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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟16剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟16LISTENINGPART ONE Questions 1-12 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. After you have listened once, replay each recordi

2、ng. Conversation One (Questions 1-4) Look at the notes below. You will hear a man calling a business partner about a visit. Telephone Message To: Ms Roberts Date: 18/3/06 George rang to say our new 1 would be delivered next Monday. You need to tell 2 , who are to come to 3 them. Please phone Mr. Clo

3、oney at 4 if there are any problems. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: financial terminals解析 1-4Woman: Good morning. Trading Department.Man: Hello. Could I speak to Ms. Roberts?Woman: Ms. Roberts is not in the office today, Im afraid. Shes in New York for a conference. Would you like to leave a message for

4、 her?Man: Yes, I think Id better. This is George from Ocean Eleven Group. I want to tell Ms. Roberts that the financial terminals she ordered will be arriving next Monday, on the 23rd.Woman: Oh, yes. Shes been expecting them to arrive next week. Well, Ms. Roberts wont be back until next Tuesday. Im

5、her assistant; maybe I can help you.Woman: I will send a technician to see her. Hell arrive about half past ten and hell need to be told where to install the terminals. I havent been given any instructions.Woman: Ill let Ms. Roberts know all about this when she calls the office later today to check

6、her messages.Man: Thank you. If there are any problems, Ill be in the office tomorrow and she can ring me. The number is 63 19 05.Woman: OK, Ill give the message to her. Goodbye.Man: Goodbye.2.答案: the technician3.答案: install4.答案: 631905Conversation Two (Questions 5-8) Look at the notes below. You wi

7、ll hear a man calling to change an arrangement. Message Time: 3 pm To: Mick Jagger, GM From: Keith Richands from 1 Message: Tuesdays meeting with him and 2 change to 3 , at 2:30 pm. Please bring 4 for the new flagship store. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: Planning (Department)解析 5-8Woman: Good afternoon

8、. Mick Jaggers Office. Can I help you?Man: This is Keith Richards from Planning. Is Mick available?Woman: Im afraid hes out all afternoon on a visit. Can I take a message?Man: Yes, please. Its about the meeting we scheduled for next Tuesday.Woman: I remember that. Its about the new flagship store si

9、te.Man: Thats it. Ive heard from the Interior Designer that he cant come on Tuesday. I wonder if we can change the date.Woman: That shouldnt be a problem. Im checking his schedule. Right, Ive cancelled Tuesdays meeting.Man: OK, now hows he fixed on Thursday?Woman: Hes got a meeting at ten but that s

10、hould be finished before noon. What time do you have in mind?Man: Well, the two of us can come any time that afternoon, so could we make it two thirty then?Woman: That sounds fine.Man: We want to discuss how to display his Photography Collection in the store. So could you ask Mick to bring his colle

11、ction with him?Woman: Yes, certainly.Man: Thanks a lot. Bye.2.答案: Interior Designer3.答案: Thursday4.答案: Photography CollectionConversation Three (Questions 9-12) Look at the notes below. You will hear a man calling a company about a possible order. Telephone Enquiry Record Caller: John Eastwood from

12、ABC Carpet Company. Hes interested in our 1 . Requires details of our 2 . Total monthly order: approx. 3 . Meeting on: 4 . (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: Persian line解析 9-12Woman: Good morning, Chan 答案: payment terms3.答案: four million4.答案: September 21stPART TWO Questions 13-22 Section One (Questions 13

13、-17) You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide what the speaker is giving. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay each recording. A the Moment of Truth B responsible reduction C in t

14、he drivers seat D performance appraisal E commitment to talent management F personnel cost planning G consequences of dismissing underperformed employees H shared change purpose (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. _答案: B解析Man: The so-called rank-and-yank approach, in which companies annually cull the bottom 10%

15、 of employees from their workforce, is a sound strategy. I believe its the correct thing to do, and its even good for the people who get terminated because, in many cases, they go to find better jobs where theyre happier. Every year they chipped and chipped away at it and eventually they just went b

16、ack to the old way of doing things. I acknowledge that, its an approach that serves companies well during hard times.2. _答案: F解析Woman: At Convergys, although the difficult economy is prompting the company to look for ways to save money, it is not pulling back on the process of developing and integra

17、ting new workers, developing and retaining current workers. Were hiring more from within, and weve created a new position called Internal Talent Recruiter, which is kind of a career-counselor role. Our company is also relying on its coaching and mentoring programs to keep employees engaged.3. _答案: E

18、解析Man: I work closely with Chief HR Officers of large companies, where, in many cases, the CEOs understand the importance of people as executors of their business strategies and expect their Chief HR Officers to play key roles in formulating and implementing them. The conversations I have with Chief

19、 HR Officers tend to revolve around developing their mandate for HR strategies, and designing and implementing it. That strategy typically focuses on three things: what we can do to support revenue growth, what our talent agenda is and how we will achieve operational excellence in HR.4. _答案: G解析Woma

20、n: Getting rid of the bottom 10% every year is expensive, but you have to replace them. That money would be better spent on recruiting top talent and putting in place a coaching-and-development approach to performance management. My advice to clients is not to do across-the-board cuts, but to focus

21、on their business strategy and use it as a framework for any personnel reductions. As an HR person, you have to be an active participant in this process.5. _答案: H解析Man: We need to know when to adjust our plans. If we dont, then well lose credibility as an organization and end up holding employees ac

22、countable for goals that just arent credible for them. By doing this, I believe we can go a long way with our workforce to say, We get it, and youll be fairly measured and rewarded.Section Two (Questions 18-22) You will hear another five short recordings. For each recording, decide what the speaker

23、is trying to do. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A The U.S. leads the Pack. B Educational reform happens in the U.S. C MBAs graduates are crucial in technological innovation. D Cust

24、omers buy what they need. E Engineers are overlooked in technological innovation. F American weakness is showing. G People support the national industry. H The long-hours culture is involved in work. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. _答案: G解析Man: Some private industries are integral to long-term national fina

25、ncial viability. The Detroit car industrylike our aircraft manufacturing capacityfalls into this category. We are all aware that in todays global economy some parts on U.S. cars are from overseas, and even some models are assembled elsewhere. But the fact remains that a nation that abandons its core

26、 manufacturing base is committing itself to economic dependence on overseas corporations and countries.2. _答案: D解析Woman: Why shouldnt Americans buy the cars that suit their needs? I want a car that is fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, easy to maintain, and lasts a long time. I will buy from

27、the car manufacturer who understands my needs and concerns. Otherwise the free market ensures that better products will successfully vie for my dollar. A message has to be sent to the leaders of the industry: Make a product that suits the needs of consumers, and they will buy. It is not fair to expe

28、ct us to purchase a car that doesnt meet our needs. Until then, my wallet is voting for the best car it can buy.3. _答案:F解析Man: It is clear that when it comes to innovation, America had some inherent cultural strengths. However, poor economic and political choices that it has made in last 10 years (a

29、nd is continuing to make today) mean that it has already lost the No. 1 position in the hearts and minds of people. Politico-economic winds are also against it. China is the challenger and the world is aligning to the new realities.4. _答案: A解析Woman: Our schooling system is still structured for a far

30、ming economy, yet we know there is a direct correlation between the number of school days and scores in reading, science, and math. In other countries, children go to school for far more days a year than in the U.S. Look at the enrollment in American science and technology universities in the past d

31、ecade. There has been an overwhelming increase in the foreign student population.5. _答案: E解析Man: After 15 years of electrical engineering, I find it amusing now that the big corporations have put in place clueless MBAs to run engineering departments that now tell us such dumb things as: We dont have

32、 time for any science projects. Get the American MBAs out of your company, take their salary and give the engineers a good raise, and watch innovation pick up dramatically.PART THREE Questions 23-30 You will hear an interview between Susan Boyle and the author of a report. For each question (23-30),

33、 mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. According to the man, because of the swine-flu A the U.S. government has shut down all the schools. B the multinational corporations in America are very cautious. C busine

34、ssmen from mexico have been monitored closely. 答案:B解析 23-30Man: As each day goes by, the swine-flu outbreak spreads more. Beginning in Mexico, it now has infected 985 people in 20 countries. In Mexico, the outbreak has caused the government to shut down all schools and many businesses. Meanwhile in

35、the United States, more than 300 schools have been closed and businessesespecially those with a global reachare monitoring the situation closely. My guest today is Susan Boyle, Vice President of Brits Got Talent Company. She is here to talk about how HR departments at the U.S. cope with this pandemi

36、c. Hello Susan.Woman: Hello, Simon. Its great to be here.Man: First. Lets start with a U.S. company in Mexico. How did swine-flu affect this company and what initiative did it take?Woman: Dimension Data, an IT company based in New York, has 40 full-time and contract workers in its Mexico City office

37、. Although none became ill, the company instituted some changessuch as allowing employees to work at home and strongly encouraging workers to conduct meetings through video or telephone, rather than face-to-face.Man: In the United States, the number of infected patients has been steadily climbing, a

38、nd experts agree that HR departments should prepare for a large-scale pandemic. So, while panic may not be required, caution and preparation remain important. Which role does HR play in this situation?Woman: If the swine-flu situation worsens, HR would have a big jobcreating policies that will help

39、ensure the safety of employees as well as making arrangements for large numbers of absent employees.Man: In the case of Dimension Data, what edge does the company posses in dealing with such scenario?Woman: The companys corporate culturein which telecommuting is commonhelped make the change easy on

40、the employees.Man: I heard there is more to Dimension Datas culture, something more valuable than telecommunication.Woman: There is. The company instructs its employees that their health and safety is priority. As an organization, its very important that people come first.Man: What is a company goin

41、g to do if 30, 40 or 50 percent of its workforce is out?Woman: Businesses make plans to let employees work at home and utilize those who are cross-trained in jobs.Man: In a 2007 survey of 317 HR executives by Amsterdam-based consultancy, just one-quarter of businesses reported having a plan in place

42、 if an unusually high percentage of the workforce became ill. Susan, what do you think of it?Woman: Lack of continuity planning can result in failures as employers attempt to address the challenges of a pandemic with insufficient resources and employees might not be adequately trained in the jobs th

43、at they will be asked to perform.Man: Sounds like a mess. What can companies do during a swine-flu outbreak?Woman: To prepare for an outbreak, I recommend that companies take these steps.Man: Listen it up, folks!Woman: Firstly, identify an outbreak coordinator or team with defined roles and responsi

44、bilities for preparation and response planning. Secondly, identify key employees and key work processes required to maintain business operations during a pandemic. Thirdly, establish, or review, an emergency communications plan. Fourthly, seek up-to-date information from local and state health and e

45、mergency management resources; and lastly, remind employees to make a habit of washing their hands often.Man: Whats your view on hero employees, who continue to work while they are sickespecially the managers?Woman: Businesses need to discourage the hero employees to work. When employees see their s

46、upervisors coming in sick, theyre convinced thats whats expected of them also.Man: According to Donald C. Dowling, international employment counsel at White 答案:C3. The message Dimension Data sent to its clients and employees is A Telecommunication is most effective. B People come first. C Work is part of your life. 答案:B4. What should companies do to prepare for an pandemic? A Promote sick employees. B Wash your hands often. C Appoint the key stuff to work during an outbreak. 答案:C5. Susan recommends companies wi


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