[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Entertaining 宴请.docx

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《[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Entertaining 宴请.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Entertaining 宴请.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级分类模拟题Entertaining 宴请初级分类模拟题Entertaining 宴请Talking a guest to dinner Language in use 问题:1. Read this text. Where do the sentences in the box belong? a If you arrive at a restaurant before your host, wait at the bar. b If youre not sure you can go, call

2、and explain your situation. c If your host tries to sell you her latest product, suggest you talk next week. d Butyou dont haveto agreeto attend all of them. The good (business) guests guide The RS VP rule Its the end of the year and your desk is full of invitations to lunches and dinners from adver

3、tising agencies, stationery suppliers and other sales people. Which do you reply to? All of them! Invitations to cocktail parties for new product lines go to hundreds of people. So only go if your company is interested in the new product. But if one of your biggest suppliers sends you an invitation

4、to a party celebrating the tenth anniversary of your business relationship, reply immediately Perhaps the company can arrange another time. How to get there Its essential to arrive at business functions at the correct time Your host will pick up the tab for your drink. Small talk tips Your host will

5、 try to get to know you better by asking you where you were born, where you went to school, your interests, etc. It may seem like small talk, but now is the chance to find out about the suppliers background and products - all good information for future business But now is a good time to let them kn

6、ow about their service if you are not happy with it. RSVP: please reply to the invitation small talk: social conversation 答案:. d 2. b 3. a 4. c Reading 问题:1. Read the text again and tick () the correct statements. 1. Accept all the invitations you receive. 2. Dont go to all parties for new product l

7、ines. 3. If a supplier is organizing a special party, you should reply immediately. 4. Its not important to arrive on time for a business function. 5. Your host will not ask questions about your interests. 6. Tell your host about her companys service. 答案:Tick statements 2,3 and 6 1. You should reply

8、 to all invitations 4. YOU should arrive on time 5. Your host will try to make small talk,including questions about your interests Language in use 问题:1. Match the questions to the answers like this: 答案:2. d 3. f 4. c 5. a 6. b Making invitations Language in use 问题:1. Read these telephone conversatio

9、ns and complete them with suitable words. Conversation 1 SAM: Hello, Karen. Sam Ross How are you? KAREN: Fine. Nice to hear from you. SAM: Id like to you to lunch next week. KAREN: Thats very of you. When exactly? SAM: Does Wednesday you? KAREN: Yes, thats What time? SAM: Is one oclock all right? At

10、 the Holiday Inn ? KAREN: Yes, thats fine. HI look to it. Bye. SAM: Bye. Conversation 2 SAM: Hello, Don. Its Sam Ross. Im meeting Karen Beck for next week. Would you to join us? DON: That be nice. When ? SAM: Wednesday. At one oclock at the Holiday Inn. DON: Oh, Im afraid I cant Wednesday. Ive got t

11、o go down to the factory then. SAM: Thats a . DON: Thank you for asking me, anyway. SAM: Another time. Bye. DON: Bye. 答案:1. speaking 2. invite 3. kind 4. suit 5. fine 6. forward 7. lunch 8. like 9. would 10. exactly 11. make 12. pity Writing 问题:1. Rewrite this letter with the correct punctuation and

12、 layout. 答案:Describing food Vocabulary 问题:1. Fruit or vegetable? Write (F) or (V). 1. pepper 2.banana 3. melon 4. mushroom 5. strawberry 6. orange 7. carrot 8. cherry 9. beans 10. apple 11. potato 12. avocado 答案:1. F 2. F 3. F 4. V 5. F 6. F 7. V 8. F 9. V 10. F 11. V 12. F Listening 问题:1. Look at t

13、he menu. Listen to this conversation in a restaurant. What does the man order? Starter: _ Main course: _ and _ Dessert: _ (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 答案:Starter: Aubergine pt Main course: Fish with Indian spices and rice Dessert: No dessert, just coffee解析 WOMAN: Ah, heres the menu. Would you like a starter

14、?MAN: Er, yes. What can you recommend?WOMAN: Well, I had the avocado soup last time and it was very good. But the roasted pepper salad sounds very interesting. I think I might try that.MAN: I like the sound ofaubergine pt, so I think Ill have that.WOMAN: What would you like for your main course?MAN:

15、 I love fish, but is the fish with Indian spices very hot?WOMAN: No, its not too spicy, but it is very delicious!MAN: Well, Ill have the fish. What are you going to have?WOMAN: I like the chicken with mushrooms. Its quite rich, but its very popular. Oh, do you want rice or roast potatoes with your fish?MAN: Rice, please.MAN: That was very good. I really enjoyed it.WOMAN: Good. Now, how about a dessert? The ice cream sounds good.MAN: Er, I think H1 just have a coffee, thank you. 9 / 9


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