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1、四年级英语(期中)听力部分I.听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)1far uncle 2.seat wait 3.bell wheel4.street straight 5.truck park 6.city sixty7.ride ready 8.dress dresser 9.eighty eighteen10.bicycle buyII.选出你所听到的问题的适当答语。(10分)( )1.A. Im fine. B. Im nineteen.( ) 2.A. Next the office. B. There is a street.( ) 3.A. He is reading a b

2、ook. B. He rides bike.( ) 4. A. Its sunny. B. It is the sun.( ) 5. October B. DeceberIII听录音,补句子.(10分)1. Lets football. No, I dont like football.2. Lets read a book. Thats a idea.3. dont we fly our kites? Thats a great idea.4. Why dont we a film?No, I dont like films.5. Lets go to the shop. No, thank

3、s. I dont want to buy silk.IV、选出你所听到的英语句子的正确译文。(10分) ( )A. 你到去哪里? B.你正在干什么? ( )A. 去图书馆读书。 B.去电影院看电影。 ( ) A.请跟我来。 B.请这边走。 ( ) A.需要帮忙吗? B.让我来帮你吧! ( ) A.我要买一件连衣裙。 B.连衣裙在哪里? 笔试部分一、 补全单词。(10分)1Dr ss 2. cl thes 3. m ket 4. b cy le 5. cl k 6. tr ck 7. classr m 8. o ice9. p rk 10. m ll 二、选择题。(10分)( )1. How

4、many can you see? A. apple B. cats C. dog( ) 2. are you ? Fine, thank you. A. What B. Where C. How( ) 3.What it? Its a restaurant. A. AM B. IS C. are( ) 4. Lets go to the liarbry to . A. watch a movie B. fly kites C. read a book( ) 5. Its July. The weather is . A. cold and snowy B. windy and cloudy

5、C. hot and sunny( ) 6. I need a new chain. Lets go to the . A. silk shop B. bicycle shop C. tea shop ( )7. Forty pius nineteen equals . A. fifty-nine B. forty-seven C. twenty-one( )8. Lets go . A. shop B. shopping C. city ( )9. What you doing ? A. are B. IS C. am ( )10. A.Where are you going? B. the

6、 office. A.To B. Go C. In三、情景对话。(10分)( )1. 当你邀请别人一快去打乒乓球时,你应说: A. I want to play ping-pong. B. Lets play ping-pong. C. You can play ping-pong.( )2.当你要打扰别人时,你应说: A. Thank you. B. Excuse me C. Sorry( ) 3. 当你想给别人指路时,你应说:A. I can show you. B. I can see you.C. I can work.4. 当你想知道别人去哪时,你问:A. Is that far f

7、rom here? B. Where are you going ?C. Do you have a map?5.当别人向你表示感谢时,你应说:A. Thank you . B. Thanks C. Youre welcome.四、连词成句。 1. go , library , to , the, Lets(.)_ 2. are , going , Where , you (?)_ 3. that , far from ,here , Is(?)_ 4. show , you , I , can(.)_ 5. clerk ,works, A , in , store ,a (.)_ 五、选择正

8、确的单词填入括号并在下面的横线上写出算式。(10分)Ten fifty-eight twelve Forty one hundred1. Thirteen plus _ equals twenty-five._ 2. _ plus eight equals forty-eight._ 3. Forty-five plus fifty-five equals_ _ 4. Twenty-four plus _ equals eight-two._ 5. Eight plus two equals_ _ 六、英汉互译。(10分)1Lets go shopping._2. What do you wa

9、nt to buy? _ 3. May I help you?_ 4. 让我们去体育馆打乒乓球吧! 5我想买冰淇淋。 四年级英语期中质量检测试题答案及评分标准听力部分(40分)一题:听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(此题读两遍,每小题1分)1.far 2.wait 3.bell 4.street 5.park6.city 7.ride 8.dress 9.eighty 10.bicycleII.选出你所听到的问题的适当答语。(此题读两遍,每小题2分)1. How old are you ? A2. Where is the library ? A3. What is he doing ? A4.

10、Hows the weather ? A5. Which month is the last month of the year ? B III听录音,补句子.(此题读两遍,每小题2分) 1.play 2.good 3.Why 4.see 5.silkIV、选出你所听到的英语句子的正确译文。1. Where are you going ? A2. Go to the library to read books. A3. Follow me. A4. Let me help you . B5. I want to buy a dress. A 笔试部分(60分)一题:1.dress 2.clot

11、hes 3.market 4.bicycle 5.cleck 6.truck 7.classroom 8.office 9.park 10.mall二题:选择题。(10分)1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.A三、情景对话。(10分)1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 四、连词成句。1.Lets go to the library.2.Where are you going ?3.Is that far from here?4.I can show you .5.A clerk works in a store.五、选择正确的单词填入括号并在下面的

12、横线上写出算式。(10分)1.twelve 13+12=252.forty 40+8=483.one hundred 45+55=1004.fifty-eight 24+58=825.ten 8+2=10六、英汉互译。(10分)1让我们去买东西吧2你想要买什么?3我能帮你吗?4Lets go to the gym to play ping-pong.5. I want to buy ice cream.试卷说明本次试题是紧紧围绕课本,用不同的题型来全方位的考察学生对前半学期知识的学习掌握情况,如单词,及重难点句型。这次的试题的难易程度适合学生作答,能提高加强学生学习英语的热情,同时也告诫我们作为教师在教学过程中把所学内容英语实践联系起来,学生能够灵活的运用才能提高英语的学习水平。同时我们还要加强学生的课外阅读,提高学生的课外自学应用能力。典型题型说明 本套试题难以程度适中,从不同角度对学生惊醒了考察。例如在第四大题中,我主要是想考察学生多数字的掌握情况,让学生先填出英语单词,再写出算式。第五大题是连词成句,主要是学生比较常用的句型,由此题来检查学生对前半学期的重点句型的装我情况。


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