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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟75剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟75Exercise 1问题:1. Job analysis represents the forecasting of a firms employee needs.答案:B问题:2. One task of human resources planning is recruiting.答案:A问题:3. Finns tend to avoid hiring new full-time workers to meet temporary needs

2、for higher production levels.答案:A问题:4. A job specification states the credentials necessary to qualify for the position.答案:A问题:5. Federal laws make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of factors not related to potential job performance.答案:A问题:6. Employees benefits such as health insurance and de

3、ntal insurance are taxed.答案:B问题:7. Firms should offer the same compensation package to their workers in foreign countries that they offer employees in their home country.答案:B问题:8. The overall performance evaluation of most employees is based on multiple criteria.答案:A问题:9. Employees perceive performa

4、nce evaluation as a method for allocating wage increases.答案:A问题:10. Each of the performance criteria must be weighted equally to avoid unbalancing the performance appraisal.答案:BExercise 2问题:1. All of the following are the advantages of diversity in the workplace except _A.increased innovation.B.less

5、 chance of discrimination lawsuits.C.enhanced ability to interact with customers.D.better access to the pool of eligible employees.E.a change in the production process.答案:E问题:2. A company gives employees the right to purchase its stock at a specific price when it provides them with _A.presumptive ri

6、ghts.B.an indenture agreement.C.stock options.D.a stock preference.E.a closed-end agreement.答案:C问题:3. The use of stock options as a means of compensation _A.legally can be provided only to top executives and members of the board of directors.B.is declining in popularity since options reduce the firm

7、s profits.C.is opposed by labor unions, since options are available only to nonunion employees.D.may tempt managers to manipulate financial statements to boost stock prices.E.has allowed workers in many firms to control who serves on the board of directors of their firm.答案:D问题:4. The case of Enron a

8、nd other corporate scandals shows that manager who receives stock options may be tempted to do all of the following except _A.magnify company expenses.B.manipulate stock price.C.exaggerate company earnings.D.issue overly optimistic reports.E.withhold bad news.答案:A问题:5. An extra onetime payment at th

9、e end of the period in which performance is measured as a _A.salary.B.wage.C.stock option.D.piece rate.E.bonus.答案:E问题:6. _ normally represent compensation for achieving specific sales objectives and often are part of the compensation received by people working in sales positions.A.PensionsB.Commissi

10、onsC.PerquisitesD.Stock optionsE.Dividends答案:B问题:7. Additional privileges given to high-level employees, such as a company car or membership in an exclusive club, are known as _A.professional privilegesB.commissions.C.executive options.D.perquisites.E.golden parachutes.答案:D问题:8. _ are additional pri

11、vileges, such as paid vocation time and health and dental insurance, given to most or all employees.A.Employee benefitsB.PerquisitesC.CommissionsD.Implicit compensationsE.kickbacks答案:A问题:9. Employees who are directly involved in the production process (such as assembly-line workers) tend to receive

12、most of their compensation in the form of a _A.bonus.B.commission.C.salary.D.stock option.E.perquisite.答案:C问题:10. If a manager is having difficulties managing his or her subordinates, _ would be recommended.A.human relations trainingB.safety skills trainingC.decision-making skill trainingD.customer

13、service trainingE.technical training答案:A问题:11. A performance evaluation _A.should avoid subjective criteria because they are impossible to measure with any accuracy.B.is only useful as a means of determining whether employees qualify for pay raises.C.is typically based on multiple criteria, some of

14、which are objective while others are subjective.D.is only necessary for workers who are likely candidates for higher-level positions.E.should be given only to workers who are experiencing job-related problems.答案:C问题:12. The following are objective criteria in performance evaluation except for _A.par

15、ts produced per week.B.number of days absent.C.percentage of deadlines missed.D.defective parts produced by employee errors.E.willingness of an employee to help other employees.答案:EExercise 3问题:1. Headhunters are people who bring together employers looking to hire for a job position and potential em

16、ployees.答案:A问题:2. Many people realize that they may be able to get a foot in the door at a company by using a temp agency.答案:B问题:3. Sometimes, companies advertise open houses for their companies, where representatives of the company hold informal meetings for the purpose of identifying potential emp

17、loyees.答案:A问题:4. Some firms offer internships that enable students to gain on-the-job experience while pursuing a degree. Information about internships may often be found on a firms website.答案:A问题:5. Networking is often very important in terms of meeting potential employers. Often, people get jobs b

18、ecause they know someone who works for a potential employer and can recommend you for a job, or at least inform you about opportunities that may be available.答案:A问题:6. After a job is offered and accepted, you dont have to make career decisions.答案:B问题:7. On-the-job experiences may not affect your des

19、ired career job.答案:B问题:8. A successful business requires proper planning, production, marketing, and financing decision.答案:A问题:9. The decision to start a business requires an idea for a product or service that will generate sufficient sales.答案:A问题:10. Many businesses are successful not just because

20、of their business ideas, but also because of their employees.答案:AExercise 4问题:1. Two or more persons sharing a particular work schedule is called _A.job enlargement.B.job enrichmentC.job sharingD.flextimeE.job rotation答案:C问题:2. Even if the company cannot guarantee continuing employment, it can impro

21、ve employees sense of job security by _A.empowering employees.B.granting stock to employees.C.using open-book management.D.training employees in various tasks.E.instituting compressed workweeks.答案:D问题:3. A program to expand jobs assigned to employees is called _A.hygiene theory.B.downsizing.C.positi

22、ve reinforcement.D.equity theory of motivation.E.job enlargement.答案:E问题:4. An employee involvement program that periodically moves individuals from one job assignment to another is called _A.job enlargementB.job enrichment.C.job rotation.D.job sharing.E.flextime.答案:C问题:5. _ can reduce boredom and pr

23、epare employees for other jobs if their primary job is eliminated.A.Job evaluationB.Job rotationC.ReengineeringD.Performance appraisalE.Reinforcement答案:B问题:6. Which of the following is an employee involvement program where a group of employees with different job positions are given the responsibilit

24、y of achieving a specific goal?A.management by objectives (MBO)B.teamworkC.job enlargementD.job rotationE.job sharing答案:B问题:7. When firms delegate more authority to their employees, this strategy is referred to as _A.Theory X management.B.empowerment.C.the merit system.D.McGregors hygiene theory.E.t

25、he equity system.答案:B问题:8. Which of the following allows employees to set their own goals and determine the manner in which they accomplish their tasks?A.equity theory of motivationB.expectancy theory of motivationC.management by objectivesD.Theory X managementE.Theory Y management答案:C问题:9. In open-

26、book management, the compensation of employees is typically aligned with their contribution to the firms _A.hierarchy of needs.B.industry demand.C.overall performance.D.reinforcement theory.E.hygiene theory答案:C问题:10. Which of the following is an employee involvement program that encourages employees

27、 to make decisions and conduct tasks as if they were the firms owners?A.Theory X managementB.open-book managementC.Theory Y managementD.Theory Z managementE.Theory J management答案:B问题:11. In addition to linking compensation with performance, some firms grant employees _ for good performance.A.interna

28、l satisfactionB.Theory X managementC.Theory Y involvementD.corporate bondsE.common stock答案:E问题:12. Lawsuits against firms by fired employees _A.have become much less common in recent years.B.allow the fired employees to collect compensatory damages, but not punitive damages.C.are decided by a judge rather than a jury.D.usually should be settled out of court as soon as possible to avoid negative publicity.E.are usually settled in favor of the firm if supervisors followed proper procedures when firing the employees.答案:E 15 / 15


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