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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语初级阅读分类模拟16剑桥商务英语初级阅读分类模拟16READINGPART ONE问题:1. E-mail To: John Lockett From: Pete Hill Subject: About the business conference I would be grateful if you could send me the subject of your speech so that it can go in the invitations. A.Pete is going

2、to send John an invitation to the conference.B.John is asked to inform Pete of what he will present in his speech in the conference.C.John is requested to send invitations in which the subject of his speech is written.答案:B解析 电子邮件中提到:“我将不胜感激,如果您告知会上发言的主题。该信息将被写在邀请函里”。原文中信息点1可推知、John是会议上的发言人,由信息点2可知Pe

3、te是安排邀请函的人,他需要,John告知发言主题以便写入邀请函。由此可知,Pete并不是要给、John发邀请函,故A项错误:C项“Pete让John来发邀请函,并在邀请函中写明发言主题”,原文没有提及,故C项错误。只有B项“Pete让John告知他在会议上的演讲”,与文意一致。综上所述,正确答案为B。问题:2. Preprinted leaflets and brochure can be inserted into the newspaper or magazine supple-mentsThey are charged per thousand copies against the t

4、otal quantity distributedA.The inserted leaflets and brochure will be found in the magazineB.Leaflets and brochure are charged on the basis of the quantityC.The inserted leaflets and brochure are charged according to the price of the newspaper答案:B从文中第一句我们知道,事先印刷好的传单或小册子形式的广告可以夹带在该报社或杂志社出版的增刊中。第二句是关于

5、这种广告形式的收费情况,即根据总发行量对这些广告性传单或册子以千份为单位来收费。A项中的描述in the magazine与原文不符;C项中的are charged according to the price of the newspaper(根据报纸的价格收费)与原文不符。所以应该选B。问题:3. Item 20 in this catalogue is withdrawn until further notice due to supply problems.A.Item 20 is now discontinued.B.Item 20 has developed a fault.C.I

6、tem 20 is unavailable at the moment.答案:C解析 选项C第20条暂时无货,为正确答案。问题:4. Im afraid your price is much higher than I can accept.A.Im afraid of your price.B.Your price is so high that I can accept it.C.I cannot accept your high price.答案:B题干意为:我想怕你的报价高于我所能接受的。 A说我害怕你的价格,不对。B,C相比,B较合适。问题:5. E-mail To: Angel F

7、rom: Doris Ive been asked by Sally to forward the contract draft in the attached file to you. A.Sally asked Doris to write the contract draft.B.Sally asked Angel to read the contract draft.C.Sally asked Doris to pass on the contract draft.答案:C电子邮件中提到:“Sally让我将附件里的合同草案发给你”。根据原文中信息点1可知Sally让Doris转发邮件,

8、而不是写合同草案,故A项错误;同时Sally并没有直接让Angel读合同草案,而是由Doris代为转发邮件,可知B项叙述与原文有出入,故不正确。只有C项与文意一致。综上所述,正确答案为C。PART TWOTRADE FAIR STANDS A CIP System: Internal Telephone Systems B Bertix pic: Top-of-the-Range Portable Computers C Aurora Ltd: Hands-Free Mobile Phones for Vehicles D Fast Co Ltd: Distribution Services

9、E Tops Recruitment Agency: Specialists in Management F HTML Ltd: Website Marketing and internet Advertising G Journey. com: Travel Agency for the Business Executive H FTA: Finance for Training 1. Sally Green imports computer hardware and needs a company to transport it from the port to her chain of

10、stores.答案:D2. In order to obtain an advanced business qualification, Paul White has to take a year off work without pay, and is looking for funding.答案:H3. John Brown is buying new vans for his service engineers and wants to be able to contact them at any time.答案:C4. When travelling on business, Ben

11、Smith needs to be able to write letters, send emails and analyze data.答案:B5. Sophie Jones wants professional help in finding good candidates for senior posts in her computer software company.答案:EPART THREEA. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. In spite of a steady improvement in the overwork rate, the attendanc

12、e rate sank gradually until regained the previous level in the last day.答案:H题干意为:尽管加班率稳步上升,出勤率逐渐下降直至本周最后一天恢复到之前的程度。根据加班率上升这一信息点,结合图表可发现A公司和H公司符合条件,再根据信息点出勤率先降到周五才升的特点可排除A公司,H公司符合题意,故答案为H。2. The attendance rate changed very little except for a plunge in the middle of the week, whereas the overwork ra

13、te fluctuated during the same period.答案:C题干意为:除本周中期的一次骤降外,出勤率几乎没有什么变化,而加班率在本周处于波动状态。根据出勤率的特点,很容易锁定C公司,再核对加班率始终波动,可确定答案为C。3. The trend of change in the attendance rate and that in the overwork rate of this company were polar opposites, with the attendance rate reaching the peak twice.答案:D题干意为:出勤率和加班率

14、的变化趋势截然相反,且出勤率两次达到最高值。根据出勤率和加班率的对比特点,结合图表发现D公司和E公司满足条件,再根据出勤率两次达到顶点,可排除E公司,锁定D公司,故答案为D。4. The attendance rate first dipped slightly and then grew steadily, and meanwhile a great majority of the employees preferred to overwork in this week.答案:F题干意为:出勤率略为下降后稳定上升,同时公司大多数职员在本周内加班。根据出勤率先降后升这一信息点,确定F公司和G公

15、司符合条件,再根据大多数职员加班这一信息点排除G公司,确定F公司,故答案为F。5. The overwork rate of this company first plummeted and then climbed slowly till the end of the week, while the attendance rate remained constant.答案:B题干意为:该公司加班率骤降后缓慢回升至周末,而出勤率保持稳定。可先根据变化量最少的信息点判断,即:通过出勤率不变,这一信息点直接锁定B,再核查加班率变化情况与题干相符,故答案为B。PART FOUR The Asia H

16、otel is the perfect place for a conference. Containing 186 super bedrooms, the Asia Hotel is one of Nataukoks finest and friendliest hotels. In addition to its attractive gardens and small golf course, the hotel has one of the largest underground car parks in Asia. The hotel contains a large exhibit

17、ion hall as well as four smaller exhibition halls, 3 large lecture theatres and 5 smaller rooms, one of which is specially equipped for viewing films and videos. Photocopying, faxing and computer facilities are also available. To help participants relax, there is a pleasant lounge, two bars, two res

18、taurants and a coffee shop, the latter being open for 24 hours a day. A full range of leisure amenities include a sauna, a large swimming pool, a gymnasium, and tennis courts. For further information, please contact Mr. Victor Wong (588-46280) and for conference bookings/hotel accommodation, contact

19、 Miss Helena Wu. 1. You can even play golf at the Asia Hotel.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A2. You arent allowed to park your car outside the hotel.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C3. There are five halls where you can hold exhibitions.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A4. You can watch films and videos in a

20、ll the smaller rooms.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B5. The coffee shop is open all day and all night.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A6. There is a large indoor swimming pool in the hotel.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C7. You should ring 588-46280 if you want to book a room in the hotel.A.RightB.Wrong,C.

21、Doesnt say答案:BPART FIVE Interprise No, it isnt the word enterprise spelled wrongly. Interprise is an EU agency that encourages cross-border business cooperation. It is like a dating agency that tries to match people who are looking for love. Interprise helps business to find partners in other countr

22、ies to join in trading or distribution arrangements. The agencys task is to set up face-to-face meetings with business counterparts from other countries. This is how it works. The agency gets a request from a company, known as the host company (like a person who hosts a party), to help it find overs

23、eas companies. The host company creates a theme, that is, to say exactly what it wants. The Agency then helps it to team up with more host companies from at least two other EU regions who are looking for similar partners. The Agency then publicizes the coming event to attract as many guests (visitor

24、s) as possible, that is, companies who might be interested in partnerships with the host companies. To do this, Interprise produces an Interprise Catalogue in which the host companies describe themselves and say what kind of partner they are looking for, for example, a partner in Germany to distribu

25、te our products. The EU covers part of the running costs of the event, up to 70,000 Euros. In order to reach as many people as possible, the agency works through local Chambers of Commerce, who in turn publicize the event to their own members. Each member of Commerce is expected to bring at least fi

26、fteen companies. A recent Interprise event and over 200 registered visitors. But Interprise is not an easy idea to sell. It is not a trade fair in the usual sense. The average trade fair is like window-shopping: firms set out their goods, and visitors look around to see if theres anything they want.

27、 With Interprise, everything is carefully arranged in advance. Foreign companies want a full programme of meetingsand with the right people. It is too early to say if Interprise is a success, but comments from both host companies and visitors have been very positive, Ive a pocketful of business card

28、s and have made several useful contacts. Great. We have met some firms that are really interested in becoming distributors. Of course, they might have made useful contacts at an ordinary trade fair, except that it would have been only by chance. 1. What is Interprise?A.another word for enterpriseB.a

29、 dating agencyC.a way of matching companies答案:C解析 文章第一段“Interprise helps business to find partners in other countries to.Interprise”表明,是帮助生意者在其他国家找到工作伙伴。选项C符合题意。2. The purpose of an Interprise event is toA.buy and sell products.B.meet others with similar interests.C.travel to other countries.答案:B解析

30、文章第三段“.the host companies describe themselves and say what kind of partner they are looking for.”表明,这些主办公司表述他们自己的情况,并说出他们想找什么样的搭档。选项B符合题意。3. Interprise catalogues are distributedA.during an Interprise event.B.after an Interprise event.C.before an Interprise event.答案:C解析 文章第三段“The Agency then publici

31、zes the coming event to attract as many guests (visitors)as possible.”表明,为了即将到来的活动大肆宣传。选项C符合题意。4. The role of Chambers of Commerce is toA.welcome visitors to the event.B.find the host companies.C.organize the Interprise event.答案:B解析 文章第三段“Each member of Commerce is expected to bring at least fifteen

32、 companies.”可见,目的是为了找到合适的主办公司。选项B符合题意。5. An Interprise event is different from a trade fair becauseA.people meet face to face.B.meetings are planned before the event.C.the EU pays for part of the running costs.答案:B解析 最后一段“everything is carefully arranged in advance.”表明,每一件事都提前安排好了。选项B符合题意。6. Host co

33、mpanies are happy with an Interprise event if they areA.made useful contacts.B.promoted their business.C.distributed their product.答案:A解析 由最后一段“Ive a pocketful of business cards and have made several useful contacts. Great. We have met some firms that are really interested in becoming distributors.

34、Of course, they might have made useful contacts at an ordinary trade fair, except that it would have been only by chance.”可知,这些评论指互相签合同。选项A符合题意。PART SIX Secretaries in Hong Kong Secretaries in Hong Kong work hard. They work a 12-hour days, and are expected to work five and a half days 1 week. They n

35、eed good qualifications, and 2 be able to speak and read English 3 well as Cantonese or Mandarin. Most of 4 are university graduates, so working as a secretary is 5 as a fill in job 6 they can find something better. Most 7 between 17,000 and 22,000 pa, and get 8 more than eleven days annual holiday.

36、 You really have to work hard 9 your money in Hong Kong. And it is very expensive to live there. Employers provide medical insurance, but it only covers 10 to 50% of the costs. A very small apartment can 11 2,000 per month rent. Cars are expensive, and petrol is so dear that 12 very well-paid people

37、 use public transport. 1.A.theB.aC.by答案:B解析 several days a week是固定短语,意为“一周中的几天”。2.A.needB.mustC.can答案:B解析 must意为“必须”。3.A.soB.andC.as答案:C解析 as well as为固定搭配,意为“同,也”。4.A.themB.himC.her答案:A5.A.seeingB.seeC.seen答案:C解析 此处是被动语态,这句话的意思是:被看做是。6.A.untilB.whenC.while答案:A解析 until意为“直到,到为止”。7.A.winB.gainC.earn答案

38、:C解析 earn money为常见搭配,意为“赚钱”;gain experience意为“获得经验”。8.A.anyB.someC.no答案:C解析 no more than为常见搭配,意为“不超过,不多于”。9.A.forB.withC.to答案:A解析 work for money意为“为了赚钱工作”; work with sb.意为“同某人一同工作”。10.A.inB.upC.next答案:B解析 这句话的意思是:不超过费用的50%;up to.为常见搭配,意为“达到”。11.A.costB.costsC.costing答案:A解析 情态动词can后面接动词原形。12.A.evenB.

39、alsoC.just答案:A解析 even意为“甚至”。PART SEVENColston Newland MEMO To: Pare Gray From: Jim Moore Date: 20. 11. 04 Subject: Training course I need some new ideas for when Im trying to sell to potential customers, so Ive decided to attend the course that Business Solutions runs on presentations. The complete

40、course would be perfect, but I really cant spare any timeIm sure the other one will be fine. Finance is willing to pay for by cheque if necessary, but would be happier if the company accepted a bank transfer. Could you organize it, please? The person to contact is Kamila Mudrazija. BUSINESS SOLUTION

41、S For all your training needs We are currently offering the following programmes: Selling by Telephone The Secrets of Customer Care New Ideas for Negotiating Perfect presentations Complete coursestwo days; Fast-track optionhalf a day; reductions for group bookings. Application for Training Complete

42、the form below to book a place on one of our courses, Full name of participant: 1 Full name of participant: 2 Title of course: 3 Title of course: 4 Preferred method of payment: 5 1.答案:JIM MOORE从第一表格的信息“From: Jim Moore”中可以得出答案。2.答案:COLSTON NEWLAND从第一表格信息中的标题Colston Newland可以得出答案。3.答案:PERFECT PRESENTATIONS从第二个表格中的最后一个小标题信息Perfect presentations可以得出答案。4.答案:HALF DAY从第二个表格中“Fast-track optionhalf a day”可以得出答案。5.答案:BANK TRANSFER从第一段中“but would be happier if the company accepted a bank transfer”可以得出答案。 20 / 20


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