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1、“浙江省绍兴县杨汛桥镇中学七年级英语Unit5Do you have a教学 目标Talk about ownership; make suggestions; familia .r with target language;soccer ba教案(3)人教新目标版用心爱心专心i重点难点分析Description words: interesting, fun, boring, difficult andrelaxing.Step I: greetingStep II: review1,words and sentences: call a group students to translat

2、e my English words intoChinese, and call another group students to translate Chinese intoEnglish.Then say some easy sentences to translate.2, pair works: make a new conversation about what we have learned.教学过程设计3,show the pictures of basketball, soccer ball and volleyball, then ask students toAnswer

3、 do you have .,ask four or five students, then ask t he class does he/sheHave ? They can answer it together, in this way can call theirattention and everyOne has a chance to answer questions.Step III: new lesson1.sectionb 1a: match the words with the pictures.First: read the words and they can find

4、the meaningof these wordsin the word list.Second: look at the picture, find the difference and then match the words.教 学 过 程Third: check the answers and ask students to read again.2.2a: listen and check the words that you hear in 1a.Just one time, ask stu dents to circle the words, and then check the

5、 answers.The answer is: interesting, boring, fun, difficult.3.3b: listen again, what does Tony say about these things? Write a word from 1a inThe blanks.Play computer games interestingplay volleyballdifficultWatch TV boring play basketball fun4.listen again, this time repeat the sentences one by one

6、. Point out the focus.Let s play computer games. That sounds interesting.Do you have a volleyball? Yes, I do. / No, I don t.After they record the conversation, they can know how to make a suggestion, andThey can know how to answer it. Then they can use their own wordsto expressTheir own feeling.5, 2

7、c: pair worksTalk about these thing in 2b, they can first read the example from the book.They can look at the book, and know the four activities. They can use this list as aGuide, and say the sentence according them.They should know the use of these new words. And after several pairs, they canMake n

8、ew suggestions about let s . And that sounds .Step IV: fill in the chartIn order to familiar with these five new words and to express the feeling of students,Fill in a chart about their subject, and they can choose which oneis interesting andSo on. And if they can, they can say why.The subjects will

9、 be: math, Chinese, English, politics, history, and so onThe words will be: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing.Ask about 20 students to say their opinions, and countthe number,they can say inThis way: Chinese is interesting. Or Chinese sounds interesting.English is fun. Or English sounds

10、fun.Students can choose any kind as they like.Then say the result of this chart, and we can know which class is their favorite.杨汛桥镇中学集体备课稿电子稿教 学 过 程 设 计课堂本课采用了 Discussion and guess和Classifying 的学习策略,利用实物、教学幻灯片或图片等来展开课堂Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动,通过使用have对物品的所属进行提问及回答,使学生学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问小结句,同时学会使用 Let s提 建议

11、。通过本课的学习使学生能够谈论自己喜欢 哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动。本课重在对学生进行听力和口语交际能力的训练。练习 与 作业1, ask their parents what is interesting and so on.2 make a new conversation of 2b, to give a suggestion and answer.3 remember the new words and sentences.板书 设计Unit 5 do you have a soccer ball?Let s play computer games.That soundsinterestingfunboringdifficul trelaxChineseMathEnglishPoliticsHistoryinteresting.Do you have a volleyball?No, I don t.教学 后记 用心爱心专心4


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