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1、给某报社写一封关于自然保护的信思考;要和学生交朋友,勇于承认并面对真实的自己;要关注生活,开阔视野,勤于学习,不断吸收时代的信息,与时俱进;对于教材倡导的教学活动,要在教学实践中进行探索和创新!此外,为了体现一种儿童文化,使教材能真正成为学生喜爱的朋友,让他们愿意于教材中的儿童对话,我们你文文静静,秀气美丽,课堂上总是眨巴着乌溜溜的眼睛专心地听讲,作业完成得认真又整洁,每次值日你都能有始有终,认真完成,老师真喜欢你。如果在课堂上积极举手发言,那你的思维会更加敏捷,口头表达能力会更加出色。勇敢些,相信你能行。题目:你是SAM,你在网上看到了一篇关于野生动物的报道.文章写到: 我国野生动物的数量在

2、不断减少,一些动物甚至濒临灭绝,主要有以下几个方面的愿意: 1 人们滥伐树木以修键房屋,导致一些动物没有了栖息地. 2 农民滥用农药,害死了一些动物 3 为了赚钱,人们滥杀一些珍稀野生动物 于是你打算给某报社写一封信, 寿命问题的严重性,并提出你认为行之有效的几点建议,呼吁人们都来保护野生动物: 1 不要乱砍滥伐,要保护环境 2 爱护动物,不去伤害他们 3 建立更多的自然保护区 要求:不逐条翻译 不少于80词 参考词:农药:pesticide 自然保护区:natural reserve 保护环境:protect the environment 开头: Dear Editor, In our c

3、ountry, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller. Some of them are even dying out._Dear Editor, In our country, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller. Some of them are even dying outThe dangerous methods we human being has taken are as follows: We have been cut

4、ting the trees to build houses, so the home of animals is intruded and they have to find new places to live. In this process, some of them died in the new environment. The abuse of pesticide has also been endangering the life of wild animals. In addition, in order to earn money, people have been kil

5、ling the rare wild animals. In that we have realized the threat of our behavior to our best friends, we should take actions to change such a condition by taking the following methods: We should protect the wild animal by protecting the environment that they live in and protect themselves, not to hurt them. At the same time, we should establish more natural reserves for the wild animals. I believe as long as work together to protect the wild animals, our life will be more and more comfortable.


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