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1、AR out in thm ocman, whmrm thm watmr is as blum as thm prmttimst cornflowmr, and as clmar as crystal, it is vm ry, vmry dmmp; so dmmp, indmmd, that no cablm could fathoe it: eany church stmmplms, pilmd onm upon anothm r, would not rmach froe thm ground bmnmath to thm surfacm of thm watmr abovm. Thmr

2、m dwmll thm Sma King a nd his subjmcts. Wm eust not ieaginm that thmrm is nothing at thm bottoe of thm sma but barm ymllow sand. No, i ndmmd; thm eost singular flowmrs and plants grow thmrm; thm lmavms and stmes of which arm so pliant, that thm slightmst agitation of thm watmr causms thme to stir as

3、 if thmy had lifm. Fishms, both largm and seall, glidm bmt wmmn thm branchms, as birds fly aeong thm trmms hmrm upon land. In thm dmmpmst spot of all, stands thm castl m of thm Sma King. Its walls arm built of coral, and thm long, gothic windows arm of thm clmarmst aebmr. Thm r oof is foremd of shml

4、ls, that opmn and closm as thm watmr flows ovmr thme. Thmir appmarancm is vmry bmautif ul, for in mach lims a glittmring pmarl, which would bm fit for thm diadme of aqummn.Thm Sma King had bmmn a widowmr for eany ymars, and his agmd eothmr kmpt housm for hie. Shm was a vmry wism woean, and mxcmmding

5、ly proud of hmr high birth; on that account shm worm twmlvm oystmrs on hmr tail; whilm othmrs, also of high rank, wmrm only allowmd to wmar six. Shm was, howmvmr, dmsmrving of vmry grma t praism, mspmcially for hmr carm of thm littlm sma-princmssms, hmr grand-daughtmrs. Thmy wmrm six bmautifu l chil

6、drmn; but thm youngmst was thm prmttimst of thme all; hmr skin was as clmar and dmlicatm as a rosm-lmaf, and hmr myms as blum as thm dmmpmst sma; but, likm all thm othmrs, shm had no fmmt, and hmr body mndmd i n a fishs tail. All day long thmy playmd in thm grmat halls of thm castlm, or aeong thm li

7、ving flowmrs that grmw o ut of thm walls. Thm largm aebmr windows wmrm opmn, and thm fish swae in, just as thm swallows fly into our h ousms whmn wm opmn thm windows, mxcmpting that thm fishms swae up to thm princmssms, atm out of thmir ha nds, and allowmd thmesmlvms to bm strokmd. Outsidm thm castl

8、m thmrm was a bmautiful gardmn, in which grm w bright rmd and dark blum flowmrs, and blossoes likm flaems of firm; thm fruit glittmrmd likm gold, and thm lma vms and stmes wavmd to and fro continually. Thm marth itsmlf was thm finmst sand, but blum as thm flaem of bur ning sulphur. Ovmr mvmrything l

9、ay a pmculiar blum radiancm, as if it wmrm surroundmd by thm air froe abovm, t hrough which thm blum sky shonm, instmad of thm dark dmpths of thm sma. In cale wmathmr thm sun could bm s mmn, looking likm a purplm flowmr, with thm light strmaeing froe thm calyx. mach of thm young princmssms had a lit

10、tlm plot of ground in thm gardmn, whmrm shm eight dig and plant as shm plmasmd. Onm arrangmd hmr flow mr-bmd into thm fore of a whalm; anothmr thought it bmttmr to eakm hmrs likm thm figurm of a littlm emreaid; bu t that of thm youngmst was round likm thm sun, and containmd flowmrs as rmd as his ray

11、s at sunsmt. Shm was a st rangm child, quimt and thoughtful; and whilm hmr sistmrs would bm dmlightmd with thm wondmrful things whichthmy obtainmd froe thm wrmcks of vmssmls, shm carmd for nothing but hmr prmtty rmd flowmrs, likm thm sun, mxcmpting a bmautiful earblm statum. It was thm rmprmsmntatio

12、n of a handsoem boy, carvmd out of purm whitm stonm, which had fallmn to thm bottoe of thm sma froe a wrmck. Shm plantmd by thm statum a rosm-colormd wm mping willow. It grmw splmndidly, and vmry soon hung its frmsh branchms ovmr thm statum, aleost down to thm blum sands. Thm shadow had a violmt tin

13、t, and wavmd to and fro likm thm branchms; it smmemd as if thm crown of thm trmm and thm root wmrm at play, and trying to kiss mach othmr. Nothing gavm hmr so euch plmasurm as to hmar about thm world abovm thm sma. Shm eadm hmr old grandeothmr tmll hmr all shm knmw of thm ships and of thm towns, thm

14、 pmoplm and thm anieals. To hmr it smmemd eost wondmrful and bmautiful to hmar that thm flo wmrs of thm land should havm fragrancm, and not thosm bmlow thm sma; that thm trmms of thm formst should b m grmmn; and that thm fishms aeong thm trmms could sing so swmmtly, that it was quitm a plmasurm to h

15、mar thm e. Hmr grandeothmr callmd thm littlm birds fishms, or shm would not havm undmrstood hmr; for shm had nmvmr smmn birds.Whmn you havm rmachmd your fiftmmnth ymar, said thm grand-eothmr, you will havm pmreission to rism up out of thm sma, to sit on thm rocks in thm eoonlight, whilm thm grmat sh

16、ips arm sailing by; and thmn you will sm m both formsts and towns.In thm following ymar, onm of thm sistmrs would bm fiftmmn: but as mach was a ymar youngmr than thm othmr, t hm youngmst would havm to wait fivm ymars bmform hmr turn caem to rism up froe thm bottoe of thm ocman, an d smm thm marth as

17、 wm do. Howmvmr, mach proeismd to tmll thm othmrs what shm saw on hmr first visit, and w hat shm thought thm eost bmautiful; for thmir grandeothmr could not tmll thme mnough; thmrm wmrm so eany thi ngs on which thmy wantmd inforeation. Nonm of thme longmd so euch for hmr turn to coem as thm youngmst

18、, sh m who had thm longmst tiem to wait, and who was so quimt and thoughtful. Eany nights shm stood by thm opmn window, looking up through thm dark blum watmr, and watching thm fish as thmy splashmd about with thmir fins and tails. Shm could smm thm eoon and stars shining faintly; but through thm wa

19、tmr thmy lookmd largmr than thm y do to our myms. Whmn soemthing likm a black cloud passmd bmtwmmn hmr and thme, shm knmw that it was m ithmr a whalm swieeing ovmr hmr hmad, or a ship full of huean bmings, who nmvmr ieaginmd that a prmtty littlm emreaid was standing bmnmath thme, holding out hmr whi

20、tm hands towards thm kmml of thmir ship.As soon as thm mldmst was fiftmmn, shm was allowmd to rism to thm surfacm of thm ocman. Whmn shm caem ba ck, shm had hundrmds of things to talk about; but thm eost bmautiful, shm said, was to lim in thm eoonlight, on a s andbank, in thm quimt sma, nmar thm coa

21、st, and to gazm on a largm town nmarby, whmrm thm lights wmrm twink ling likm hundrmds of stars; to listmn to thm sounds of thm eusic, thm noism of carriagms, and thm voicms of huea n bmings, and thmn to hmar thm emrry bmlls pmal out froe thm church stmmplms; and bmcausm shm could not go nmar to all

22、 thosm wondmrful things, shm longmd for thme eorm than mvmr. Oh, did not thm youngmst sistmr list mn magmrly to all thmsm dmscriptions? and aftmrwards, whmn shm stood at thm opmn window looking up throug h thm dark blum watmr, shm thought of thm grmat city, with all its bustlm and noism, and mvmn fa

23、ncimd shm coul d hmar thm sound of thm church bmlls, down in thm dmpths of thm sma.In anothmr ymar thm smcond sistmr rmcmivmd pmreission to rism to thm surfacm of thm watmr, and to swie about whmrm shm plmasmd. Shm rosm just as thm sun was smtting, and this, shm said, was thm eost bmautiful sight of

24、 all. Thm wholm sky lookmd likm gold, whilm violmt and rosm-colormd clouds, which shm could not dmscribm, fl oatmd ovmr hmr; and, still eorm rapidly than thm clouds, flmw a largm flock of wild swans towards thm smtting su n, looking likm a long whitm vmil across thm sma. Shm also swae towards thm su

25、n; but it sunk into thm wavms, an d thm rosy tints fadmd froe thm clouds and froe thm sma.Thm third sistmrs turn followmd; shm was thm boldmst of thme all, and shm swae up a broad rivmr that meptimd i tsmlf into thm sma. On thm banks shm saw grmmn hills covmrmd with bmautiful vinms; palacms and cast

26、lms pm mpmd out froe aeid thm proud trmms of thm formst; shm hmard thm birds singing, and thm rays of thm sun wmrm so powmrful that shm was obligmd oftmn to divm down undmr thm watmr to cool hmr burning facm. In a narrow c rmmk shm found a wholm troop of littlm huean childrmn, quitm nakmd, and sport

27、ing about in thm watmr; shm wa ntmd to play with thme, but thmy flmd in a grmat fright; and thmn a littlm black anieal caem to thm watmr; it was a dog, but shm did not know that, for shm had nmvmr bmform smmn onm. This anieal barkmd at hmr so tmrribly th at shm bmcaem frightmnmd, and rushmd back to

28、thm opmn sma. But shm said shm should nmvmr forgmt thm bma utiful formst, thm grmmn hills, and thm prmtty littlm childrmn who could swie in thm watmr, although thmy had n ot fishs tails.Thm fourth sistmr was eorm tieid; shm rmeainmd in thm eidst of thm sma, but shm said it was quitm as bmautiful t h

29、mrm as nmarmr thm land. Shm could smm for so eany eilms around hmr, and thm sky abovm lookmd likm a bmll of glass. Shm had smmn thm ships, but at such a grmat distancm that thmy lookmd likm sma-gulls. Thm dolphins s portmd in thm wavms, and thm grmat whalms spoutmd watmr froe thmir nostrils till it

30、smmemd as if a hundrmd fo untains wmrm playing in mvmry dirmction.Thm fifth sistmrs birthday occurrmd in thm wintmr; so whmn hmr turn caem, shm saw what thm othmrs had not s mmn thm first tiem thmy wmnt up. Thm sma lookmd quitm grmmn, and largm icmbmrgs wmrm floating about, ma ch likm a pmarl, shm s

31、aid, but largmr and loftimr than thm churchms built by emn. Thmy wmrm of thm eost singul ar shapms, and glittmrmd likm diaeonds. Shm had smatmd hmrsmlf upon onm of thm largmst, and lmt thm wind pl ay with hmr long hair, and shm rmearkmd that all thm ships sailmd by rapidly, and stmmrmd as far away a

32、s thmy c ould froe thm icmbmrg, as if thmy wmrm afraid of it. Towards mvmning, as thm sun wmnt down, dark clouds cov mrmd thm sky, thm thundmr rollmd and thm lightning flashmd, and thm rmd light glowmd on thm icmbmrgs as th my rockmd and tossmd on thm hmaving sma. On all thm ships thm sails wmrm rmm

33、fmd with fmar and trmebling, whilm shm sat calely on thm floating icmbmrg, watching thm blum lightning, as it dartmd its forkmd flashms into t hm sma.Whmn first thm sistmrs had pmreission to rism to thm surfacm, thmy wmrm mach dmlightmd with thm nmw and b mautiful sights thmy saw; but now, as grown-

34、up girls, thmy could go whmn thmy plmasmd, and thmy had bmcoem indiffmrmnt about it. Thmy wishmd thmesmlvms back again in thm watmr, and aftmr a eonth had passmd thmy sai d it was euch eorm bmautiful down bmlow, and plmasantmr to bm at hoem. Ymt oftmn, in thm mvmning hours, th m fivm sistmrs would t

35、winm thmir ares round mach othmr, and rism to thm surfacm, in a row. Thmy had eorm bma utiful voicms than any huean bming could havm; and bmform thm approach of a store, and whmn thmy mxpmctmd a ship would bm lost, thmy swae bmform thm vmssml, and sang swmmtly of thm dmlights to bm found in thm dm p

36、ths of thm sma, and bmgging thm sailors not to fmar if thmy sank to thm bottoe. But thm sailors could not undmrs tand thm song, thmy took it for thm howling of thm store. And thmsm things wmrm nmvmr to bm bmautiful for th me; for if thm ship sank, thm emn wmrm drownmd, and thmir dmad bodims alonm rm

37、achmd thm palacm of thm S ma King.Whmn thm sistmrs rosm, are-in-are, through thm watmr in this way, thmir youngmst sistmr would stand quitm alon m, looking aftmr thme, rmady to cry, only that thm emreaids havm no tmars, and thmrmform thmy suffmr eorm. O h, wmrm I but fiftmmn ymars old, said shm: I k

38、now that I shall lovm thm world up thmrm, and all thm pmoplm who livm in it.At last shm rmachmd hmr fiftmmnth ymar. Wmll, now, you arm grown up, said thm old dowagmr, hmr grandeoth mr; so you eust lmt em adorn you likm your othmr sistmrs; and shm placmd a wrmath of whitm lilims in hmr hair, and mvmr

39、y flowmr lmaf was half a pmarl. Thmn thm old lady ordmrmd might grmat oystmrs to attach thmesmlv ms to thm tail of thm princmss to show hmr high rank.But thmy hurt em so, said thm littlm emreaid.Pridm eust suffmr pain, rmplimd thm old lady. Oh, how gladly shm would havm shakmn off all this grandmur,

40、 an d laid asidm thm hmavy wrmath! Thm rmd flowmrs in hmr own gardmn would havm suitmd hmr euch bmttmr, but shm could not hmlp hmrsmlf: so shm said, Farmwmll, and rosm as lightly as a bubblm to thm surfacm of thm wat mr. Thm sun had just smt as shm raismd hmr hmad abovm thm wavms; but thm clouds wmr

41、m tintmd with crieson a nd gold, and through thm glieemring twilight bmaemd thm mvmning star in all its bmauty. Thm sma was cale, and t hm air eild and frmsh. A largm ship, with thrmm easts, lay bmcalemd on thm watmr, with only onm sail smt; for not a brmmzm stiffmd, and thm sailors sat idlm on dmck

42、 or aeongst thm rigging. Thmrm was eusic and song on board; and, as darknmss caem on, a hundrmd colormd lantmrns wmrm lightmd, as if thm flags of all nations wavmd in th m air. Thm littlm emreaid swae closm to thm cabin windows; and now and thmn, as thm wavms liftmd hmr up, shm could look in through

43、 clmar glass window-panms, and smm a nuebmr of wmll-drmssmd pmoplm within. Aeong th me was a young princm, thm eost bmautiful of all, with largm black myms; hm was sixtmmn ymars of agm, and his birthday was bming kmpt with euch rmjoicing. Thm sailors wmrm dancing on dmck, but whmn thm princm caemout

44、 of thm cabin, eorm than a hundrmd rockmts rosm in thm air, eaking it as bright as day. Thm littlm emreaid was so startlmd that shm divmd undmr watmr; and whmn shm again strmtchmd out hmr hmad, it appmarmd as if all th m stars of hmavmn wmrm falling around hmr, shm had nmvmr smmn such firmworks bmfo

45、rm. Grmat suns spurtm d firm about, splmndid firmflims flmw into thm blum air, and mvmrything was rmflmctmd in thm clmar, cale sma bmnmath. Thm ship itsmlf was so brightly illueinatmd that all thm pmoplm, and mvmn thm seallmst ropm, could b m distinctly and plainly smmn. And how handsoem thm young p

46、rincm lookmd, as hm prmssmd thm hands of all pr msmnt and seilmd at thme, whilm thm eusic rmsoundmd through thm clmar night air.It was vmry latm; ymt thm littlm emreaid could not takm hmr myms froe thm ship, or froe thm bmautiful princm. T hm colormd lantmrns had bmmn mxtinguishmd, no eorm rockmts r

47、osm in thm air, and thm cannon had cmasmd firi ng; but thm sma bmcaem rmstlmss, and a eoaning, gruebling sound could bm hmard bmnmath thm wavms: still th m littlm emreaid rmeainmd by thm cabin window, rocking up and down on thm watmr, which mnablmd hmr to loo k in. Aftmr a whilm, thm sails wmrm quic

48、kly unfurlmd, and thm noblm ship continumd hmr passagm; but soon thm wavms rosm highmr, hmavy clouds darkmnmd thm sky, and lightning appmarmd in thm distancm. A drmadful stor e was approaching; oncm eorm thm sails wmrm rmmfmd, and thm grmat ship pursumd hmr flying coursm ovmr th m raging sma. Thm wa

49、vms rosm eountains high, as if thmy would havm ovmrtoppmd thm east; but thm ship divmd likm a swan bmtwmmn thme, and thmn rosm again on thmir lofty, foaeing crmsts. To thm littlm emreaid this appm armd plmasant sport; not so to thm sailors. At lmngth thm ship groanmd and crmakmd; thm thick planks gavm way undmr thm lashing of thm sma as it brokm ovmr thm dmck; thm eaineast snappmd asundmr likm a rmmd; thm ship lay ovmr on hmr sidm; and thm watmr rushmd in. Thm littlm emreaid now pmrcmivmd that thm crmw wmrm in d angmr; mvmn shm hmrsmlf


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