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1、2012 高中英语同步导学 3.3 练习 外研版必修1 (新课标全国卷I )( 本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订! )I.单项填空1 John could not remember the exact date , but it wasSunday becauseeverybody was atlunch.A / ; theB / ; aC / ; aD the ; /解析:考查冠词。第一空指星期的名词前用 a 表示不确定的某个星期; 第二空中 at lunch为习惯搭配,意为“在吃午饭”,故选 B。答案: B2 He sent mean e-mail , to get some f

2、urther information for his research.A hopedB hopingC to hopeD hope解析: 考查非谓语动词。 hoping to get. 作伴随状语,相当于which hoped 。若选 A项则须加连词and。答案: B3 TV is shorttelevision , while we can use kmkilometer.A of ; insteadB for ; instead ofC of ; instead ofD for ; instead解析:be short for 是固定短语,意为“简称,缩写”; instead of 表示

3、“代替”之意。答案:B4 This website isand has been taken down.A out of timeB out of dayC out of dateD up to date解析:句意为:这个网站已过期,被取消了。“过时的,过期的”用out of date 。答案:C5 Oh, look ! Here s a photoin my classroom at primary school.Can yourecognise me in it?A takingB was takenC takenD being taken解析:过去分词短语taken. 在此作后置定语,表

4、示被动与完成, photo 与 take 之间为被动关系。答案:C6 The little boy stood there , by the dog.A frighteningB frightenedC being frightenedD was frightened解析:frightened形容人“受惊的;吓坏了的”,在这里作伴随状语。如果选 D 的话,应用 and 连接并列的谓语动词。答案:B7 That the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing is a greatfor Chinesepeople.A incidentB accidentC even

5、tD happening解析:event 表示“重大事件”,符合题意。 incident 表示“小事件”; accident 侧重指“交通事故”; happening 指偶然或者意外发生的事情。答案:C8 From April 18,2007, the elevated trains can travela speed of 250kilometers per hour.A inB atC. withD. for解析:以的速度用介词 at。答案:B9 . When he finished the 1,500-meter race , he was out of breath , .A. exh

6、austedB. exhaustingC. tiringD. relaxed解析: exhausted疲惫不堪的,常用于修饰人。relaxed也可用于修饰人,但是此处与题意不符。答案: A10 . 一 Would you mind lending me a cigarette?一I m very sorry , I have none myself.A. andB. butC. soD. for解析: 由I m very sorry ”知回答者要拒绝,故用 but引出委婉拒绝的理由。答案: B11 . Would you holding this box for me while I open

7、 the door?A. likeB. mindC. careD. matter解析:考查词语辨析。Would you mind后跟动词-ing 形式,表示说话人请求主语做某事,其他词无此用法,故选B。答案: B12 . I knew the lady Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.A. referred toB. was referring toC. pointed atD. was pointing at解析: point at 为瞄准;refer to 意指,指的是,句中when引导的从句表示的动作与空格处所填词表示的动作是同时发生的

8、,因此应用进行时态。据题意选Bo答案: B13 . - And then the wind blew the roof off.Oh, you must have been.A. frightened; frightenedB. frightening; frighteningC. frightened; frighteningD. frightening; frightened解析: 考查动词的-ed 与-ing 的区别。frightening令人害怕的;frightened 感到害怕的,据句意,应选D。答案: D14 . On December 26th,2009 , so many gr

9、aduates ( 毕业生)wanted to be thateven a gate was broken by the crowd.A. interviewingB. interviewedC. interviewerD. interview解析:毕业生想被面试以便寻求工作,所以应用 interview 的被动形式。答案:B15 . These football players were not specially until they joined our club.A. educatedB. exercisedC. practisedD. trained解析:受过专门的培训,应使用tra

10、in oeducate受教育;exercise 练习,锻炼;practise练习。答案: Dn .完形填空I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people.Luckily there re sm all waysof helping them and you needn t have a lot of_1.One way to help is to buy theirmonthly magazine._2_doing this one day, I got to_3_a young homeless man.He wasoften_4_the

11、 magazine at the train station.I discovered thatHe was a poor farmer from another country.After a while his_2 was close to mine.It_6_that we were born in the same month.I met him last year_7_afterhis birthday , and after congratulating (祝贺)him,without_8_ , I asked if he had had a good day.He_9 and s

12、aid that he hadn t really celebrated.I felt so_10_.I just couldn t bear the thought of (不敢想)this nice , young man being_11 on his 25th birthday with no presents , no cake , nothing ! So I went home and looked in my yarn (纱线)basket._12 for me I had enough yarn_13 .I set to work and knitted (编织)a_14 f

13、or the young man.The yarn had become a little dirty_15_I didn tknit very often.Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be_16_when he got it.I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping.I had_17_to meet him so I had_18_the scarf and a piece of my own birthday_19_around with me.He was very h

14、appy with these gifts and so was I. The_20_in his eyes was the best present hecould have given me!语篇解读“我”所住的城市有很多无家可归的人,我们用一些独特的方式来帮助他 们。1 . A.workB. energyC. moneyD. experience解析: 根据空前的 small ways 及空后的to buy their monthly magazine 可知,这里 指没有很多钱也可以帮助那些无家可归的人。答案: C2 . A.InB. OnC. BesidesD. By解析: doing

15、 this指上文的 to buy their monthly magazine 。因此,本句话的意思是“通过这样做,我”。介词 by的意思是“通过方式”。答案: D3 . A.realizeB. ignoreC. knowD. recognize解析: “我”经常到这儿买报纸,渐渐认识了这个年轻人。get to know的意思是“渐渐认识”。答案: C4 . A.sellingB. readingC. coveringD. buying解析: 根据 One way to help is to buy. 及 a young homeless man 可知这个年轻人 “卖(selling)”杂志。

16、答案: A5 . A.birthdayB. houseC. heightD. hobby解析:由下文的 we were born in the same month可知我们白( 生日(birthday)”非常近。答案:A6 . A.saidB. foundC. guessedD. meant解析:我们的生日相近“也就是说(meant)”我们的生日在同一个月。答案:D7 .A.longB.shortlyC.everD.even解析:根据后文“我”祝贺他,可知是在他的生日后“不久 (shortly) ”我们相遇。答案:B8 .A.stoppingB.helpingC.praisingD.think

17、ing解析:根据他的回答及下一段开头内容可知“我”在没有丝毫“考虑(thinking) ”的情况下,祝贺他生日快乐之后,问他是否度过了一个愉快的生日。答案:D9 A.looked upB turned upC looked downD got down解析:因为生活窘迫,年轻人被问到生日是否过得愉快时, 不好意思地“低下头(lookeddown)”。答案: C10 A.foolishB excitedC cleverD worried解析:明知道人家无家可归,家里很穷,不可能像一般人一样去庆祝自己的生日,还要问那样的问题,作者感到自己非常傻 ( 竟然没有想到这一点 ) 。答案:A11 A.ca

18、lmB happyC aloneD hungry解析:根据下文的no presents , no cake , nothing 可知此处指这个年轻人过生日的那天“孤独一人(alone) ”。答案:C12 A.SuddenlyBLuckilyC BadlyDHowever答案:B13 A.usedBdoneC leftDproduced解析: “幸好(Luckily) ”,针线筐里“剩下(left) ”足够的纱线,“我”可以给他织围巾作为迟到的生日礼物。答案:C14 A.scarfBcapC sockDglove解析: 根据下文的 I washed the yarn so the scarf 可

19、知。答案:A15 A.whenBbecauseC soDand解析: “因为(because) ”“我”不常用这些纱线织东西,所以纱线有点脏。前后句之间是因果关系。答案:B16 A.differentB dryC wetD clean解析:洗了之后的纱线自然会很干净,与前一句中的dirty 形成对比。答案:D17 A.likedB hopedC promisedD agreed解析:由下文随身带着礼物可知“我”“希望答案:B(hoped) ”遇到他。18 A.madeB thrownC receivedD carried解析: “我”随身“带着(carried) ”要送给年轻人的礼物。答案:D

20、要送给年轻人的礼物。19 A.cakeB presentC songD party解析: 从第四段的 on his 25th birthday with no presents, no cake , nothing 可知,这个年轻人过 25 岁生日的时候没有生日礼物,没有蛋糕。所以“我”希望在自己过生日的时候能够与他分享蛋糕。a piece of不与present搭配。答案: A20. A.lightB. painC. sightD. tear解析: the light in his eyes 指他高兴的眼神。上文的 He was very happy是提示。答案: Am .阅读理解Have

21、you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure (奇遇)? Ridingthe train can be a real adventure.Thatis how I feel every time I take Amtrak.I oftentake a four-hour trip to visit my children.Every time I take this trip I never knowwhat will happen.Last week when I was on the train and over an

22、 hour into the train ride, therewas a man sitting by himself in the back of the train carrying on a mobile phone conversation - in another language.It was loud and disturbed most of the people on the train.I think it was annoying.Fortunately I sat next to a wonderful old lady who was taking a two-da

23、y trip by train.She said her two daughters were distraught at the thought of her driving for three days to reach her home, although she had no trouble driving.The train ridewasthe only choice for her.She loved to look out of the window and watch the world go by on the train.She was fun to talk to an

24、d asked me when my children started being parents.That is a very good question.Both of us are old and have children.She asked that same question from time to time.There are always many people on the train from all walks of life, differentcountries , and many languages.Riding the train is a great way

25、 to increase your knowledge and take in all kinds of cultures.If you get hungry, you can buy food inthe food car at any time.If you need to use the restroom there is always one available.It sure beats driving the car , which has to stop for food and restrooms.And it is better than taking the bus.语篇解

26、读本文中作者主要介绍了她的一次火车旅行经历以及她对火车旅行的看法: 坐火车要比乘公共汽车和开车好。1. According to the passage, thepurposeoftheauthor s trainride was.A.to do businessB.toseeher childrenC.to visit places of interestD.toseeher old friends解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第四句:I often take a four-hour trip to visit mychildren 可知,作者坐火车是去看望自己的孩子,故选 B项。答案: B2

27、 . Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word adistraught in Paragraph 3?A. Disappointed.B. Satisfied.C. Worried.D. Pleased.解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句话中的a wonderful old lady 和划线单词所在句子中的 her driving for three days to reach her home可知,尽管老太太能开车,但是她年龄比较大了,女儿们考虑到她要开三天车才能到家,还是非常担心,故选C项

28、。答案: C3 . Which of the following is TRUE about the old lady sitting next to the author?A. She is too old to drive now.B. She does not like to take trains.C. Although she is old , she has a good memory.D. Her daughters live far away from her home.解析: 细节判断题。根据第三段第一句中的was taking a two-day trip by train

29、和本段第二句中的 her driving for three days to reach her home可知,老太太的两个女儿住得离她家比较远:乘火车得两天,她开车得三天。答案: D4 In the author s opinion , on the train Amtrak.A the services are quite goodB the food is terribly expensiveC all the passengers are politeD all the passengers are American解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后两句可知,人们在火车上饿了可以买东西吃,去洗手间也不会遇到问题,由此可以推断作者对火车上的服务是满意的。答案:A5 What is the best title for this passage?A Train ride a cultural experienceB A painful experience on the trainC The history of AmtrakD A wonderful lady解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文中作者主要介绍了她的一次火车旅行经历及她对火车旅行的看法,故选 A 项。答案:A用心爱心专心- 6 -


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