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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟36剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟36Growing the companyParts of a companyWrite the word that fits the definition. The first letter has been given. A company which pays a fee to use another companys name and sell its services: a franchise 1. A building where fini

2、shed goods or raw materials are stored: a w _答案: warehouse2. A company which is more than 50% owned by another (holding or parent) company: a s _答案: subsidiary3. A building where manufacturing, assembling or packing activity takes place: a p _答案: plant4. The offices where the top management and admi

3、nistration are based: the h _答案: headquarters5. A (large) part of a company that has responsibility for one area or activity: a d _答案: division问题:6. Complete each newspaper headline using a word or phrase from the box. expands sell off go public goes bankrupt merge take-over laid off British bank fe

4、ars _ by cash-rich Spanish giant Car plant closes: 800 _ Keltel to _ failing Internet business BP and Shell _ to form worlds largest oil company Deanly shares will _ next year Administrators called in as Lanco _ Chemico _ its European operations by buying Toxico 答案:take-over laid off sell off merge

5、go public goes bankrupt expands 问题:7. Complete the table. Verb Noun expand expansion develop merge acquire grow innovate innovation solution classification evolution tendency答案: Verb Noun expand expansion develop development merge merger acquire acquisition grow growth innovate innovation solve solu

6、tion classify classification evolve evolution tend tendencyPronunciation问题:1. Look at where the stress falls in the following words of three syllables or more. What rules can you make about: a) those ending in -ion b) the rest? innovation responsibility expansion tendency production solution acquisi

7、tion company revenue activity 答案:a) The stress always falls on the syllable before -ion. b) In other words of three or more syllables the stress often falls on the third from last syllable. 问题:2. Mark where the stress falls in each of these words. bankruptcy evolution division subsidiary strategy di

8、stribution significant competition competitive philosophy 答案:bankruptcy evolution division subsidiary strategy distribution significant competition competitive philosophy Past tenses问题:1. Complete the table of irregular verbs. Present Past Past participle begin begun become became lose lost buy put

9、put rise risen fall fell feel spend spent find found found答案: Present Past Past participle begin began begun become became become lose lost lost buy bought bought put put put rise rose risen fall fell fallen feel felt felt spend spent spent find found found found founded foundedComplete this extract

10、 from a newspaper article by choosing the best sentence (A-G) for each gap (1-6). The extraordinary fact about many successful businesses in the UK is that in the last twenty years they have not made their money from what they produce or sell. A Take the example of St Coates College. 2 It targeted t

11、he children of rich Europeans who wanted to send their children to the UK to study for their pre-university qualification. 3 Business was good, however, and in the mid-70s the college decided it made more sense to buy houses in the neighbourhood to use as accommodation. 4 Over the next fifteen years

12、 their value tripled. 5 The profits of the business itself, after servicing the property loans, were, by comparison, only moderate. St Coates is not the only business to have made its money in this way. 6 But what has been lost along the way? 7 Now, meeting the demand for products and services is no

13、 longer of the same interestall a person needs to do is buy a property and sit on it for ten years. A Rather they have profited from huge rises in the value of property. B By the early 1990s it had purchased over twenty such properties. C It was founded in the 1960s as a college for the Internationa

14、l Baccalaureate Exam. D Twenty years ago, before the property boom, people were making things and providing services. E The same model has been applied in many sectors and places all over the country. F During its early years it used to rent accommodation to house these students. G So the assets of

15、the college increased enormously. 2.答案: C3.答案: F4.答案: B5.答案: G6.答案: E7.答案: DSome of the following extracts from a transport companys annual report contain mistakes with tenses. If the sentences is correct, mark it with a . If the wrong, correct it. 2007 has been a better year than we had originally

16、anticipated. was At the beginning of the year we won a contract to build a new metro system in Singapore. 8. Even though revenue was down over the course of the year, our profit margins improved. _答案: 9. In April we had begun work on a bus terminal in Shanghai. _答案: had began began10. In Shanghai we

17、 used the same design that we used to use in Beijing a year earlier. _答案: used to use had used11. Because many existing projects were coming to an end, we made it a priority to look for new business. _答案: 12. In May, a new head of International Business has been appointed. _答案: has been was13. We fo

18、und that we wasted a lot of time in the planning stages. _答案: wasted were wasting / had wasted14. The official opening was attended by the President of Iran. _答案: 15. Our R 答案: was working has been workingOrganisational culture问题:1. Write in the missing letters to complete the chart. 答案:Make each no

19、un into an adjective to complete each statement. I feel secure in my job. SECURITY 2. I am very _ in the development of new products. INVOLVEMENT答案: involved3. Customers are generally very _ with the service they get. SATISFACTION答案: satisfied4. We have a very _ structure, with about fifteen levels

20、from top to bottom. HIERARCHY答案: hierarchichal5. Its a very _ company which empowers individuals. INNOVATION答案: innovative6. I am consulted both on everyday matters and also on more _ decisions. STRATEGY答案: strategicMake each adjective into a noun to complete each statement.7. At Google the emphasis

21、 is on _. INFORMAL答案: informality8. Like most banks our culture is influenced by the amount of _. BUREAUCRATIC答案: bureaucracy9. The most important thing for employees is to have _; not constant change. CONSISTENT答案: consistency10. In advertising, the main thing is to bring out employees natural _. CREATIVE答案: creativity11. _ can be financial or simply a few words of praise. RECOGNISED答案: Recognition 10 / 10


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