提供悬赏。的奖金导致被捕逮捕杀人犯衬衫上有血在犯罪现场极有可能以。谋生震惊被卷入(be) involved in


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