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1、Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others时间: 30 分钟I.单项填空1 I apologized Johnson for to inform him of the change in the plan.A for , my not to ableB to , my not being ableC to , me to not be ableD for , me being not able答案 B 第一空考查apologize 和介词 to 搭配, apologize to sb for sth 为某事向某人道歉;第二空考查非谓语动词的否定结构。 2

2、 Whether it can the test of time remains to be seen.A lastB continueC acceptD stand答案 D last和continue意思为持续;C项accept意为接受,不符合逻辑;stand意为“经受”。 3 The line was engaged and I couldnt .A get toB get onC get downD get through答案 D get through 此处意为“ ( 电话 )接通”,符合题意。 get on 进展; get down 下 来; get to 到达。 4 The for

3、mer president of Pakistan was killed in December in a parade.Who is the murder?A to blame forB to blame toC to be blame forD to be blamed to答案 A sb be to blame for (doing) sth因 ( 做) 某事而责备某人,故选A。 5How are you managing to do your work without an assistant? Well , I somehow.A get alongB come onC watch

4、outD set off答案 A get along 融洽相处,进展,有起色; come on 赶快,快点; watch out 小心,提防; set off 动身,引爆。根据题意选 A。 6 Now that Bob has publicly he was wrong , he is sharing the childraisingand household tasks with Pat.A admittedB suggestedC agreedD explained答案 A 从句意可知,Bob承认了错误,并与Pat分担家务。7 Limited natural resources shoul

5、d be made full use of the need ofenergy.A meeting ; increasingB to meet ; increasedC meeting ; increasedD to meet ; increasing答案 D 句意为“有限的自然资源应当被充分利用以满足日益增长的能源需求”。 to meet. 是不定式短语作目的状语, increasing 是现在分词作定语, 表示日益增长的需求。 8 The news reporters hurried to the airport , only the film stars had left.A to te

6、llB to be toldC tellingD told答案 B only 加不定式表示结果,而这种结果常与愿望相差很远, to be told 是不定式的被动式。 9 The old lady great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.A tookB sufferedC suffered atD stood答案 B suffer pain 遭受痛苦; stand 忍受,后面不接情感类名词。 10 The patients illness the doctor because he couldnt find t

7、he cause.A frightenedB interestedC puzzledD confused答案 C 根据题意,选项 A、B易排除,选项 G D易混淆。puzzled指复杂的事件或困难的问题使人不知所措; confused 指心中杂乱的思想使人的头脑变得混乱。 11 The scientist was in thoughts.A deeplyB stuckC gotD absorbed答案 D be absorbed in 全神贯注 ( 做某事 ) 。在句中 be absorbed in thoughts 相当于be lost in thoughts陷入沉思。把 A项deeply改

8、为deep也对;B项stuck应与to连用;C项语意不对。12 . The news has spread all over the country Shenzhou W spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.A thatB whichC whetherD what答案 A Shenzhou W spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth是一个由 that引导的同位语从句, that 在句子中不充当成分。 13 of the consequences , he did whatever he

9、liked and nobody could stop him.用心 爱心 专心3A. RegardingB. As regardsC. RegardlessD. With regard答案 C regardless of the consequences 表示“不顾后果 (地)”,与题意相符;asregards 相当于 with regard to 表示 至于之意。 14. There is nothing more I can try you to stay, so I wish you good luck.A. being persuadedB. persuadingC. to be p

10、ersuadedD. to persuade答案 D I can try是定语从句修饰 nothing ;在定语从句中 nothing 作try的宾语,因此空格处用动词不定式作目的状语。15. I cant stand with Jane in the same office.She just refuses talking while she works.A. working ; stoppingB. to work ; stoppingC. working ; to stopD. to work ; to stop答案 C 句意为“我无法忍受和简在同一办公室工作。他在工作的时候总是不停地说

11、 话”。stand后常接动词-ing 形式作宾语,can t stand (doing) sth意为“不能忍受(做) 某事。refuse后接不定式,refuse to do sth 意为拒绝做某事”。 n .完形填空Whenwe visit another country , differences in music and dance are _1_ some of the first things that we notice.Every culture has _2_ its own types of music and dance, which are very different f

12、rom those of other societies.Each type of music usually has a distinctive rhythm and a special sound, 3 onthe kinds of instruments that are used to produce it.The most common type of instruments are _4 instruments , such as guitars and violins; wind instruments,including horns and flutes.Many differ

13、ent kinds of musical sounds 5 be created by using different combinations of instruments.The human voice is a very special kind of instrument, 6 it can produce a greatnumber of different sounds with different7, ranging from loud to soft.Singingis very popular in most cultures because it allows us to

14、8 words and ideas with music.Societies coordinate body movements with musical rhythms to create 9.Sometimes people dance for fun and individual expression.Dances can also be used to _10_ideas to an audience.Hawaiian dancers , 11, use arm and hand movements to express the meaning of a song.In the sam

15、e way , many societies use dances in religious ceremonies _12_ to tell about important events.用心爱心专心4Music and dance are passed from one _13_to another and thus become a permanent,as cultures come _15_ contactpart of the society and _14_ culture.Of coursewith each other,the music and dance of one so

16、cietymaybe acceptedby other societies ,or the differentstyles may be combined to _16a new kind ofmusic or dance.SomeLatin Americanmusic , for example , has taken _17_ from Indiancultures and mixedthem with thosefrom European and African cultures._18_, popular music from Englandand the US can be hear

17、d in countries _19_ the world , _20_ it has had an influenceon musical tastes , especially among young people.1. A.unlikelyB. likelyC. probablyD. surely答案:C 此处要用副词作状语,surely意思不对2. A.installedB. meantC. developedD. established答案:C develop 发展,形成;全句意思是“每种文化都形成了自己的音乐和舞蹈种类,而这些音乐和舞蹈与其他社会是不同的。”3. A.focusin

18、gB. dependingC. playingD. resting答案:B depend on取决于;全句意思是“每一种音乐都有其独特的节奏和特殊的声音,这取决于所使用乐器的种类。4. A.threadB. stringC. cordD. band答案:B 下面的guitars和violins 属于弦乐器5. A.mightB. canC. mustD. should答案:B 各种乐音能够使用不同的乐器组合而产生,故使用can6. A.whenB. afterC. sinceD.although答案:C 主从句之间是因果关系,故选since7. A.heights8. sizesC. tone

19、sD.volumes答案:D volume音量, 从下文 ranging from loud to soft可以看出8. A.explainB. expressC. provideD. compose答案:B express表达,即用音乐表达语言思想 9. A.soundsB. songsC. movesD.dances答案:D 本段主题是“舞蹈”,故选dances10. A.giveB. communicateC. translateD. perform答案:B communicate 传达,交流,全句意思是“舞蹈也可以用来传达思想给观众。11. A.such asB.for example

20、C that isD. on the contrary答案:B 此处是举例,故使用 for exampleB asC only12 A.justD or答案: D 此处 in religious ceremonies与 to tell about important events是并列关系,故选 or13 A.countryB generation答案: B be passed from generation to another14 A.theirB itsC peopleD time代代相传,符合题意C thisD the答案: B its 指社会的, its culture 即社会文化

21、15 A.toB forC intoD with答案:C come into contact with 与联系起来,与取得联系16 A.joinB showC formD become答案:Cform 形成,意思是“不同风格( 的音乐和舞蹈 )相结合形成一种新的音乐或舞蹈”。17 A.advantagesB featuresC stylesD origins答案:Bfeatures特点,全句意思是“例如,一些拉丁美洲音乐将印第安文化特点与欧洲和非洲的文化特点结合起来。”18 A.HoweverC SimilarlyB On the contraryD Besides答案: C 下面的内容是类比

22、,故选 Similarly19 A.onB throughC across答案: C across the word 全世界 20 A.whenB whereC whichD alongD what答案: B where 引导定语从句 . 任务型阅读Understanding the process of making career choices and managing your career is a basic life skill that everyone should understand.Your career decisions have such a profound ef

23、fect on all aspects of your life.Its important to have the knowledge and resources needed to make smart , informeddecisions.Many people mistakenly believe that choosing a career is a one-time event thathappens some time in early adulthood.Howevercareer management is actually a用心 爱心 专心5life-long proc

24、ess , and we continue to make consequential career choices over the years.Whether you are looking for a new job , aiming to take the next step at your current job , completely changing your career or planning your retirement options, you aremaking career decisions.Using good resources and the guidan

25、ce of a career counselor can help you to make those decisions well.So many people jump right to creating a new resume when they want to take action in their career.However , career management and job search is about so much more than writing a good resume.If you take the time to learn about, think t

26、hrough and acton the four main areas of career management , youll be rewarded throughout your career.Your interests , abilities , values and personal needs and realities should all be taken into account in any career decision making process.You spend countless hours at work , and it impacts your lif

27、e in so many ways; it makes sense that you shouldbe fully informed before making such profound decisions.Do you know how many different career choices are available to you? Both TheDictionary of Occupational Titles (American)and The National Occupational Classification (Canadian) list well over 20,0

28、00 different job titles.So unless youve actively explored a variety of career options, theres a very good chancethat there are great possibilities available to you, and you dont even realize they exist.Match your understanding of yourself with your understanding of possible career options.Once you h

29、ave developed a good understanding of yourself , you will be able to combine that self-knowledge with your career and labor market research to determine potential careers that are a great fit for you.Whenyouve madea well informed decision , then youre ready to make it happen.Making use of good caree

30、r guidance and resources will help you to acquire the education,skills and experience needed to get the job.Avoid the “ready, fire , aim” approach to making career choices and job searching.Time spent understanding your needs , researching your career options and developing outstanding job search sk

31、ills , guided by great career resources , is a powerful investment in your future.ThemeEverybody should have a good_1_of a basic life skill : understand the process of making career choicesand managing your career.Careerdecisions Having a great_2_on your life. _3_by many people. Happening over the y

32、ears in your life. Made well by using good resources and with the _4_of a career counselor._5_If you_6_some time on the four main areas of career management, youll be rewarded throughout your career._7_tomanageyour careerUnderstandyourself_8_some important factors into account when you make decision

33、s.Understandyour optionsRemember there are many_9_available to you.Connectyour informationMatch your self-knowledge with your understanding of possible career options.Make ithappenAfter_10_a decision, you should make it happen.答案:l.knowledge/understanding 2.effect/influence/impact3.Misunderstood4.help5.Suggestion/Advice6.spend 7.Tips/Ways/How8.Take9.possibilities/chances 10.making用心爱心专心7


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