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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟49剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟49Being responsibleCorporate social responsibilityComplete the text by putting ONE word in each gap. In 2006, Coca-Cola HBC published its Corporate Social Responsibility report, providing extensive data related to its compliance

2、 with international standards. The company 1 continually upgrading its commitments in four key areas: the marketplace, the workplace, the environment, and the community. Among the many areas of progress, the report notes 2 it is addressing concerns about climate change 3 acting to reduce its carbon

3、footprint. It has taken a leading role in developing responsible marketing regulations. 4 includes the development of a number of its own wellness products and 5 restrictions on the promotion of products to underage youngsters. The 2006 CSR report is 6 clearest illustration yet of how an industry me

4、mber is seeking to meet its goals for sustainability. 1.答案: is2.答案: that3.答案: by4.答案: This5.答案: also6.答案: the问题:7. Complete the table. Adjective Noun accountable accountability sustainable injustice poor environment committed involved respect benefit honest consideration答案: Adjective Noun accountabl

5、e accountability sustainable sustainability unjust injustice poor poverty environmental environment committed commitment involved involvement respectful (or respected) respect beneficial benefit honest honesty considerate considerationPronunciation问题:1. Check your pronunciation. Mark where the stres

6、s falls in each of the words in exercise 11. (You will find the rules in Unit 2 helpful.) Check for other rules on the answer page when you have finished the exercise. accountable accountability 答案:The general rule for words of three syllables or more is that the stress falls on the third syllable f

7、rom the end, except: with nouns that end -tion, and adjectives that end -ic, when the stress falls on the syllable before the final syllable; with nouns that end -ment, where the stress falls in the same place as the verb they are derived from. sustainable sustainability unjust injustice poor povert

8、y environmental environment committed commitment involved involvement respectful respect beneficial benefit honest honesty considerate consideration Formal meetingsPART ONEThink of a suitable phrase for each of the following situations in a meeting: Everyone is present and you want to start. OK. Sha

9、ll we start? 1. You want to know what points are going to be discussed. _ 答案: Whats on the agenda?2. You want to interrupt the person speaking to make a comment. _ 答案: Could I just interrupt?3. You want to stop (politely) another person interrupting you. _ 答案: Sorry, could I just finish?4. You want

10、to get on to the next point in the meeting. _ 答案: Can we move on?5. You think its time for a break. _ 答案:I think we should take a break / adjourn for coffee.6. You think that the discussion has got stuck on one point. _ 答案: Perhaps we can come back to this later.7. You want to praise someone for the

11、ir contribution. _ 答案: Thats a very good point.8. You want everyone to hurry up before the meeting ends. _ 答案: Were running a little short of time.9. You want another person to answer a question that has been directed at you. _ 答案: I think John is better placed to answer that.10. You want to conclud

12、e the meeting. _ 答案: OK Lets leave it there. / I think we should stop there. To sum up,.The following extract is taken from a discussion at a meeting on business ethics. Put the missing phrases into each gap. If I understand you correctly Thats a good point could I just finish I think Kate is better

13、 placed to answer that If I could just interrupt we should move on to the next item on the agenda Dean John, I think you had a point to make about mis-selling. John Yes, Id like to come in here. We have never had any written code of conduct for sales people; we have just assumed that. Sarah 11 , tha

14、ts not true, actually. We do have the handbook. John Sorry, Sarah, 12 ? We have a selling handbook, but we dont have any code of ethical conduct for salespeople and I think that a lot of them dont really know what the boundaries are in persuading customers to sign a contract with us. Dean 13 , John.

15、 OK, I think were all agreed on that now. Time is a little short and 14 . Thats the question of breach of confidence. Some customers have complained that we pass on information about them to other companies. Sarah, do you have a view on this? Sarah Actually, 15 . Shes responsible for the customer da

16、tabase and marketing. Kate Well, customers are always asked on the phone if they object to our giving their names to other companies for marketing purposes. If they are registering online then they have to tick a box to opt out of third-party marketing. Perhaps that is where the problem lies. Dean 1

17、6 , youre saying that an opt out may be unethical. that we should give them the chance to opt in, instead. Kate No, thats not really what I meant. I think. 11.答案: If I could just interrupt12.答案: could I just finish13.答案: Thats a good point14.答案: we should move on to the next item on the agenda15.答案:

18、 I think Kate is better placed to answer that16.答案: If I understand you correctlyReading Test: Part FourPART ONE Do Part Four of the Reading Test. Give yourself 10 minutes to complete the task. PART FOUR Read this article about ethical investments. Choose the correct word to fill each gap A, B, C or

19、 D. Ethical investing is just like any other type of investing, except that the company that invests the money for the consumer 1 not to use that money to fund certain activities or behaviour that are believed to be harmful to the environment or to people. This may mean, for example, that a fund man

20、agement company will not purchase shares in arms companies or firms that 2 harmful pesticides, or that a bank will not lend money to or otherwise 3 business for such companies. Financial companies that practise ethical investment may not focus 4 such negative criteria, but positive criteria instead,

21、 meaning they will 5 out businesses that benefit the environment or the community. The range in policies is sometimes labelled by colour: a light green company will 6 businesses whose actions or products are harmful to the environment, while a dark green company will actively look for envirofriendly

22、 or community-based businesses to invest in. An increasingly common term for ethical investing is socially responsible investing, or SRI. SRI focuses on the positive 7 than the negative, and instead of blacklisting entire industries, it prefers to pick the company within the industry that is 8 the m

23、ost to improve its business practices, and give that company encouragement in the form of investment. This positive reinforcement is seen as more likely to improve business practices 9 . Its important to remember that even though you may not directly invest your moneyie by buying sharesyou may be in

24、directly investing it via a mortgage, pension or savings account, and by investing ethically you can have a 10 in what sort of activities your money supports. 1.A.undertakesB.tellsC.threatensD.engages答案:A2.A.set upB.developC.innovateD.build答案:B3.A.nurtureB.raiseC.facilitateD.help答案:C4.A.aboutB.toC.onD.in答案:C5.A.seeB.seekC.setD.research答案:B6.A.preventB.deterC.missD.avoid答案:D7.A.ratherB.insteadC.furtherD.increasingly答案:A8.A.doingB.makingC.attemptingD.taking答案:A9.A.commonlyB.utterlyC.throughoutD.overall答案:D10.A.wordB.sayC.determinationD.argument答案:B 13 / 13


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